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18 minutes ago, wasted said:

But this is an ironic t shirt? Possibly by a famous artist? 

Maybe not, it's provocative but only means what you think it means? 

Or you think this is a direct agenda of hate women? 

At first glance it seems more like an ironic hipster t shirt. 

I don't want to continue debating this topic because most people here can only resort to insults to validate their flawed logics. But ok. You seem respectful..

Aesthetically speaking, and of course all opinions are subjective, the whole design looks cheap to me. Not sure if it's by a "famous artist". As terribly mysoginist and controversial as it is, I find Robert Williams 'Appetite For Destruction' painting to be superior than this sorry attempt at being "provocative".

There aren't too many elements around it in order to think of alternative meanings to the one that seems obvious to me. It's a trash bin and two legs of what seems to be a woman. There isn't text either.

I don't know if it's a direct agenda of women hatred. I really can't derive those judgements from it. I can only talk about what I see and what I think that solely image transmit as a message. It surely was made to cause this type of debate but it is sad that such a thing is released without a context. Maybe it is to raise some kind of awareness? I don't know but if it was, I'd still find it poor taste...

Not sure what an ironic hipster shirt is. Never seen one. It really doesn't matter to me who wears this kind of thing. I think it's wrong. 

Axl wearing that stuff in 2016 really surprises me though. Had it been the 90's, I would have expected it. He had a thing for controversial shirts. And I love controversial shirts too, I have a couple of them. I just would never endorse any kind of violence by wearing that type of message in my clothes. But that's ok, I'm my own person. I understand others may have a different opinion.

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Hahaha wtf is this t-shirt gate?

It's obvious Axl thinks women are evil since Seymour dumped his ass. 

It happens to all of us at some point, but you get over it.

With Axl it takes longer. Let him be. 

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13 minutes ago, DIST said:

Hahaha wtf is this t-shirt gate?

It's obvious Axl thinks women are evil since Seymour dumped his ass. 

It happens to all of us at some point, but you get over it.

With Axl it takes longer. Let him be. 


Sad as it is, your comment is funny after all. Thanks for the laugh :thumbsup:

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Remember when a few of us brought up some issues about this social media thread and asked about somehow limiting a lot of this sorta nonsense posts? The past few pages kinda really paint that picture. I had to go through several plus pages and too many outta place posts just to find that new Axl rose picture people are apparently upset about Cuz of his stupid shirt. That's why I started a new thread about the picture to sorta help keep things organized more but my thread just got locked. I mean im down to help with whatever the forum needs if need be as well

And btw his shirt is just a stupid shirt I garauntee there's no stupid hidden meaning lol

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1 hour ago, T-Minus said:

I think people make too much fuss over how the guy looks.  Imagine his self-esteem if he reads these threads?  I just wish him well and hope he is happy and that he can hit the heights we know he can.  

everybody has said he looks good

its his shirt that has ruffled a few feathers

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9 minutes ago, Fitha_whiskey said:

Fuck me runnin if everyone is gonna get their tit in a goddamn ringer over the shirt Axl wore in Atlanta....


Here's a thought -- those that are obsessed and offended by what Axl chooses to wear can boycott by not going to any of his shows and by avoiding websites such as this one. The rest of us that couldn't care less won't miss you.


If you think that t-shirt was offensive, how the %^&* did you make it thus far as a fan of the band considering their history and song lyrics?? Sheesh. It ain't a surprise nor anything new.

Edited by thunderram
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1 hour ago, T-Minus said:

I think people make too much fuss over how the guy looks.  Imagine his self-esteem if he reads these threads?  I just wish him well and hope he is happy and that he can hit the heights we know he can.  

Yeah, this.

But having said that, I really dislike that hat/hats that sit up on top of the head like that- reminds me of the Ranger from Yogi Bear or something.

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2 hours ago, Billsfan said:


The same woman who allegedly was "abused" is also liking his pictures right now. Think about that one..

And has sweet words for him on her IG profile..


Anyway the t-Shirt is ugly, but the "killer you idol" one was even worse


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26 minutes ago, Bandanaman said:

Stop talking about the shirt and the hat and all, it's old stuff mates. Axl's style is not our style.

Yep. Imagine if We are in His position... People keep telling Us to take off this... Take off that... It doesn't looks good on You... 

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Just now, SerenityScorp said:

Yep. Imagine if We are in His position... People keep telling Us to take off this... Take off that... It doesn't looks good on You... 

Axl doesn't give two fucks about what people think. Does anyone here really believe anyone has power over Axl and what he does in his public and personal life? LOL. 

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3 hours ago, killuridols said:

I don't want to continue debating this topic because most people here can only resort to insults to validate their flawed logics. But ok. You seem respectful..

Aesthetically speaking, and of course all opinions are subjective, the whole design looks cheap to me. Not sure if it's by a "famous artist". As terribly mysoginist and controversial as it is, I find Robert Williams 'Appetite For Destruction' painting to be superior than this sorry attempt at being "provocative".

There aren't too many elements around it in order to think of alternative meanings to the one that seems obvious to me. It's a trash bin and two legs of what seems to be a woman. There isn't text either.

I don't know if it's a direct agenda of women hatred. I really can't derive those judgements from it. I can only talk about what I see and what I think that solely image transmit as a message. It surely was made to cause this type of debate but it is sad that such a thing is released without a context. Maybe it is to raise some kind of awareness? I don't know but if it was, I'd still find it poor taste...

Not sure what an ironic hipster shirt is. Never seen one. It really doesn't matter to me who wears this kind of thing. I think it's wrong. 

Axl wearing that stuff in 2016 really surprises me though. Had it been the 90's, I would have expected it. He had a thing for controversial shirts. And I love controversial shirts too, I have a couple of them. I just would never endorse any kind of violence by wearing that type of message in my clothes. But that's ok, I'm my own person. I understand others may have a different opinion.

But what is the message? if you see what I mean. It could be those kinds of images are going in the garbage. You know like stereotype images of women.

Hipster is a loose definition but just ironic is easier. In a basic way, the opposite of what you mean. Like that woman whose daughter got shot and she drew pictures of guns for 10 years to deal with the grief. 

Or just a social commentary on this is what we do to attractive women. 

But then also there's a subtext maybe knowing Axl's history. Maybe it means something to him.  

Or is it a defiant stand like I was accused of this, here's a joke t shirt about how much I care. You didn't get to me. 

Basically there's more than one way to read an image. But your reading is as valid as any, but because there are various the image itself is not offensive. It can't be, it's just an image. Show the number 4 to me and I think 4 sausages but the chinese will see it as a sign of death. 

But there are different levels of any artform. Just like there's non league soccer and the champions league. But you discount the non league players for not being as good as champions league players. 

Your point is valid and joins other readings of the image. But the image is not inherently offensive. It's not a way claim the moral high ground in my opinion. Not outright anyway. 


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1 hour ago, Bandanaman said:

Stop talking about the shirt and the hat and all, it's old stuff mates. Axl's style is not our style.

People are not going to stop talking about Axl's look just because you demand it. This is nothing new. In the past people have expressed dislike of Axl's dreadlocks, eyebrows, weight,etc. Many things have been said about Pitman, DJ, Slash or Adler. So I don't see why Axl should get a free pass. If people don't like something he wears or something he says they are going to talk about it.

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21 hours ago, axlreed44 said:

I never tried to quote you^^ but it's forcing me to anyways. 

All this talk about Axl and how he looks. Some say he looks great, some say he's fat. Let's just call a spade a spade and stop with the nonsense on either side. He does not look fantastic, he does not look like a disgusting fat fuck. He looks like a normal 54 year old dude who probably indulges in more pizza and beer than he should and who doesn't really do much in the way of fitness. Big fucking deal. It's the vocals that matter.... please let the vocals be good.

Having said all that, if I were in Axl's position and I was about to embark on arguably the most anticipated "regrouping"  in the last 20 years  I'd have busted my ass in the gym and done everything in my power to come out looking like a lean, mean fighting machine. Axl clearly doesn't care about that though and all the power to him I suppose so..... bottoms up and let's order a  meat lovers! 

The hats though. I'll make fun of those every time because they look hilarious. 

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