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"thirsty penis" is meme-worthy.

Thirsty penises make tinyrobot's blood boil.

Did blood boil come from tinyrobot too? I can't remember. :lol:

You're correct, sir.

Anything creative and linkbaiting you may see around is of my authorship. Too bad that amazing headline was changed for some boring shit that has nothing to do with the content of the thread.

Jealousy makes them blood boil ^^

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I get so depressed whenever I think about how some random Brazilian family hijacked one of the greatest parts of my childhood and made it into a joke. So sad. Also my former idol for all that was badass now lives with his mom. And don't even get me started on the "celebrated individual"

You just said something I never verbalized, but it is just the way I feel...now I'm even more sorrowful...

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Context: Miss World will no longer have a Swimsuit Round.

It's ridiculous, don't try and pretend it's anything but a beauty contest, and don't try and apologise for it.

It'd be like having a Mr. Universe where you have to keep your shirt on.

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Context: Miss World will no longer have a Swimsuit Round.

It's ridiculous, don't try and pretend it's anything but a beauty contest, and don't try and apologise for it.

It'd be like having a Mr. Universe where you have to keep your shirt on.

Thank goodness you explained it, had absolutely no idea what he was on about as usual. I know who to ask when I simply cannot understand his tweets :lol:

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People sign up to join to beauty contests. Most people under colonialism and monarchy have not consented.

Beauty contests, colonialism and monarchy are ancient practices that make society move backwards. Nothing to do with will or whatever.

How is appreciating beauty backwards? Should we deny beauty? I don't think it should be the sole arbiter for judging a person's worth, but to lower the standard because of a group of people's jealousy is petty. Beauty has inspired some of the greatest works of art throughout history, and the sad modern trend to deny it and celebrate ugliness and mediocrity instead is disheartening.


To me, that is an even greater work of art than Michelangelo's David.


I would not want to live in a society where I could not openly appreciate Natalie Portman's beauty.

Celebrating physical beauty is not mutually exclusive to praising a person's intellectual or ethical merits. If we have contests for one, why not for the other? Yes, physical beauty is largely genetically determined, but intelligence and even morality have genetic influences as well. Men and women in beauty contests often work hard to maintain physiques to be at competition level, just as an athlete would.

No, I will never be as handsome as Christian Bale or George Clooney, but I still will not deny that they are physically handsome men. Why lower the bar because I can not reach it?

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How is appreciating beauty backwards? Should we deny beauty? I don't think it should be the sole arbiter for judging a person's worth, but to lower the standard because of a group of people's jealousy is petty. Beauty has inspired some of the greatest works of art throughout history, and the sad modern trend to deny it and celebrate ugliness and mediocrity instead is disheartening.

To me, that is an even greater work of art than Michelangelo's David.

I would not want to live in a society where I could not openly appreciate Natalie Portman's beauty.

Celebrating physical beauty is not mutually exclusive to praising a person's intellectual or ethical merits. If we have contests for one, why not for the other? Yes, physical beauty is largely genetically determined, but intelligence and even morality have genetic influences as well. Men and women in beauty contests often work hard to maintain physiques to be at competition level, just as an athlete would.

No, I will never be as handsome as Christian Bale or George Clooney, but I still will not deny that they are physically handsome men. Why lower the bar because I can not reach it?

Who is jealous?

I don't see any trend to celebrate "uglyness" and "mediocrity". There's probably a trend to stop focusing on such shallow and superficial values that in most cases objectify women and reduce them to mere sexual objects. A lot of women have lost their lives in order to live up to these ridiculous beauty standards society impose. Either by becoming anorexic, bulimic or having dangerous surgeries done to fit the mold some lunatic decided must be the "beauty standards".

And in most cases it is not "beauty" what is celebrated. It's is youth and extreme slimness. Old people beauty is not celebrated. Fat people beauty is not celebrated. A person who was considered beautiful in their 20's will no longer be beautiful by their 40's, 60's or 80's. You don't want to live in a society where you can't openly appreciate Natalie Portman's beauty? LOL so what your gonna do in a decade or two, when she's considered "old" and "ugly" just because she dared to reach the 40's?

Look at how many threads we have in this forum analyzing and over analyzing HOW COME our idol Axl Rose doesn't look as pretty as he did in the 90's. If there is a society I don't want to live in it is exactly this one. Hypocrite, shallow, objectifying, anti-life, anti-death.

Beauty has no merit, that's why there shouldn't be such contests. It is a silly competition of which couple of parents combined their genes better.

Lower the bar of what? And who denied Clooney and Bale are not handsome? They are handsome beyond the existence of silly beauty contests.

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Context: Miss World will no longer have a Swimsuit Round.

It's ridiculous, don't try and pretend it's anything but a beauty contest, and don't try and apologise for it.

It'd be like having a Mr. Universe where you have to keep your shirt on.

I had no idea Miss World was still a thing. Seems a bit defunct in the selfie generation.

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How is appreciating beauty backwards? Should we deny beauty? I don't think it should be the sole arbiter for judging a person's worth, but to lower the standard because of a group of people's jealousy is petty. Beauty has inspired some of the greatest works of art throughout history, and the sad modern trend to deny it and celebrate ugliness and mediocrity instead is disheartening.

To me, that is an even greater work of art than Michelangelo's David.

I would not want to live in a society where I could not openly appreciate Natalie Portman's beauty.

Celebrating physical beauty is not mutually exclusive to praising a person's intellectual or ethical merits. If we have contests for one, why not for the other? Yes, physical beauty is largely genetically determined, but intelligence and even morality have genetic influences as well. Men and women in beauty contests often work hard to maintain physiques to be at competition level, just as an athlete would.

No, I will never be as handsome as Christian Bale or George Clooney, but I still will not deny that they are physically handsome men. Why lower the bar because I can not reach it?

Who is jealous?

I don't see any trend to celebrate "uglyness" and "mediocrity". There's probably a trend to stop focusing on such shallow and superficial values that in most cases objectify women and reduce them to mere sexual objects. A lot of women have lost their lives in order to live up to these ridiculous beauty standards society impose. Either by becoming anorexic, bulimic or having dangerous surgeries done to fit the mold some lunatic decided must be the "beauty standards".

And in most cases it is not "beauty" what is celebrated. It's is youth and extreme slimness. Old people beauty is not celebrated. Fat people beauty is not celebrated. A person who was considered beautiful in their 20's will no longer be beautiful by their 40's, 60's or 80's. You don't want to live in a society where you can't openly appreciate Natalie Portman's beauty? LOL so what your gonna do in a decade or two, when she's considered "old" and "ugly" just because she dared to reach the 40's?

Look at how many threads we have in this forum analyzing and over analyzing HOW COME our idol Axl Rose doesn't look as pretty as he did in the 90's. If there is a society I don't want to live in it is exactly this one. Hypocrite, shallow, objectifying, anti-life, anti-death.

Beauty has no merit, that's why there shouldn't be such contests. It is a silly competition of which couple of parents combined their genes better.

Lower the bar of what? And who denied Clooney and Bale are not handsome? They are handsome beyond the existence of silly beauty contests.

Anorexia and bulimia are awful, and should in no way be celebrated. But you can appreciate beauty without promoting a disorder.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Yes, most people appreciate youth and slimness. But there are avenues in media where the older and obese have their day as well (most infamous being Chubby Chaser and granny porn, but we our also about to have the first 50-year-old Bond girl in Spectre). Admittedly, you'll almost certainly never see a 90-year-old Bond Girl, but the films are catering to the fantasises of the majority of their audience. If they were to do that, they would be nowhere near as popular.

Attraction isn't an intellectual pursuit. While you can be attracted to someone for their intelligence, your initial desire for a person is almost always based on their physical appearance. There's nothing stopping anyone holding a beauty contest for septuagenarians, but you won't get the same viewership as Miss World.

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Anorexia and bulimia are awful, and should in no way be celebrated. But you can appreciate beauty without promoting a disorder.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Yes, most people appreciate youth and slimness. But there are avenues in media where the older and obese have their day as well (most infamous being Chubby Chaser and granny porn, but we our also about to have the first 50-year-old Bond girl in Spectre). Admittedly, you'll almost certainly never see a 90-year-old Bond Girl, but the films are catering to the fantasises of the majority of their audience. If they were to do that, they would be nowhere near as popular.

Attraction isn't an intellectual pursuit. While you can be attracted to someone for their intelligence, your initial desire for a person is almost always based on their physical appearance. There's nothing stopping anyone holding a beauty contest for septuagenarians, but you won't get the same viewership as Miss World.

Of course, physical attraction is the initial kick for any kind of romantic or sexual relationship. But physical attraction doesn't equal beauty. If all relationships depended on Natalie Portman or George Clooney, humanity would be dramatically reduced. LOL. Imagine if beautiful or handsome people were the only ones who could hook up with someone else. What would the rest of the mortals do?

My point is: let humans be humans. Beauty and ugly cannot be controlled and beauty is so ephemeral that it is useless to give it any value. Why differentiate people and elevate ones over others to silly categories that bring nothing but pain?

I'm not saying beautiful people should be wiped out or shouldn't exist, because that is insane. I'm saying let people be who they are and don't highlight a part of them that is not relevant nor fundamental for their lives. Let's learn to appreciate the human being as a whole and whether they are beautiful, average or ugly, let's focus on that person having a good life in all aspects, physically and mentally.

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Anorexia and bulimia are awful, and should in no way be celebrated. But you can appreciate beauty without promoting a disorder.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Yes, most people appreciate youth and slimness. But there are avenues in media where the older and obese have their day as well (most infamous being Chubby Chaser and granny porn, but we our also about to have the first 50-year-old Bond girl in Spectre). Admittedly, you'll almost certainly never see a 90-year-old Bond Girl, but the films are catering to the fantasises of the majority of their audience. If they were to do that, they would be nowhere near as popular.

Attraction isn't an intellectual pursuit. While you can be attracted to someone for their intelligence, your initial desire for a person is almost always based on their physical appearance. There's nothing stopping anyone holding a beauty contest for septuagenarians, but you won't get the same viewership as Miss World.

Of course, physical attraction is the initial kick for any kind of romantic or sexual relationship. But physical attraction doesn't equal beauty. If all relationships depended on Natalie Portman or George Clooney, humanity would be dramatically reduced. LOL. Imagine if beautiful or handsome people were the only ones who could hook up with someone else. What would the rest of the mortals do?

My point is: let humans be humans. Beauty and ugly cannot be controlled and beauty is so ephemeral that it is useless to give it any value. Why differentiate people and elevate ones over others to silly categories that bring nothing but pain?

I'm not saying beautiful people should be wiped out or shouldn't exist, because that is insane. I'm saying let people be who they are and don't highlight a part of them that is not relevant nor fundamental for their lives. Let's learn to appreciate the human being as a whole and whether they are beautiful, average or ugly, let's focus on that person having a good life in all aspects, physically and mentally.

We differentiate and elevate people for athletic ability, a lot of which can be genetically determined. Michael Phelps has a clear advantage over his competitors in swimming due to his flipper-like limbs. A thalidomide kid is never going to be the No. 1 tennis player. Some may feel pain in jealousy in watching people superior than them in certain aspects, others may feel inspired. The problem with the modern "give everyone a medal" attitude in kids' sports is that kids who may otherwise have been pushed to try harder will rest on their laurels. It is sad that beauty is ephemeral, yes, but so is life as a whole, and yet we celebrate life and being able-bodied when we can.

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Well, we still can give Axl an Honorary Shitposter Award :lol:

Axl's funny. I love his sense of humor. And read it as a competition round with 'no swimsuit'...nude. That's how I read it.

He does have a great sense of humour, now hands up everyone who would like to see Axl perform in a swimsuit onstage!!! :shock:

The muscley photo of Arnold whether real or fake is horrible to me, not into all those muscles on men (or women). Yet many like it.

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Well, we still can give Axl an Honorary Shitposter Award :lol:

Axl's funny. I love his sense of humor. And read it as a competition round with 'no swimsuit'...nude. That's how I read it.

He does have a great sense of humour, now hands up everyone who would like to see Axl perform in a swimsuit onstage!!! :shock:

The muscley photo of Arnold whether real or fake is horrible to me, not into all those muscles on men (or women). Yet many like it.

I'm with you rock4eva, I don't like all those steroid muscles either. eww

Edit: But I do celebrate beauty whether it's people, architecture, landscapes, art work, and think we should never give up on it and never settle for mediocrity yet I do understand what tinyrobot speaks of when she talks about how women have tried to live up to what society tells us is beauty.

Amir and tinyrobot, you each make a valid point. You're speaking of different things.

I like beauty contests. And in the words of Sandra Bullock, as Gracie Hart from Miss Congenialty says, "They're Scholarship Programs!"

Edited by AdriftatSea
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Well, we still can give Axl an Honorary Shitposter Award :lol:

Axl's funny. I love his sense of humor. And read it as a competition round with 'no swimsuit'...nude. That's how I read it.

He does have a great sense of humour, now hands up everyone who would like to see Axl perform in a swimsuit onstage!!! :shock:

The muscley photo of Arnold whether real or fake is horrible to me, not into all those muscles on men (or women). Yet many like it.

I'm with you rock4eva, I don't like all those steroid muscles either. eww

Edit: But I do celebrate beauty whether it's people, architecture, landscapes, art work, and think we should never give up on it and never settle for mediocrity yet I do understand what tinyrobot speaks of when she talks about how women have tried to live up to what society tells us is beauty.

Amir and tinyrobot, you each make a valid point. You're speaking of different things.

I like beauty contests. And in the words of Sandra Bullock, as Gracie Hart from Miss Congenialty says, "They're Scholarship Programs!"

That's one thing I don't like about beauty contests, the scholarship thing is almost entirely a scam:


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I'm with you rock4eva, I don't like all those steroid muscles either. eww

Edit: But I do celebrate beauty whether it's people, architecture, landscapes, art work, and think we should never give up on it and never settle for mediocrity yet I do understand what tinyrobot speaks of when she talks about how women have tried to live up to what society tells us is beauty.

Amir and tinyrobot, you each make a valid point. You're speaking of different things.

I like beauty contests. And in the words of Sandra Bullock, as Gracie Hart from Miss Congenialty says, "They're Scholarship Programs!"

I guess because you people get creepier every time.... Like, what does "we should never give up on it and never settle for mediocrity" mean?

Are you talking about PEOPLE? Really? Please correct me if I got it wrong but are you basically saying that anyone who doesnt meet the beauty standards of their society or culture is a mediocre person and therefore what.... what should be done about them?

Beauty in art and nature cant be compared to people. And the problem with people is that they are submitted to these silly contests of bullshit to make them believe they are superior to some other person because a group of 10 "judges" say so.

Im not talking about women only. Young women are the main victims of this crap but also men fall on it and the worst of all contests: kids. Have you see the horror those contests for toddlers are?

2-3-4 years old girls all dolled-up like adults, sexualized and robbed of their childhood.... Seriously, this whole shit is insane.

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