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Isn't that just like a wop? Brings a knife to a gun fight.
I want you to get this fuck where he breathes! I want you to find this nancy-boy Eliot Ness, I want him DEAD! I want his family DEAD! I want his house burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna PISS ON HIS ASHES!

Two of the greatest quotes in any movie ever! (Of course in context. It's not just the words, but they way they're said and the scene as a whole.)

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I picked up M,the Criterion Blu-Ray release.

Beautiful..just the best I've ever seen it.

Quite happy to have this particular print in my collection.

Nice. That's a great film.

I re-watched Blade Runner for the third time last night. It just gets better every time I see it.

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Isn't that just like a wop? Brings a knife to a gun fight.
I want you to get this fuck where he breathes! I want you to find this nancy-boy Eliot Ness, I want him DEAD! I want his family DEAD! I want his house burned to the GROUND! I wanna go there in the middle of the night and I wanna PISS ON HIS ASHES!

Two of the greatest quotes in any movie ever! (Of course in context. It's not just the words, but they way they're said and the scene as a whole.)

Yeah, those two performances were the only things worthwhile in this movie. Sadly, De Niro had only 5 minutes of screentime.

I laughed so hard at this wimpy accountant who suddenly turns into Rambo and kills everyone at the bridge. Or the way Andy Garcia holds that baby buggy with one hand, while aiming at the mafia dude with the other, with the same facial expression everytime we see him. :lol:

Or before that scene, where Costner looks frantically from the woman with the baby to the entry for minutes... I guess that should have built up anticipation? The music killed the whole atmosphere, so did Costners acting.

The only pulsating scene was before Connery got killed, when the camera followed him. Other than that, no thanks. :shrugs:

Oh, just so you know, I liked Snatch... Not more, not less. :)

Edited by Spoon87
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Is it just me that doesn't see what's so special about Robert DeNiro?

I'm not saying he's a bad actor, but I don't get the "greatest of his generation" thing.

Above average at best and one of the most uninteresting personalities I've come across in interviews,etc. imo.

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Is it just me that doesn't see what's so special about Robert DeNiro?

I'm not saying he's a bad actor, but I don't get the "greatest of his generation" thing.

Above average at best and one of the most uninteresting personalities I've come across in interviews,etc. imo.

It's just you.

It pains to see him in stuff like "Meet the Fockers" etc.

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Is it just me that doesn't see what's so special about Robert DeNiro?

I'm not saying he's a bad actor, but I don't get the "greatest of his generation" thing.

Above average at best and one of the most uninteresting personalities I've come across in interviews,etc. imo.

When he was great, he was great (not the best of that generation though). But he's been such a useless whore for so long, he has damaged his reputation. Though he did win a few points back with his speech at the Golden Globes this year. :lol:

Lith, he's good in Jackie Brown and uncharacteristically animated in Machete.

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Is it just me that doesn't see what's so special about Robert DeNiro?

I'm not saying he's a bad actor, but I don't get the "greatest of his generation" thing.

Above average at best and one of the most uninteresting personalities I've come across in interviews,etc. imo.

When he was great, he was great (not the best of that generation though). But he's been such a useless whore for so long, he has damaged his reputation. Though he did win a few points back with his speech at the Golden Globes this year. :lol:

Lith, he's good in Jackie Brown and uncharacteristically animated in Machete.

Who do you think the best of that generation was, and why?

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Is it just me that doesn't see what's so special about Robert DeNiro?

I'm not saying he's a bad actor, but I don't get the "greatest of his generation" thing.

Above average at best and one of the most uninteresting personalities I've come across in interviews,etc. imo.

When he was great, he was great (not the best of that generation though). But he's been such a useless whore for so long, he has damaged his reputation. Though he did win a few points back with his speech at the Golden Globes this year. :lol:

Lith, he's good in Jackie Brown and uncharacteristically animated in Machete.

Who do you think the best of that generation was, and why?

Of the major 70s actors, Pacino (even though he's as much of a useless whore as De Niro nowadays, only louder), Hackman and Hoffman. Then De Niro and Nicholson, but I would much rather watch Nicholson, loose cannons are always more fun. They're all in the same league, so the why is pure personal taste.

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Pacino was the best of that generation. Angelica, Pacino was good recently in You Don't Know Jack.

I know, it was amazing, he suddenly remembered how to act without shouting. You know who's really underrated as an actor from that period. Beatty. He was the shit, Bonnie & Clyde, McCabe & Mrs Miller, Parallax View, Shampoo, etc.

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Pacino was the best of that generation. Angelica, Pacino was good recently in You Don't Know Jack.

I know, it was amazing, he suddenly remembered how to act without shouting. You know who's really underrated as an actor from that period. Beatty. He was the shit, Bonnie & Clyde, McCabe & Mrs Miller, Parallax View, Shampoo, etc.

He's a little older, but I'd add Robert Duvall to the list.

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Of the major 70s actors, Pacino (even though he's as much of a useless whore as De Niro nowadays, only louder),

He's so incredibly charismatic he can get away with anything. And I think his post-1990 style has worked very well in some movies (especially Heat and The Devils Advocate)

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Of the major 70s actors, Pacino (even though he's as much of a useless whore as De Niro nowadays, only louder),

He's so incredibly charismatic he can get away with anything. And I think his post-1990 style has worked very well in some movies (especially Heat and The Devils Advocate)

Yeah, for some reason people like to give him/the movie Scent of a Woman shit, but I think it's a great movie and performance.

Maybe it's because some people don't think he should've got the Oscar for it, but it's very rewatchable and I think he's great in it. DeNiro could never pull off that role and still be likable in the end imo. Not to mention the great speech at the end.

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I am I very drunk or do y'all have the same avatar? :unsure:


you're just drunk,

fyi , that avatar is my face, lol

Why is your face everyone's avatar? Is this a cult now? And you're the leader? Nananananananana...leader! (I'm the highly suggestible type).

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The Class was pretty good. I've decided I'm only going to watch European films for some time, and would appreciate any recommendations.

Persona, L'Avventura, The Conformist, Exterminating Angel, A Band Apart, Breathless, The 400 Blows, Two or Three Things I Know About Her, The Double Life of Veronique, Rules of the Game, The Passenger, Les Enfants Du Paradis, Shoot the Piano Player, The Umbrellas of Cherbourg, That Obscure Object of Desire, Celine & Julie Go Boating, The Leopard, Betty Blue, 8 1/2, The Lives of Others, Let the Right One In, La Belle et Le Bete, Bicycle Thieves, Boudu Saved From Drowning, City of Lost Children, La Strada...er, I'll be quiet now! :lol:

Edited by Angelica
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