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Sexualising kids is insane. But if consenting adults want to enter beauty pageants that's their choice. If nobody watched beauty pageants, they wouldn't exist any more. Who knows, maybe in 50 years they won't. But I'll leave that up to society to decide.

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The kids beauty pageants are a branch of the adult ones because like AlfieRose said before, beauty pageants in general are becoming obsolete, boring and ridiculous. So they had to create a new kind of creepy in order to keep the machine working.

And speaking of machine, those beauty pageants are all about money (and sometimes prostitution in the background). There's nothing cool about them, really. It's an industry just like fashion and pornography.

I hope we don't have to wait 50 years for this shit to disappear, but unfortunately, someone will always find a new level of segregation to put humans under.

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Well, we still can give Axl an Honorary Shitposter Award :lol:

Axl's funny. I love his sense of humor. And read it as a competition round with 'no swimsuit'...nude. That's how I read it.

He does have a great sense of humour, now hands up everyone who would like to see Axl perform in a swimsuit onstage!!! :shock:

The muscley photo of Arnold whether real or fake is horrible to me, not into all those muscles on men (or women). Yet many like it.

I'm with you rock4eva, I don't like all those steroid muscles either. eww

Edit: But I do celebrate beauty whether it's people, architecture, landscapes, art work, and think we should never give up on it and never settle for mediocrity yet I do understand what tinyrobot speaks of when she talks about how women have tried to live up to what society tells us is beauty.

Amir and tinyrobot, you each make a valid point. You're speaking of different things.

I like beauty contests. And in the words of Sandra Bullock, as Gracie Hart from Miss Congenialty says, "They're Scholarship Programs!"

That's one thing I don't like about beauty contests, the scholarship thing is almost entirely a scam:


Yes, that is a scam. We've dealt with the same. My daughter 'won' 150k in scholarships when she graduated from highschool. This was from all the colleges. The school she chose offered 40k, that was to be split up over the four years. We had paid in to a 529b plan for what we thought was four years of college to be locked in at the rate of the price when she was a baby. Well, she started school this year and the 529b money applied only to the basic classes along with the scholarship. The money didn't apply to books, her meal plan, room and board, parking or labs, plus many other incidentals. After all the money we paid into the 529b plus the scholarship, I still had to pay $1450 for this semester. Just this semester! College costs a fortune!! Yes, these scholarship programs, they probably are a rip off.

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I'm with you rock4eva, I don't like all those steroid muscles either. eww

Edit: But I do celebrate beauty whether it's people, architecture, landscapes, art work, and think we should never give up on it and never settle for mediocrity yet I do understand what tinyrobot speaks of when she talks about how women have tried to live up to what society tells us is beauty.

Amir and tinyrobot, you each make a valid point. You're speaking of different things.

I like beauty contests. And in the words of Sandra Bullock, as Gracie Hart from Miss Congenialty says, "They're Scholarship Programs!"

I guess because you people get creepier every time.... Like, what does "we should never give up on it and never settle for mediocrity" mean?

Are you talking about PEOPLE? Really? Please correct me if I got it wrong but are you basically saying that anyone who doesnt meet the beauty standards of their society or culture is a mediocre person and therefore what.... what should be done about them?

Beauty in art and nature cant be compared to people. And the problem with people is that they are submitted to these silly contests of bullshit to make them believe they are superior to some other person because a group of 10 "judges" say so.

Im not talking about women only. Young women are the main victims of this crap but also men fall on it and the worst of all contests: kids. Have you see the horror those contests for toddlers are?

2-3-4 years old girls all dolled-up like adults, sexualized and robbed of their childhood.... Seriously, this whole shit is insane.

Creepy? OMG tiny. LOL. I worked with a woman that had entered her teenage daughter in a beauty pageant because her daughter wanted to be in it. I thought it was silly. I never entered my daughters in one. Well, my friend got sick and asked me to take her shopping for a dress for the formal part of it. So, I did. The little girl was so excited about it. It was something she wanted to do, not her mother. Why take that away from her. Why are you so militant about this? And militant is what you are. Why push your opinions on others so strongly? If a little girl wants to do this? Why not. You are so angry sometimes. We've talked in PM and I understand where you come from but to call me creepy because I appreciate beauty, because I appreciate beauty in people, in architecture, in all things. What is wrong with you?

You can be very closed minded. Just because you've dealt with things and people that made you the way you are doesn't mean you should push your agenda on other people and make them believe as you do. It doesn't mean you are right about everything. Some people, little girls find joy in dressing up in pretty dresses and walking down runways. They enjoy fixing their hair and looking like a princess. Why take that away from them. Not everything winds up in being raped. I'm sorry all things lead back to that for you. But it just doesn't for everyone else. It just doesn't.

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And, those tiny little Jon Benet Ramsey beauty contests make me sick! Those are awful! I'm talking about 17 year old girl contests. Not those baby exploitation ones. Those should be illegal.

I still call my 19 y/o a little girl. :lol:

Edited by AdriftatSea
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And, those tiny little Jon Benet Ramsey beauty contests make me sick! Those are awful! I'm talking about 17 year old girl contests. Not those baby exploitation ones. Those should be illegal.

I still call my 19 y/o a little girl. :lol:

Of course being beautiful doesn't always come with intelligence


As a female I do find these girls beautiful, the first one is put on the spot with a question but the 2nd one? She should know the answer. :lol:

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Creepy? OMG tiny. LOL. I worked with a woman that had entered her teenage daughter in a beauty pageant because her daughter wanted to be in it. I thought it was silly. I never entered my daughters in one. Well, my friend got sick and asked me to take her shopping for a dress for the formal part of it. So, I did. The little girl was so excited about it. It was something she wanted to do, not her mother. Why take that away from her. Why are you so militant about this? And militant is what you are. Why push your opinions on others so strongly? If a little girl wants to do this? Why not. You are so angry sometimes. We've talked in PM and I understand where you come from but to call me creepy because I appreciate beauty, because I appreciate beauty in people, in architecture, in all things. What is wrong with you?

You didn't answer my question which is more important than anything else... What you mean when you say "we should never settle for mediocrity"? If by this you mean that anyone whose looks don't fit in the standards of a beauty pageant is mediocre, then yes, you are creepy. Not only creepy, you sound like Hitler.

I'm not pushing my opinion on anyone. I just think beauty contests make our society move backwards. That's all. And it ain't got NOTHING to do with ability to appreciate beauty in any form. You don't need a beauty pageant to recognize someone or something beautiful, do you?

And... mediocre.... I can't stop ROTFLMAO after watching the videos posted by rock4eva. There you got an excellent combination of beautiful with mediocre, stupid and ignorant. Long live the beauty pageants!!!!

You can be very closed minded. Just because you've dealt with things and people that made you the way you are doesn't mean you should push your agenda on other people and make them believe as you do. It doesn't mean you are right about everything. Some people, little girls find joy in dressing up in pretty dresses and walking down runways. They enjoy fixing their hair and looking like a princess. Why take that away from them. Not everything winds up in being raped. I'm sorry all things lead back to that for you. But it just doesn't for everyone else. It just doesn't.

Blah blah, I won't answer this wall of bollocks because you ended up mixing up too many subjects and old threads that have absolutely nothing to do with each other...

RAPE?? Who mentioned rape!!?? Geez... Have your mental health checked, please.

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Creepy? OMG tiny. LOL. I worked with a woman that had entered her teenage daughter in a beauty pageant because her daughter wanted to be in it. I thought it was silly. I never entered my daughters in one. Well, my friend got sick and asked me to take her shopping for a dress for the formal part of it. So, I did. The little girl was so excited about it. It was something she wanted to do, not her mother. Why take that away from her. Why are you so militant about this? And militant is what you are. Why push your opinions on others so strongly? If a little girl wants to do this? Why not. You are so angry sometimes. We've talked in PM and I understand where you come from but to call me creepy because I appreciate beauty, because I appreciate beauty in people, in architecture, in all things. What is wrong with you?

You didn't answer my question which is more important than anything else... What you mean when you say "we should never settle for mediocrity"? If by this you mean that anyone whose looks don't fit in the standards of a beauty pageant is mediocre, then yes, you are creepy. Not only creepy, you sound like Hitler.

I'm not pushing my opinion on anyone. I just think beauty contests make our society move backwards. That's all. And it ain't got NOTHING to do with ability to appreciate beauty in any form. You don't need a beauty pageant to recognize someone or something beautiful, do you?

And... mediocre.... I can't stop ROTFLMAO after watching the videos posted by rock4eva. There you got an excellent combination of beautiful with mediocre, stupid and ignorant. Long live the beauty pageants!!!!

You can be very closed minded. Just because you've dealt with things and people that made you the way you are doesn't mean you should push your agenda on other people and make them believe as you do. It doesn't mean you are right about everything. Some people, little girls find joy in dressing up in pretty dresses and walking down runways. They enjoy fixing their hair and looking like a princess. Why take that away from them. Not everything winds up in being raped. I'm sorry all things lead back to that for you. But it just doesn't for everyone else. It just doesn't.

Blah blah, I won't answer this wall of bollocks because you ended up mixing up too many subjects and old threads that have absolutely nothing to do with each other...

RAPE?? Who mentioned rape!!?? Geez... Have your mental health checked, please.

To always strive to be our best, that's what I mean by never settling for mediocrity. That's it. Now see, you got all upset thinking I meant something else. You even compared me to Hitler. You have quite the imagination!

Edited by AdriftatSea
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"Probably Guns N' Roses will tour the United States until the end of the first half of 2015, and then perform in South America".

I've seen this already :rofl-lol::rofl-lol:

Their obsession with Axl and Guns N' Roses is scary as shit.

Axl and his band touring US and then South America, is just... :rofl-lol:

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