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Everything posted by Ratam

  1. Accord Ozzy post he talk like is possible he back to his last show. I wish he soon recovery.
  2. Yeah, i just mean it tribute was deserved for anyone person but Berlusconi. I was wishing it not was real. Sadly was real.
  3. I wish KOHD was dedicate to Billy White Jr... please
  4. I be a dreamer... and need to foster hopes...
  5. On The Reppublica site said these Berlusconi "tribute" was "ironic". I hope it are true.
  6. Yes, at time the silence is healthy.
  7. At least Slash stay away of it horrible things.
  8. He should is away of politic field. Is a shame.
  9. I guess he not has idea. Berlusconi was similar an Maffia boss. 😣
  10. I just hope as it show is in Roman Circus, the journalists reviews don't throw to Axl to Lion's hole..
  11. I realize that Jerusalem Post interview is an old interview.
  12. I prefered the old red robe.... it is horrible
  13. Whlle our hope "new album" i find more funny it Loudwire article: Mick Jagger 6 year old son dancing during June 30 show Hyde Park. The video was posted on the GNR Reddit thread, according to one of the users. Was originaly shared by Sasha Volkova, she was in the VIP section with Melanie Hamrick mother of Jagger son. The video show Jagger son dancing during "Pretty tied Up".
  14. @axlslash finally you was right about Kat and Richard 👍
  15. The most appropiate song will be when they play November Rain.
  16. It thread show is quiet like Swissland is.
  17. Don't bother people, i be sure that Axl and Slash owls will release soon the next album ..
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