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What bands do you absoulutely hate?


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Maybe it is because MCR sucks terribly. Their sound is just as bland as Nickelback. They bring nothing that hasn't been done before, and they sound annoying. That's why people hate them.
They bring nothing that hasn't been done before
posting on a Guns N' Roses forum


Edited by Superfuzz
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Honestly, if I had to choose one band I hate, it'd probably be Guns.

I mean, I love the music and I always will, but as a 'band' this thing has sucked for a long fucking time. Plus they have probably the worst fanbase of any band in the world...

Edited by KetchupNotMayo
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Guest floyd the barber
Why is my liking Teenagers questionable? It is a very very catchy tune.

And I never went into the album with a mentality of dislike. I was just very underwhelmed when I heard the albums as everyone was raving about it.

As for "hating" a solid band like MCR and you dont see how people can. How about the people that hate AC/DC, U2, Muse and succession of other solid bands? Its all about opinion and if the music dont click then thats that

What about those people? I think that's stupid too. I can understand if a band isn't your style, but to "hate" them is a tad ridiculous.

I hate Nine Inch Nails. They get too much love because Robin was in the band.


I think I give them too much crap. I should be more fair with their ranking. Perhaps they do deserve a solid -1 out of 10.

I've heard better things coming out of my dog's ass.

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Which obviously explains why NIN have sold out arenas across the US again and again this year and last, despite them touring there 3 times in the last year and a half or so, while GN'R played their first tour in 4 years across the US and played to mostly half empty venues...

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Guest floyd the barber
Which obviously explains why NIN have sold out arenas across the US again and again this year and last, despite them touring there 3 times in the last year and a half or so, while GN'R played their first tour in 4 years across the US and played to mostly half empty venues...

This is a thread called "What bands do YOU absolutely hate?"

I hate NIN, and I answered the thread appropriately. It doesn't mean nobody else can like them. I just think they suck, and if someone gave me free tickets I would either put them in a paper shredder or bid them on eBay.

I wouldn't spend any money to see Guns N' Roses either. I had the chance to see them, but I didn't want to be up past 4 in the morning seeing Axl Rose perform with musicians who had no relevance to 90% of the catalog they were playing back in 2006. If you enjoy that stuff, then by all means go ahead and watch them. To each their own.

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Guest floyd the barber
lol@ people claiming to hate a band but liking their music.
I hate Nine Inch Nails. They get too much love because Robin was in the band.

Yeah because nobody knew who Nine Inch Nails where before NuGnr came onto the scene.

Don't even try to pretend that they increased their fan base on this forum without Robin in GN'R. I guarantee you that Robin's history exposed some Guns fans to NIN.

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Problem with Kings of Leon is that you couldn't go into a pub earlier this year without seeing a bunch of drunk bogans singing along to Sex Is On Fire. That can taint a band.

ah that fucking song, they keep playing sweet child o mine at this place i sometimes go too where they absolutely milked sex on fire, and all these people run around doing some wierd air guitar with their leg

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Fall Out Boy

new AFI

Oasis (more so the band than the music itself, fuck em... seriously)


Of Machines

The Fray


Limp Bizkit

Hollywood Undead

Great White

The Bee Jees or Gees, whatever


I Set My Friends on Fire

Versus The Ocean

basically a ton of shitty emo bands and anybody who thinks theyre more the shit than what they really are, and pop punk, i HATE pop punk

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Excepting a handful of songs, Oasis are run of the mill and the most overrated band ever. Period. Or at least they're tied with U2.

Coldplay, Creed, Nickelback...actually, virtually every mainstream rock act that's emerged over the last decade puts me into a coma.

shut up you noob. Oasis are one of the best bands of the past 20 years.

I really hare Coldplay. they're rubbish and boring.

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