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Posts posted by Dannebac

  1. well they were pretty stupid if they thought they could use the naked ten year old as a cover

    I had her down as more of an 11 year old.

    sorry my mistake

  2. The idea of using a naked child is not a good idea but it will draw more attention than the usual covers t in a record shop. Any publicity is good publicity, sort of.

    I don't know.. being classifyed as pedofiles isnt something I would call good publicity

  3. :( I wanna go see Motley when they come here to Sweden so badly, but it's like on the other side of the country and I don't know how the fuck to get there. Guess I could take a bus or something, but I'm a cheap fuck so.....

    You mean sweden rock?

    only good bands this year...

  4. Hmm

    Quite a few, Top 3 would have to be.

    1. New GnR.......26th August 2002 , London , Docklands

    2. Megadeth......9th February 2005, London, Astoria

    3. W.A.S.P........5th November 2004, London, Astoria.

    I saw Megadeth 3 times in the Feb, but that was the best of the 3 dates.

    lucky bastard

  5. i guess they are a "daddy" band :P because my dad also likes them, i know a few songs, theyre pretty good, i should listen to them more.

    it was my dad who got me into them...

    he likes them more than me and I really like them...

    I don't think there are many guys over 40 who dosn't like them

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