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Status Updates posted by Dannebac

  1. you should know Im very fast sometimes

  2. well ok.... you're alittle better

  3. I'm no good, you're no better, wouldn't we be perfect together?

  4. its cheating puto <_< and dont be mad cause I beat you)(

  5. and aussie_axl, I would never call you a cunt.... you puto

  6. ok so Im in stockholm and Im really bored and not much have happened so I wont write more than this, you just have to wait til tonigt, miss you alot

  7. ohhh.... well good for you

  8. thank you dear sir

    and who might you be?

  9. and you talk to too many cunts

  10. well I am cute, thats true

  11. ok.... I dont know how to react to that

  12. first: I dont suck up to anyone <_< they suck up to me

    second: what does coy mean?

  13. what did my answer say?

  14. ahh you can add that to the list also

  15. I am all those things and more

  16. you shouldnt, cause you aint, but I was drunk, then anything works

  17. yes I know itss hard but Ibelive in you and that you'll make it through

  18. well I forgive you but you stil have to live with it for the rest of your life

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