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  1. Not totally... but whenever I upload some Gn'R guitar cover (and some other artists as well not only Gn'R) on YouTube I get a copyright warning that the content is owned by UMG (Universal Music Group) and the video is de-monetized but it is not blocked (due to I'm not a content creator which if he/she does that it has video blocked and removed and get a copyright strike). So that is mainly the Record Label working... So I guess that the leaks being removed has to do with the record label and in conjunction with Gn'R camp also...
  2. Just to change the subject a little... I believe that these leaks are/were totally intentional, just like the "New Iphones images leaks" are to measure the general people reactions and make changes, every company does that. Gn'R is just like that. Gn'R camp leaked the song to calm down die hards, get their feedback, see their reactions and support to the songs and to piss the record label a little etc... I remember that someone questioned Fernando (or other Gn'R related person) why Gn'R music were taken down from YouTube and he said that they couldn't do nothing about it, which makes sense because there's a ton of videos from Rick Beato questioning these take down from many artists and they couldn't manage anything about it. So... I believe that the leaks are totally intentional...
  3. Maybe The General has the same approach/vibe as Breathe and Time from Pink Floyd. They're a bit weird, need more listening to them to like... I'm a little underwhelmed...
  4. You perfectly summed my thoughts up. I agree with you on Steven vs Matt. It is a matter of which song is being played.
  5. He is a good drummer and deserves respect. People throw the hate because their favorite drummer is not also on the boat...
  6. Actually, I even prefer Frank over Matt. Judge me.... What I don't like in Frank is his snare tone live... Kinda don't match with Gn'R...
  7. One question for you all... I've been listening the song on Tidal and it is clipping (distorting) in some points through out the song. I've already listened on headphones, ear buds and I have a quite good home studio and listening setup. In all of them I'm having the same result. I don't think it is Tidal because on YouTube the result is also the same.... Has anyone already figured it out?
  8. Many people complaining about the solo, but does someone remember My Michelle solo??? Same kind of shit... LoL
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