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Just watched "A Serious Man" by the Coen Brothers. Holy shit was that a mindfuck. I'm still reeling and trying to make sense of it. It needs to be watched again. Anyone else seen it? Easily one of the more intriguing Coen brothers films, and thats saying something.

"Sy Ableman????"

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I make it a habit to watch all movies nominated for Oscar every year. Some of them I absolutely hate from the first 10 minutes, but I torture myself to always watch them till the end. A Serious Man was one of them. That's me at the end of the movie. -> :huh: Didn't get a thing.

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I make it a habit to watch all movies nominated for Oscar every year. Some of them I absolutely hate from the first 10 minutes, but I torture myself to always watch them till the end. A Serious Man was one of them. That's me at the end of the movie. -> :huh: Didn't get a thing.

That flick certainly isnt for anyone. I simply couldnt turn away from the misfortune that was happening to the main character and his struggle for meaning behind it.

"Sy Abelman?!?!" so much good dark humor too.

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Just watched "A Serious Man" by the Coen Brothers. Holy shit was that a mindfuck. I'm still reeling and trying to make sense of it. It needs to be watched again. Anyone else seen it? Easily one of the more intriguing Coen brothers films, and thats saying something.

I agree with everything in this post.

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I couldn't stop laughing at "The Bourne Identity".

Matt Damon's such a horrible, wooden actor, some of the dialogues were just laughable, too, and it had no suspense at all.

Only plus was Franka Potente until she cut her hair.

Edited by Spoon87
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My cousin (who's 3) was over on the weekend, so I found Toy Story on VHS... totally forgot we had that... Great movie, haha

I re-watched The Brave starring Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando for the first time in a while. It's a great film, but I don't think I'll see it again in a long time. The whole mood is all creepy and uncomfortable.

Heard good things about that movie, downloaded it a while ago, but I didn't really like it... Meh...

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So I read this article this morning in wich Mark Wahlberg said he spent more money training for The Fighter than he got paid: “I spent more money paying my trainers and having them travel with me than I got paid, by a good half a million dollars."

It really shocked me me. :blink: Do you think it could be real? Cause that would be some serious dedication.

Edited by -Laura-
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So I read this article this morning in wich Mark Wahlberg said he spent more money training for The Fighter than he got paid: “I spent more money paying my trainers and having them travel with me than I got paid, by a good half a million dollars."

It really shocked me me. :blink: Do you think it could be real? Cause that would be some serious dedication.


Christian Bale lost 63 pounds to play in The Machinist, and then gained 100 pounds to play Batman. But when the filming was about to begin he found out that he gained more weight than he actually had to.

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I couldn't stop laughing at "The Bourne Identity".

Matt Damon's such a horrible, wooden actor, some of the dialogues were just laughable, too, and it had no suspense at all.

Only plus was Franka Potente until she cut her hair.

As far its genre goes, the Bourne trilogy I thought pretty much ruled. There's not much that I can remember that I can fault it. Damon? Well the role didn't require much acting I guess, the point is you're a machine and how do you cope when you've been labeled redundant. You use your programming against the threat but you're still a machine. It wasn't a 'character' movies anyway. I don't know, I saw them all in 2 days I think, a few years ago, I thought they were 3 of the best action movies I've ever seen, they just worked. :shrugs:

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As I'm ill and finished all the novels I had taken out a few days ago today <_<, I watched The Aerial, Metropolis and The City of Lost Children again, which I thought were as quaint and adorable as I expected them to be, and then also watched Tideland, which I've been meaning to do for a while now and only found the time to do this afternoon, and which I would tell anyone is definitely worth the two hours it takes to get through. Terry Gilliam himself describes it to perfection in the introduction to the film. Of the few people who don't find the premise too alienating to watch, a few of them will end up loathing it, a few of them will end up adoring it, and most of them will end up not quite knowing what to think, but all of them will end up thinking about it, which is all the advertisement a film needs. ^_^

Anyway, I have a few more hours this evening to waste and obviously have an attraction to quirky fantasy and speculative fiction films, and actually any other films that are frequently a tad disarraying. I would appreciate hearing about anything of the kind that anyone here thinks might be worth a watch.

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I couldn't stop laughing at "The Bourne Identity".

Matt Damon's such a horrible, wooden actor, some of the dialogues were just laughable, too, and it had no suspense at all.

Only plus was Franka Potente until she cut her hair.

he was playing a programed CIA agent, so he had to be robotic. in the third movie they go into it more, but basically they trained/programed him to kill without thinking. the movies just go through his transition from "robot" to human

i think he's a great actor and the bourne movies have surpassed the recent bond movies(quantum of solace seemed to be a bad version of a bourne movie IMO)

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I couldn't stop laughing at "The Bourne Identity".

Matt Damon's such a horrible, wooden actor, some of the dialogues were just laughable, too, and it had no suspense at all.

Only plus was Franka Potente until she cut her hair.

he was playing a programed CIA agent, so he had to be robotic. in the third movie they go into it more, but basically they trained/programed him to kill without thinking. the movies just go through his transition from "robot" to human

i think he's a great actor and the bourne movies have surpassed the recent bond movies(quantum of solace seemed to be a bad version of a bourne movie IMO)

I agree, except I thought Casino Royale was amazing, Quantum... wasn't.

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Watched Point Break for the first time today. I've gained a new found appreciation for Homan's sig (and Ronald Reagan)

The movie kind of reminds me of the '01 Baltimore Ravens. Great surrounding cast for an action move, and then you have Keanu Reeves (whose job is to just not fuck it up).

Has anyone seen Tron yet? Not really expecting much out of the plot, just some damn good visuals and a killer soundtrack. Counting the days to Black Swan.

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I re-watched The Brave starring Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando for the first time in a while. It's a great film, but I don't think I'll see it again in a long time. The whole mood is all creepy and uncomfortable.

It's a misfire, a real misfire. There's got to be something dead about a film if it stars those two and can't even get a commercial dvd release. Part of the problem is that Johnny Depp directed it with the energy and skill of an amateur, and consequently, it looks like it belongs on some obscure television channel as some forgotten movie of the week.

Brando's one scene is clouded by the fact that he's just making up dialog. There's even a moment when Marlon realizes he's rambling and makes the character cry as some kind of transition, but it just makes him look like a spaced out actor.

I can't fault Johnny. It's certainly a powerful story, but the original novella was very different and purer. Perhaps the most interesting story that orbits The Brave, even more interesting than the actual book, is the history of the film's production. Before Depp made it, it was shepherded by a middle eastern producer who begged, borrowed and stole to try and get the movie made. He wanted to make The Brave so bad that he lost his mind and lost his family, and after he lost his family, he went out and killed them before killing himself.


His life was trying to make that creepy movie, and in the process, it consumed him to the point of murder. I consider the whole story of this guy to be very interesting.

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