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Two days after re-watching TWBB, I still can't get Daniel Plainview out of my head. He's such an intriguing character.

Everything Daniel Day-Lewis does in the film is so awesome. The intense "milkshake" scenes got a lot of discussion, but even just watching him address the townspeople with his "I'm an oilman" speeches is absolutely fantastic. His false charm and magnetism leave you in no doubt about why he's become such a powerful businessman. I also loved the scenes around the campfire with Kevin O'Connor.

And the really great thing is that the film makers don't spoon-feed you an explanation for his behavior. There are a few clues about his father and his family relationships revealed in the scenes with O'Connor, but ultimately it's left up to you to ponder what made this immensely powerful and bizarre creature tick.

Did he ever love his adopted son, or was it just a ruse right from the start to sell his family man/family business ethos to land owners? Why did he despise Eli and the church with such passion? Was he always evil, or did greed and paranoia just overtake him completely?

In my opinion, he did love the kid, but at the same time he viewed this love as a weakness in himself. He hated that he could become emotionally attached to another person when he prided himself on being fiercely independent and having contempt for everyone around him. When the kid lost his hearing it became even worse, because he now loved something that was flawed, that wasn't perfect, and that he couldn't fix. His response was to send the kid away to rid himself of this perceived weakness, but the guilt, another emotion he thought was beneath him, clawed away at him and was partially responsible for sending him over the edge.

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Watched The Good German last night. Have no idea what the hell was going on. I think George was a spy or maybe his hooker friend was. I liked the way it looked and it seemed like there was something interesting going on but I couldn't work it out. Then it ended.

Going to see Dark Knight soon. Anything could happen!

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Why is the Good German, erm, good?

Good performances, interesting retro re-make feel.

It felt like I was watching Casablanca the remake - which I enjoyed.

I didn't really get what the revelation was?

She killed 12 people to survive?

Obviously I watched it because I thought I would like it, so I enjoyed it in terms of style but somehow I never really got into it and thought this is great.

Woe is me, these are the trials and tribulations of a dvd watcher in the 21st Century.

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Guest Satanisk_Slakt
Going to see Dark Knight soon. Anything could happen!

I am watching it right now, and I can tell you that it is very overrated. It isn't the best movie ever. It's not bad, but it isn't on top 100 over best movies ever.

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Going to see Dark Knight soon. Anything could happen!

I am watching it right now, and I can tell you that it is very overrated. It isn't the best movie ever. It's not bad, but it isn't on top 100 over best movies ever.

It's far from the best movie ever but it is a good and entertaining movie. Heath Ledger's performance as The Joker is worldclass though.

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Why is the Good German, erm, good?

Good performances, interesting retro re-make feel.

It felt like I was watching Casablanca the remake - which I enjoyed.

It was widely loathed because a lot of people considered it to be almost mocking Casablanca. Which I can see, and it's part of why it works so well for me. Not that I don't love Casablanca, but I love profound cynicism more.

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Finished up Season 1 of Angel.

Aren't the Faith eps just too awesome? :wub:

TWBB was the best film of last year, beyond brilliant. The Good German is very good, too.

I loved those episodes.

The Faith One's, The Halloween meets Excorist episode, and The Last one were excellent.

I can't decide who's hotter now Faith or Buffy. :wub:

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Finished up Season 1 of Angel.

Aren't the Faith eps just too awesome? :wub:

TWBB was the best film of last year, beyond brilliant. The Good German is very good, too.

I loved those episodes.

The Faith One's, The Halloween meets Excorist episode, and The Last one were excellent.

I can't decide who's hotter now Faith or Buffy. :wub:

I am such a raging lesbian for Eliza Dushku! Have you seen Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back? :wub: :wub: :wub: *swoon*

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I saw The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford yesterday. Great movie, loved the part when Nick Cave was singing in the bar :rofl-lol:

Just saw this, pretty good movie. Slow in parts, long, but overall I give it 2 thumbs up.

I can watch Sam Rockwell in anything, he's great.

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Finished up Season 1 of Angel.

Aren't the Faith eps just too awesome? :wub:

TWBB was the best film of last year, beyond brilliant. The Good German is very good, too.

I loved those episodes.

The Faith One's, The Halloween meets Excorist episode, and The Last one were excellent.

I can't decide who's hotter now Faith or Buffy. :wub:

I am such a raging lesbian for Eliza Dushku! Have you seen Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back? :wub: :wub: :wub: *swoon*

Yes, I actually watched JSBSB after I watched Buffy and yelled out during the movie "Holy shit it's Faith!"

Speaking of Eliza, you hear about Joss doing a show called Dollhouse staring her? It sounds promising.

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Why is the Good German, erm, good?

Good performances, interesting retro re-make feel.

It felt like I was watching Casablanca the remake - which I enjoyed.

It was widely loathed because a lot of people considered it to be almost mocking Casablanca. Which I can see, and it's part of why it works so well for me. Not that I don't love Casablanca, but I love profound cynicism more.

This might be it I might have missed that it was meant to be humorous. I had a problem with the story, in terms of finding one. But if the idea is that Clooney is the like Schindler trying to be a great guy and help everyone and he keeps getting fucked. Then that's a kind of comedy. There's a scene where Clooney looks like he knows everything and has this really dumb look on his face but as the guy talks he realises he knows nothing.

I sort of can start to see what I'm missing. Like he's trying to help but he gets the shit kicked out of him by Toby. And he's trying to help Cate out but she's just got 12 innocent people killed to save her ass and she's a nazi - I really had a problem working out who was who, and what the hell was going on!

I nodded off at the end but it seemed like the ending of Casablanca but completely cynical. Maybe it was that line about killing 12 people.

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The guy who plays Frank Sobotka in The Wire is a fucking marvelous actor.

The Ziggy guy was good too. I really liked that season. I don't know his name but that guy who looks like Gene Hackham is hilarious.

Just got Generation Kill which said by those that brought you The Wire on the box. Get some.

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The guy who plays Frank Sobotka in The Wire is a fucking marvelous actor.

Yeah, he's pretty awesome. I assume you just saw the part where he's yelling to the Police about his Union? That was intense.

Damn right! When he threw those darts... damn what a freat actor. I'm suprised he doesn't have more and bigger roles in cinema.

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Speaking of Eliza, you hear about Joss doing a show called Dollhouse staring her? It sounds promising.

Good news - Joss + Eliza = Awesome.

Bad news - It's for Fox, so it probably won't last long. :(

Joss, should really try to get on FX or HBO.

I really hope the show doesn't get the AD treatment either.

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