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Posts posted by Dannebac

  1. oryt I get ya now ;)

    oryt? thats supposed to be alright?

    damn kids and thier freaky way of talking

    I agree completely, it's like " PWNED!!!1111" I think it's absolutely retarded, and shows sign of no life.

    yeah I know

    I fucking hate it

    it dont take long to write 'you' insted of 'u', or 'why' insted of 'y', etc

  2. he has made some great songs

    Summer Of 69,Heaven (Y)

    when i read "last post: krissirge" I thought you were gonna bash him so bad :lol:

    cool :heart:

    the old krissirge would have bashed him :cry:

    leave him like that!!!! I like kissirge the way he is :cry:

    no I want the old kissirge back

    he would never have listneed to limp bizkit and shit like that <_<

    I mean did he even mourn and cry when Jon Nödtveidt died?

    will he cut himself in respect on the death day of mayhems old singer 'Death'?

    if he sees a pig will he kill it with his mouth?

    I think not

    hes gone soft <_<

  3. he has made some great songs

    Summer Of 69,Heaven (Y)

    when i read "last post: krissirge" I thought you were gonna bash him so bad :lol:

    cool :heart:

    the old krissirge would have bashed him :cry:

  4. Australia.... Umm shit whats an Australian band you could consider "good"? :unsure:

    Powderfinger are probably the only Australian band I can stand or don't have a major moral problem with


    Anyways... In sweden. Nationalteatern, Eurpoe, Dissection, In Flames, Hel, Yngwie Malmsteen... Some songs with ABBA are great too!

    so 3 days ago you hadnt heard of dissection and now they are one of the best eh? :krider:

    Well we had a discussion if dissection was blackmetal or a mix of black and heavy metal for a month ago. I didn't say I haven't listen to them. I said I haven't seen How the singer in Crash Diet or Dissection looked like :P

    maybe thats how it was

    well fucking aweful to thnk crashdiets singer is the singer in dissection

    but since you got pretty good music taste I forgive you

  5. Australia.... Umm shit whats an Australian band you could consider "good"? :unsure:

    Powderfinger are probably the only Australian band I can stand or don't have a major moral problem with


    Anyways... In sweden. Nationalteatern, Eurpoe, Dissection, In Flames, Hel, Yngwie Malmsteen... Some songs with ABBA are great too!

    so 3 days ago you hadnt heard of dissection and now they are one of the best eh? :krider:

  6. yeah

    I got the 2 first albums rock4

    not that much maiden in them though

    maybe the guitars

    but you get bored of them pretty easily

    anway swedish metal is always the best rock4

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