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My cover of If The World

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Better than I thought it would be, I liked it. I'd add some slight reverb to the drum beat, maybe put a compressor on it to bring out the kick also. It just sounds so much like a crappy loop, if you tweak it a bit you can bring some life to it. It'd sound even cooler with some bass thrown in there too. Good job with it, man.

Ah, good tips, I shall do that for my next recording of New Song #2. As mentioned, I recorded the drums, piano and lead vocals in one take simultaneously, and built from there, so the sound isn't as good as it could've been.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to say I am pleased that most people seemed to enjoy it!

I'm now working on New Song #2/Prostitute and spend a few mins just now putting the guide track down. I will try to make it sound better than the ITW-cover, so I will record each part on its own.

Here's a small sample though probably nothing of it will remain in the final version:


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  • 2 weeks later...
Nice work mate! Got your own twist on it and it's nice to hear it in a different style! What's the chords BTW? :D

The chords are C#m, B, F# throughout the entire song. I simplified it, and put it a half step lower than the original, since it was reeeeaallly hard nailing the falsetto in the original key.

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Very well done! I would turn down the echo on the vox, but really awesome cover.

Ah, there aren't any effects on the vocals whatsoever, it's just several vocal layers. And I think I accidently left the guide track, so there's two similiar lead voice tracks going on at once which makes it sound more echo-ish.

I will keep that in mind when working on Prostitute.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Where is prostitute? i want it!

Hopefully, I'll have it done by tomorrow. I've made a shorter, re-arranged version, since I record all the parts in one take and making it too long would be kind of boring.

I have vocals and guitar and drums to add before I'm done.

we are waiting :P

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Guest Satanisk_Slakt

Not my thing really... But when we're talking about CD-covers, I remember a really fucking great cover someone made of IRS... I don't know when. Must have been almost two years ago. I still have it somewhere. I'll try to find it and upload it.


Ah, I found it. Sound like a young man who have just got to the age when one's voice changes.


Still don't know who it was however.

Edited by Satanisk_Slakt
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Where is prostitute? i want it!

Hopefully, I'll have it done by tomorrow. I've made a shorter, re-arranged version, since I record all the parts in one take and making it too long would be kind of boring.

I have vocals and guitar and drums to add before I'm done.

we are waiting :P

Sorry, I had to redo the instruments for Prostitute. I just couldn't handle the original key. :rofl-lol:

After my voice cracked for the tenth time trying to sing the "Ask yourself what I would dooo..." parts I decided it'd be best for me and everyone who's gonna listen to it if I'd sing it in a lower key.

So the instruments are nearly done, just need to sing the damn thing.

And I've also been working on This I Love a bit, so I'll see if I can record that as well. Shame I'm such a bad piano player.

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