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Just finished watching the first season of Breaking Bad. Does anyone watch this? I'm impressed. I absolutely loved it. :wub:

Totally agree with you, it's amazing. Took me a while to get used to Hal from Malcolm in the Middle in such a different role but I absolutely loved every second of all three seasons.

I'm watching it too and love it. Halfway through season 2 but I agree with you Dazed, took me a while to get used to Bryan Cranston playing such a different role.

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Just finished watching the first season of Breaking Bad. Does anyone watch this? I'm impressed. I absolutely loved it. :wub:

Totally agree with you, it's amazing. Took me a while to get used to Hal from Malcolm in the Middle in such a different role but I absolutely loved every second of all three seasons.

I'm watching it too and love it. Halfway through season 2 but I agree with you Dazed, took me a while to get used to Bryan Cranston playing such a different role.

I love it when I discover a hidden gem of a show that's already in its second or third season as this was for me. I'm really impatient when it comes to waiting for the next episode so when I've got three full seasons ready to watch I'm like a kid in a sweetshop.

Same as, finished watching first 6 Seasons of House about two weeks ago and decided to give Breaking Bad a chance as I had heard good things and now I cant stop watching.

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Guest Sleeping Like An Angel

Saw the Kings Speech tonight and really enjoyed it :)

Can't decide whether I'll bother going to see Black Swan or not.

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Guest Sleeping Like An Angel

Saw the Kings Speech tonight and really enjoyed it :)

Can't decide whether I'll bother going to see Black Swan or not.

OOO I wanted to see that.

Started watching Black Swan and didn't even make it ten mins. I didn't even bother with forwarding to see the lesbian stuff.

Hmmm the more I hear the less interested I get on it.

Kings Speech is worth the effort.

Opinions on "The Road to Perdition"? Worth a watch?

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Guest Sleeping Like An Angel

Enjoy mm. Let me know what you think of it

Opinions on "The Road to Perdition"? Worth a watch?

Is that the one with Tom Hanks and Jude Law? if it is watch it now, its really good.

Thats the one thanks I'm going to give it a go.

Could anyone recommend me a good creepy film? Not all gore and guts though.

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Seriously, Black Swan to me is overrated.

The best way i can explain it is like The Expendables for chicks.

That doesn't make any sense.

Neither of those sentences do.


Let me try to explain.... From reviews to friends all i heard was Black Swan was a great movie. It was okay, but i thought that movies like the The Kings Speech, The Fighter, and True Grit blew it out the water. I even saw Black Swan a second time to see if i missed anything, i didn't.

And i compare it to The Expendables because it was totally what most girls i know would want in a movie... The ballet/dance stuff, the mother daughter drama, all the cat fight stuff, the pressure of a young lady getting older in a competitive field like dancing, the all-star cast of portman/kunis/and cameo of winona rider, the stressed out craziness Portman was going through, etc... To me those are the makings of a movie which most chicks i know would love to see in a movie, where as in The Expendables, the explosions, action scenes, all star action hero cast is what every self respecting dude wants to see.

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Seriously, Black Swan to me is overrated.

The best way i can explain it is like The Expendables for chicks.

That doesn't make any sense.

Neither of those sentences do.


Let me try to explain.... From reviews to friends all i heard was Black Swan was a great movie. It was okay, but i thought that movies like the The Kings Speech, The Fighter, and True Grit blew it out the water. I even saw Black Swan a second time to see if i missed anything, i didn't.

And i compare it to The Expendables because it was totally what most girls i know would want in a movie... The ballet/dance stuff, the mother daughter drama, all the cat fight stuff, the pressure of a young lady getting older in a competitive field like dancing, the cast of portman.kunis/and cameo of winona rider, the stressed out craziness Portman was going through, etc... To me those are the makings of a movie which most chicks i know would love to see in a movie, where as in The Expendables, the explosions, action scenes, all star action hero cast is what every self respecting dude wants to see.

That's funny, because I'm a self respecting dude and I never made it through the first ten minutes of The Expendables. I remember Dolph Lundgren shot a guy with a gun that not only blew him in half, but sent his torso and digital blood across the other side of the room. That's when I realized you needed a lobotomy and a serious cache of verisimilitude to view this movie.

On the flip side of the coin, I have no interest in Black Swan. Read enough Magical Realist novels in college to satisfy my taste for that genre. & the more people praise Black Swan, the more I just want it to go away so I can ignore it.

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That's funny, because I'm a self respecting dude and I never made it through the first ten minutes of The Expendables. I remember Dolph Lundgren shot a guy with a gun that not only blew him in half, but sent his torso and digital blood across the other side of the room. That's when I realized you needed a lobotomy and a serious cache of verisimilitude to view this movie.

On the flip side of the coin, I have no interest in Black Swan. Read enough Magical Realist novels in college to satisfy my taste for that genre. & the more people praise Black Swan, the more I just want it to go away so I can ignore it.

Ummmmm yea, you took me serious about the "self respecting dude" comment.... Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

The Expendables was just a great big movie where dudes were like "lets blow shit up!" Im not saying it was an amazing movie by any stretch of the imagination, just awesome mindless entertainment. The type of movie you go with your friends to see, and kill a bunch of beers. I question anybody who saw The Expendables expecting some type of serious cinema.

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It was like a homage to every other action movie. I enjoyed it but was a little disappointed by the cameos of Arnie and Bruce, like I was expecting them all to be fully involved. It was real a Sly, Statham, Jet Li movie. Where were you? Getting my ass kicked!

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I wasn't expecting it to be serious. Speed isn't a movie I take seriously, but I can forget about that because it's engaging and entertaining in a way an action movie should be.

The Expendables bordered on farce; like it was consciously trying to be an action movie and make fun of one at the same time. Jason Statham getting a text from his girlfriend in the middle of a firefight?

Silly to the point of insulting ones intelligence.

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I wasn't expecting it to be serious. Speed isn't a movie I take seriously, but I can forget about that because it's engaging and entertaining in a way an action movie should be.

The Expendables bordered on farce; like it was consciously trying to be an action movie and make fun of one at the same time. Jason Statham getting a text from his girlfriend in the middle of a firefight?

Silly to the point of insulting ones intelligence.

Sir, I respect your opinions.

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I was expecting Expendables to be this big unreconstrcuted action movie with every action hero ever bring his A game. But it was more of a self-reflective action- comedy. In fact the A Team remake was better. But still I'll watch Expendables on dvd and probably see it about 5 more times on tv.

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I was expecting Expendables to be this big unreconstrcuted action movie with every action hero ever bring his A game. But it was more of a self-reflective action- comedy. In fact the A Team remake was better. But still I'll watch Expendables on dvd and probably see it about 5 more times on tv.

Yea, there was too much going on for them to concentrate on a sturdier story line. I still really enjoyed it. I think the sequel will be rad.

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I was expecting Expendables to be this big unreconstrcuted action movie with every action hero ever bring his A game. But it was more of a self-reflective action- comedy. In fact the A Team remake was better. But still I'll watch Expendables on dvd and probably see it about 5 more times on tv.

Yea, there was too much going on for them to concentrate on a sturdier story line. I still really enjoyed it. I think the sequel will be rad.

I think the idea is that it's a B-movie serial type thing. It could almost be a tv series like the A-team. It's the most cliched action movie story line ever. Flying into a dictatorship to save the day. But he basically did it for that chick. I knew as soon as Mickey rode into the garage on a Harley they were doing a spoof. Like Cop Out really, which supposedly everyone hated but was Smith's highest grossing movie. I think these movies are made for the dvd market. Predators was another one, doesn't make up to past glories but was entertaining enough. Expendables, A-Team, Predators - that wasn't a bad week. at least I left the house.

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I was expecting Expendables to be this big unreconstrcuted action movie with every action hero ever bring his A game. But it was more of a self-reflective action- comedy. In fact the A Team remake was better. But still I'll watch Expendables on dvd and probably see it about 5 more times on tv.

Yea, there was too much going on for them to concentrate on a sturdier story line. I still really enjoyed it. I think the sequel will be rad.

I think the idea is that it's a B-movie serial type thing. It could almost be a tv series like the A-team. It's the most cliched action movie story line ever. Flying into a dictatorship to save the day. But he basically did it for that chick. I knew as soon as Mickey rode into the garage on a Harley they were doing a spoof. Like Cop Out really, which supposedly everyone hated but was Smith's highest grossing movie. I think these movies are made for the dvd market. Predators was another one, doesn't make up to past glories but was entertaining enough. Expendables, A-Team, Predators - that wasn't a bad week. at least I left the house.

This part is so fucking awesome.

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Oh, it's just the GREATEST MONOLOGUE EVER!!! It's Mickey Rourke's monologue.

Oh yeah, that was pretty deep. I thought his character was the only one with depth. Like I said I'll re-watch it. It's a bit overloaded with stuff but it's never boring. I can see the Mickey character coming into it more in Ex2. He's kind of sitting it out but I can see him coming off the bench.

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