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Posts posted by Dannebac

  1. I would say go to bed but the fucking hermit would stay there for bastard years :rofl-lol:

    You get wrapped up warm Axl and get in the fucking studio to make GOAB the follow up to CD ya lazy fucking rock legend rock3

    What's GOAB? :xmasschef:

    GOAB = GET OFF AXLS BACK = the dude that wrote that shit

  2. The members of, and friends of EODM have 10 times as much industry clout as axl does.

    Dave Grohl is considered one of the most powerful men in music today.

    Axl should watch who he pisses off, he doesn't have the power he used to.

    so what? whats dave grohl gonna do? delay the cd?

  3. fuck yes! ive never seen them talked about here and i love them. ive got Monday Morning Apocalypse, Recreation Day and The Dark Discovery.

    good band. although it took me a while to get into them cause i couldnt find just one standout song to really like.


    yeah same here, I didnt like them at all first but then they opened for dark tranquillity and I was blown away

    they are awesome

  4. so who likes evergrey?

    swedish metal rock4

    nobody writes lyrics like them and they made one of the best covers ever with Im sorry rock3

    anyway if you dont know them and like good lyrics you check them up

    or I hurt adnan rock4

    I remember your voice and your dreams

    Your smile when you laughed

    And your pain when you screamed

    I'll follow your footsteps let them be my guide

  5. I heard that 75% of the money from supporters goes to pay the mods salaries. They get paid by commission for every thread they delete and member they unfairly warn. Madison must be a millionaire!

    thats why I aint a suporter

    I really do wanna help this comunity anyway I can but its against my belives to support a dictatorship

  6. And why isn't Kaneda banned?

    Oh and you can't ban Kaneda, he's a very good poster and offers a very good and informed opinion. (Although I may not agree with the opinion, I appreciate good debating skills)

    Exactly. Ha, you beat me to it.

    Anyway, I was curious, commented him on MySpace and all, and he doesn't seem to really know why he got banned either: "Well, started off in the NYC thread, told everyone 'bout how she got denied access to an afterparty or something of that sort, but was bitter toward Jarmo (HTGTH) about being let in. And, then she raised my warning to 50%. And, yesterday, I posted that there was a problem with Cherry n' Madison, which there is. And, log on after school, and bam, banned."

    But every story has more than one side. :book:

    thats already been posted

    and dont kill this thread

    we need AFs doped up way of thinking

    otherwise all thats left is to read adnads threads about movies that is awesome in his opinion

  7. why did this thread die? :huh:

    cmon people Let's sing a song together

    'cause we are all fucked up

    In a society of violence

    it's better to be locked up

    we wont take this, we're mad, we're here, we're queer, we don't want any more bears!

    keep the faith and remember, heroes never die rock4

  8. Just go somewhere else if you don't like it.

    No one's forcing you to post here. :huh:

    How the fuck does that relate to the topic..? :monkey:

    :rofl-lol: was thinking the same thing

    Everyone's butt-hurt because axlander was banned...

    If they don't like that he was banned, they should post somewhere else.

    If they don't want to post somewhere else, they should just shut up before they're put on a list. :huh:

    A list of those that need to be... punished. :ph34r:

    *cough, cough*

    No our asses arent hurt we are just protesting the fact that he was banned because he said something negative about madison..

    Is it that hard to figure out?

    "AF was banned for very good reasons. He had a 50% warning level when he was banned and was sent countless friendly PMs. but he ignored them.

    He was banned for dissing mygnr here and elsewhere and making up fake stories. He's also been warned for racist posts, attacking forum members and hijacking thread with off-topic nonsense."

    So if I diss mygnr somewhere I get banned.. damn then the number of registered users will be reduced by a nice number (those htgth cupcakes).. And since when was lying was forbidden in the internet or on these boards?


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