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Status Updates posted by Dannebac

  1. hahaha argentina is loooooooooosing)(

  2. Take the souls I have damned

    Burn them in my name

    These are the burning times

    The years of pain

  3. guess you got me there.... you can call me anything you want... as long as its not rapunzel.... I will not accept that

  4. its paula... please dont hurt me/aww

    and dont call me cunt you cunt

  5. with lightsome heart i spied a rose

    so sweet and aglow on thorny tree

    and my false love did steal that rose

    and all she left me was but a thorn

  6. you know it aint so

  7. so can I stil add a comment here even though you are banned?

  8. Rip it up till the morning light

    All these worries out of sight

    Nothing left to pay the rent

    End up broke all money’s spent

  9. Moralising words now and then

    Fetch the rope I’ll watch you hang

  10. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej kusin

  11. oh karma will kill you for this..... or make you really fat

  12. yeah but if you wouldnt have had those fucking widnwos open you could have read and I could have pasted and it all would have been a fairytale ending

  13. haha and it was you who made it go away

    and it should have been my cool pasted lyrics on msn not yours dry

  14. honestly..... Im not really sure ´what you are talking about.... I know leaves eye, never heard of the other band

  15. where are they from?

  16. Möteley piss on tool anyday

  17. ah dude...

    sometimes you got so good musictaste and then you start to listen to tool.... its a sad day indeed

  18. whos the right guy in the sig?

  19. eh... no its not wrong to ask

    I mean what is it best for? band name? tattoo? something just to kill time?

  20. leaves eyes

    but not sure what you want it for

  21. Through rain and through storms, through darkness

    and cold

    Like a wind our faith moves us on

    Through rain and through storms, through darkness

    and cold

    Like a wind our faith moves us on

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