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I don't see Axl as an intelligent person. I mean, the guy refused to promote his own big comeback album. I can't see an intelligent person doing that regardless of the circumstances. Sorry for the ot.

Personally I see that as a very intelligent move. I mean you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that the album was doomed before it was even released. There's no way it could have ever lived up to it's hype. I'm not saying that CD is a masterpiece and of course many people genuinely don't like it. But it's also true that the media was ready bash the album no matter what.

The release was a pure new GNR bash fest. It would have been so no matter what and Axl knew it beforehand. So the less people talked about the album when it was released, the better it was for GNR. Now many people have found out about the album on their own, instead of finding out about it through negative articles. I'm absolutely positive that the overall attitude towards new GNR and Axl Rose today would be far more negative, if Axl had promoted the album.

Feel free to disagree with me. I certainly don't think that Axl always makes wise decisions. But in my opinion the decision to not promote the album when it was released was one his good decisions for sure.

Holy crap.

I thought you were trying to be funny or sarcastic until getting to your final paragraph.

Nothing you say in your first two paragraphs makes ANY sense at all. It is completely devote of logic and common sense.

First off - CD was the most anticipate album of all time. Anybody remotely interested in purchasing a Guns n Roses album KNEW that CD was coming out. There weren't GnR consumers out there that didn't know CD came out.

So Axl wanted to release the album........but didn't want people to know about it for the first six months or so? That is one of the most illogical things I've ever read on this forum.

Couldn't live up to the hype? Yes, it could have. Very easily. It just had to have enough quality songs on it. The hype for all big-name artists is huge. I got tired of hearing about Taylor Swift's last album, it was hyped to death? How it do? Sold over a million copies the first week and today, seven months later, it is still tearing up the charts. Why? Because she delivered what her fans wanted to hear.

Why would Axl agree to stream the album on Myspace - where it got something like 15 million listens - if he didn't want to promote the release of the album???

And CD received pretty positive reviews when it came out. The general rock fan base didn't necessarily agree. But most music publications were very kind.

Rolling Stone: 4 out of 5 stars

Billboard: 4 out of 5 stars

Spin: 7 out of 10

Los Angeles Times: 4 out of 5 stars

Blender: 7 out of 10

I don't mean to be rude, but your entire post is pure rubbish. And I say that with all due respect. It really looks like you are just finding anyway possible to defend Axl's moves.

I knew that you'd answer this with 100% certainity. I also knew exactly what you'd answer. No offense, but sometimes you're ridiculously predictable. Did you know that? :D

You can't seriously be comparing Axl to Taylor Swift? It was a completely different situation. Taylor Swift has never been a universally hated person. Axl Rose was kinda like Michael Jackson at the time CD was released. Everything people said about Axl was always negative. MJ had to die to make the negative talk end.

Every single person who witnessed the days before CD came out knows that whenever someone talked anything about Chinese Democracy it was always a joke. How could an album that's already a joke EVER be received neutrally. There's no way it could have. Everyone with common sense understands that. Axl could never have pulled off a succesful comeback with one single album. If he wanted to get his reputation back it would have to be a slow process.

I agree that CD got some fair reviews. But it also got shitloads of unfair reviews, that didn't focus on the music at all.

I never said that CD wasn't promoted at all. I said that Axl didn't promote it. Which was a wise move. And you still don't have to agree with me on that.

Not promoting his album being a good thing is a new low around here. Haha

Why are you surprised? I love it when people make dumb comments like that, they make me laugh. :lol:

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To the people over here arguing as usual, DJ Ashba has a message for you


So what you're implying by saying that tweet is in reference to us is he either can't read, is delusional or has a massive problem with basic comprehension. Wow, with love n' support like that he truly is #Blessed

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I don't see Axl as an intelligent person. I mean, the guy refused to promote his own big comeback album. I can't see an intelligent person doing that regardless of the circumstances. Sorry for the ot.

Personally I see that as a very intelligent move. I mean you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that the album was doomed before it was even released. There's no way it could have ever lived up to it's hype. I'm not saying that CD is a masterpiece and of course many people genuinely don't like it. But it's also true that the media was ready bash the album no matter what.

The release was a pure new GNR bash fest. It would have been so no matter what and Axl knew it beforehand. So the less people talked about the album when it was released, the better it was for GNR. Now many people have found out about the album on their own, instead of finding out about it through negative articles. I'm absolutely positive that the overall attitude towards new GNR and Axl Rose today would be far more negative, if Axl had promoted the album.

Feel free to disagree with me. I certainly don't think that Axl always makes wise decisions. But in my opinion the decision to not promote the album when it was released was one his good decisions for sure.

Holy crap.

I thought you were trying to be funny or sarcastic until getting to your final paragraph.

Nothing you say in your first two paragraphs makes ANY sense at all. It is completely devote of logic and common sense.

First off - CD was the most anticipate album of all time. Anybody remotely interested in purchasing a Guns n Roses album KNEW that CD was coming out. There weren't GnR consumers out there that didn't know CD came out.

So Axl wanted to release the album........but didn't want people to know about it for the first six months or so? That is one of the most illogical things I've ever read on this forum.

Couldn't live up to the hype? Yes, it could have. Very easily. It just had to have enough quality songs on it. The hype for all big-name artists is huge. I got tired of hearing about Taylor Swift's last album, it was hyped to death? How it do? Sold over a million copies the first week and today, seven months later, it is still tearing up the charts. Why? Because she delivered what her fans wanted to hear.

Why would Axl agree to stream the album on Myspace - where it got something like 15 million listens - if he didn't want to promote the release of the album???

And CD received pretty positive reviews when it came out. The general rock fan base didn't necessarily agree. But most music publications were very kind.

Rolling Stone: 4 out of 5 stars

Billboard: 4 out of 5 stars

Spin: 7 out of 10

Los Angeles Times: 4 out of 5 stars

Blender: 7 out of 10

I don't mean to be rude, but your entire post is pure rubbish. And I say that with all due respect. It really looks like you are just finding anyway possible to defend Axl's moves.

I knew that you'd answer this with 100% certainity. I also knew exactly what you'd answer. No offense, but sometimes you're ridiculously predictable. Did you know that? :D

You can't seriously be comparing Axl to Taylor Swift? It was a completely different situation. Taylor Swift has never been a universally hated person. Axl Rose was kinda like Michael Jackson at the time CD was released. Everything people said about Axl was always negative. MJ had to die to make the negative talk end.

Every single person who witnessed the days before CD came out knows that whenever someone talked anything about Chinese Democracy it was always a joke. How could an album that's already a joke EVER be received neutrally. There's no way it could have. Everyone with common sense understands that. Axl could never have pulled off a succesful comeback with one single album. If he wanted to get his reputation back it would have to be a slow process.

I agree that CD got some fair reviews. But it also got shitloads of unfair reviews, that didn't focus on the music at all.

I never said that CD wasn't promoted at all. I said that Axl didn't promote it. Which was a wise move. And you still don't have to agree with me on that.

You should look into a career as a psychic.

I post with logic and common sense - so it's a positive sign that you knew what I'd post. That means there is some logical thought process going on with you.

I guess I'm flattered you know so much about my posting style. I'll have to try and pay more attention to yours in the future.

Taylor Swift isn't universally hated? Do you ever go online? She receives as much hate as probably any recording artist alive not named Justin Bieber. And Axl Rose isn't universally hated by any means.

So the Myspace streaming - on a Guns n Roses myspace page - was done without Axl's consent?

The inclusion of If The World on one of the biggest Hollywood blockbuster movies of the year was done without Axl's consent?

The inclusing of Shacklers Revenge onto one of the most popular video games was done without Axl's consent?

Your basic premise is just full of holes and makes no logical sense.

So Axl is intelligent because he chose to not promote his comeback album, because he was in a no win situation. So the best route was to not promote it while it was receiving bad reviews. (Even though he did promote it, and it did receive really positive reviews from major rock publications, and he has "worked" CD for over a decade of touring).

So odd that some how other artists are able to go the exact opposite route and end up with high selling releases.

You don't have to be psychic to know what you're going to say on this forum. You keep repeating the same stuff over and over again.

I'm not sure what planet you lived on when CD was released, but back then it was nearly impossible to hear any talk about GNR on the radio or TV without some mocking jokes about Axl and new GNR. Same can't be said about Taylor Swift. Sure she gets hate, but not on the same level as Axl did. On the other hand I can't even remember the last time, when I read a negative article about Axl. So yes, I do think Axl's reputation has become better these last few years. for sure. It would be a whole different situation if Axl had promoted the album heavily. The release would have been remembered as a disaster and the media would probably still be making fun of it.

Luckily for Axl that's not the case. Sure the album was promoted and not without Axl's consent. But Axl didn't do interviews and stuff like that so the negative buzz stopped pretty quickly, which of course was a good thing for GNR.

It's not at all odd that other artists are able to take the exact opposite route with high selling releases. These artists are not blamed for the breakup of their bands.

You may be able to understand certain things better when you accept that GNR is not a normal band.

Cause it seems like you're mixing up logic and "inside the box thinking". You don't seem to comprehend that different situations might need different kind of solutions to work out well. The release of CD wasn't a normal release in any shape or form, because the media had bashed the album and it's singer already for about 14 years.

Now I know you're not gonna change your mind. I just wish that you could respect other peoples opinions. Cause when ever you disagree with someone you start making weird assumptions about them. Why is that? Just like now you claim that I'm trying to find any excuses to defend Axl even though I just said that I don't think Axl always makes good decisions. For example I think it was a crappy move to release Appetite for Democracy when there was miles better shows in 2010.

So tell me, why is it that you make false assumptions of people? Do you enjoy it? Does it make you feel powerful?

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And what is he going to say? Is he gonna say he doesn´t know because Axl keeps things secret? Is he gonna say that Axl tells jokes?

Echoing this statement.....I was disappointed with the new Duff book. I read 200 pages of nonsense to get to the Axl part and all he says is that they exchanged good knock knock jokes! I want my money back.

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And what is he going to say? Is he gonna say he doesn´t know because Axl keeps things secret? Is he gonna say that Axl tells jokes?

Echoing this statement.....I was disappointed with the new Duff book. I read 200 pages of nonsense to get to the Axl part and all he says is that they exchanged good knock knock jokes! I want my money back.

you can send me this book if you don't want it

I'll pay for the shipment

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I don't see Axl as an intelligent person. I mean, the guy refused to promote his own big comeback album. I can't see an intelligent person doing that regardless of the circumstances. Sorry for the ot.

Personally I see that as a very intelligent move. I mean you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that the album was doomed before it was even released. There's no way it could have ever lived up to it's hype. I'm not saying that CD is a masterpiece and of course many people genuinely don't like it. But it's also true that the media was ready bash the album no matter what.

The release was a pure new GNR bash fest. It would have been so no matter what and Axl knew it beforehand. So the less people talked about the album when it was released, the better it was for GNR. Now many people have found out about the album on their own, instead of finding out about it through negative articles. I'm absolutely positive that the overall attitude towards new GNR and Axl Rose today would be far more negative, if Axl had promoted the album.

Feel free to disagree with me. I certainly don't think that Axl always makes wise decisions. But in my opinion the decision to not promote the album when it was released was one his good decisions for sure.

Holy crap.

I thought you were trying to be funny or sarcastic until getting to your final paragraph.

Nothing you say in your first two paragraphs makes ANY sense at all. It is completely devote of logic and common sense.

First off - CD was the most anticipate album of all time. Anybody remotely interested in purchasing a Guns n Roses album KNEW that CD was coming out. There weren't GnR consumers out there that didn't know CD came out.

So Axl wanted to release the album........but didn't want people to know about it for the first six months or so? That is one of the most illogical things I've ever read on this forum.

Couldn't live up to the hype? Yes, it could have. Very easily. It just had to have enough quality songs on it. The hype for all big-name artists is huge. I got tired of hearing about Taylor Swift's last album, it was hyped to death? How it do? Sold over a million copies the first week and today, seven months later, it is still tearing up the charts. Why? Because she delivered what her fans wanted to hear.

Why would Axl agree to stream the album on Myspace - where it got something like 15 million listens - if he didn't want to promote the release of the album???

And CD received pretty positive reviews when it came out. The general rock fan base didn't necessarily agree. But most music publications were very kind.

Rolling Stone: 4 out of 5 stars

Billboard: 4 out of 5 stars

Spin: 7 out of 10

Los Angeles Times: 4 out of 5 stars

Blender: 7 out of 10

I don't mean to be rude, but your entire post is pure rubbish. And I say that with all due respect. It really looks like you are just finding anyway possible to defend Axl's moves.

I knew that you'd answer this with 100% certainity. I also knew exactly what you'd answer. No offense, but sometimes you're ridiculously predictable. Did you know that? :D

You can't seriously be comparing Axl to Taylor Swift? It was a completely different situation. Taylor Swift has never been a universally hated person. Axl Rose was kinda like Michael Jackson at the time CD was released. Everything people said about Axl was always negative. MJ had to die to make the negative talk end.

Every single person who witnessed the days before CD came out knows that whenever someone talked anything about Chinese Democracy it was always a joke. How could an album that's already a joke EVER be received neutrally. There's no way it could have. Everyone with common sense understands that. Axl could never have pulled off a succesful comeback with one single album. If he wanted to get his reputation back it would have to be a slow process.

I agree that CD got some fair reviews. But it also got shitloads of unfair reviews, that didn't focus on the music at all.

I never said that CD wasn't promoted at all. I said that Axl didn't promote it. Which was a wise move. And you still don't have to agree with me on that.

You should look into a career as a psychic.

I post with logic and common sense - so it's a positive sign that you knew what I'd post. That means there is some logical thought process going on with you.

I guess I'm flattered you know so much about my posting style. I'll have to try and pay more attention to yours in the future.

Taylor Swift isn't universally hated? Do you ever go online? She receives as much hate as probably any recording artist alive not named Justin Bieber. And Axl Rose isn't universally hated by any means.

So the Myspace streaming - on a Guns n Roses myspace page - was done without Axl's consent?

The inclusion of If The World on one of the biggest Hollywood blockbuster movies of the year was done without Axl's consent?

The inclusing of Shacklers Revenge onto one of the most popular video games was done without Axl's consent?

Your basic premise is just full of holes and makes no logical sense.

So Axl is intelligent because he chose to not promote his comeback album, because he was in a no win situation. So the best route was to not promote it while it was receiving bad reviews. (Even though he did promote it, and it did receive really positive reviews from major rock publications, and he has "worked" CD for over a decade of touring).

So odd that some how other artists are able to go the exact opposite route and end up with high selling releases.

You don't have to be psychic to know what you're going to say on this forum. You keep repeating the same stuff over and over again.

I'm not sure what planet you lived on when CD was released, but back then it was nearly impossible to hear any talk about GNR on the radio or TV without some mocking jokes about Axl and new GNR. Same can't be said about Taylor Swift. Sure she gets hate, but not on the same level as Axl did. On the other hand I can't even remember the last time, when I read a negative article about Axl. So yes, I do think Axl's reputation has become better these last few years. for sure. It would be a whole different situation if Axl had promoted the album heavily. The release would have been remembered as a disaster and the media would probably still be making fun of it.

Luckily for Axl that's not the case. Sure the album was promoted and not without Axl's consent. But Axl didn't do interviews and stuff like that so the negative buzz stopped pretty quickly, which of course was a good thing for GNR.

It's not at all odd that other artists are able to take the exact opposite route with high selling releases. These artists are not blamed for the breakup of their bands.

You may be able to understand certain things better when you accept that GNR is not a normal band.

Cause it seems like you're mixing up logic and "inside the box thinking". You don't seem to comprehend that different situations might need different kind of solutions to work out well. The release of CD wasn't a normal release in any shape or form, because the media had bashed the album and it's singer already for about 14 years.

Now I know you're not gonna change your mind. I just wish that you could respect other peoples opinions. Cause when ever you disagree with someone you start making weird assumptions about them. Why is that? Just like now you claim that I'm trying to find any excuses to defend Axl even though I just said that I don't think Axl always makes good decisions. For example I think it was a crappy move to release Appetite for Democracy when there was miles better shows in 2010.

So tell me, why is it that you make false assumptions of people? Do you enjoy it? Does it make you feel powerful?

Lol. Now the crying starts.

So it's ok for you to make negative personal remakes about me......but how dare I make a personal assumptions about you! Funny stuff.

I don't recall your posting history. I was basing my assessment of you as a poster based on you make a completely false statement you made, and then you following it up with literally one of the 2-3 most illogical posts I've ever seen on this forum.

Does it make me feel powerful to make an assumption about you? What a weird thing to say. Anybody who feels powerful over GnR debates with complete strangers needs to log off the internet and step out into the real world.

Does it make you feel powerful to insult others? Is that why you come here?

You should pull up your big girl undies and realize that people are going to sometimes disagree with you. And understand that if you post something that is factually incorrect then people will point it out. And finally, you shouldn't cry when people make assumptions about you if you are also tossing out insults yourself. Seems a bit hypocritical on your part.

Oh......you shouldn't let complete strangers on a rock forum hurt your feelings and effect you so much.

But let's stop hijacking the topic. If you want to continue to discuss what a meanie I am, please use the PM system. This is a GnR forum. Not a Lies They Tell forum.


So Lies,

How would you grade Axl's handling of GnR over the past six years?

You say his lack of promoting his own comeback album was the intelligent move. (Lol....smh)

What grade do you give the past six years? Has it made you think Axl is more intelligent than you thought before?

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Yeah, I'm still having a hard time believing that not promoting CD was a good move. I mean, he could be on the cover of every rock magazine out there speaking about his new band and giving his own vision about the break-up of original GNR, and use the press on his favor but chose not to do so, and this was a smart move? Sorry, it just doesn't make sense for me. Absolutely no sense at all. Sorry for the off-topic.

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That puppy is adorbs.

Amir - I love you as a poster. You are smart, funny and make some great posts.

But for the love of all that is good in the world, please don't be that douchebag that starts abbreviating words that don't need to be abbreviated. Adorbs? Please tell me you don't also say jelly for jealous, brecky for breakfast, vacay for vacation, etc.

That puppy is so cute that I have taken leave of my senses and have adopted the vernacular of a teenage girl.

For realsies.

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Yeah, I'm still having a hard time believing that not promoting CD was a good move. I mean, he could be on the cover of every rock magazine out there speaking about his new band and giving his own vision about the break-up of original GNR, and use the press on his favor but chose not to do so, and this was a smart move? Sorry, it just doesn't make sense for me. Absolutely no sense at all. Sorry for the off-topic.

If you figure out the opposite angle, please let the rest of us know!!!

That puppy is adorbs.

Amir - I love you as a poster. You are smart, funny and make some great posts.

But for the love of all that is good in the world, please don't be that douchebag that starts abbreviating words that don't need to be abbreviated. Adorbs? Please tell me you don't also say jelly for jealous, brecky for breakfast, vacay for vacation, etc.

That puppy is so cute that I have taken leave of my senses and have adopted the vernacular of a teenage girl.

For realsies.

I guess a cute puppy or kitten can do that to the best of us at times.

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I don't see Axl as an intelligent person. I mean, the guy refused to promote his own big comeback album. I can't see an intelligent person doing that regardless of the circumstances. Sorry for the ot.

Personally I see that as a very intelligent move. I mean you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that the album was doomed before it was even released. There's no way it could have ever lived up to it's hype. I'm not saying that CD is a masterpiece and of course many people genuinely don't like it. But it's also true that the media was ready bash the album no matter what.

The release was a pure new GNR bash fest. It would have been so no matter what and Axl knew it beforehand. So the less people talked about the album when it was released, the better it was for GNR. Now many people have found out about the album on their own, instead of finding out about it through negative articles. I'm absolutely positive that the overall attitude towards new GNR and Axl Rose today would be far more negative, if Axl had promoted the album.

Feel free to disagree with me. I certainly don't think that Axl always makes wise decisions. But in my opinion the decision to not promote the album when it was released was one his good decisions for sure.

Holy crap.

I thought you were trying to be funny or sarcastic until getting to your final paragraph.

Nothing you say in your first two paragraphs makes ANY sense at all. It is completely devote of logic and common sense.

First off - CD was the most anticipate album of all time. Anybody remotely interested in purchasing a Guns n Roses album KNEW that CD was coming out. There weren't GnR consumers out there that didn't know CD came out.

So Axl wanted to release the album........but didn't want people to know about it for the first six months or so? That is one of the most illogical things I've ever read on this forum.

Couldn't live up to the hype? Yes, it could have. Very easily. It just had to have enough quality songs on it. The hype for all big-name artists is huge. I got tired of hearing about Taylor Swift's last album, it was hyped to death? How it do? Sold over a million copies the first week and today, seven months later, it is still tearing up the charts. Why? Because she delivered what her fans wanted to hear.

Why would Axl agree to stream the album on Myspace - where it got something like 15 million listens - if he didn't want to promote the release of the album???

And CD received pretty positive reviews when it came out. The general rock fan base didn't necessarily agree. But most music publications were very kind.

Rolling Stone: 4 out of 5 stars

Billboard: 4 out of 5 stars

Spin: 7 out of 10

Los Angeles Times: 4 out of 5 stars

Blender: 7 out of 10

I don't mean to be rude, but your entire post is pure rubbish. And I say that with all due respect. It really looks like you are just finding anyway possible to defend Axl's moves.

I knew that you'd answer this with 100% certainity. I also knew exactly what you'd answer. No offense, but sometimes you're ridiculously predictable. Did you know that? :D

You can't seriously be comparing Axl to Taylor Swift? It was a completely different situation. Taylor Swift has never been a universally hated person. Axl Rose was kinda like Michael Jackson at the time CD was released. Everything people said about Axl was always negative. MJ had to die to make the negative talk end.

Every single person who witnessed the days before CD came out knows that whenever someone talked anything about Chinese Democracy it was always a joke. How could an album that's already a joke EVER be received neutrally. There's no way it could have. Everyone with common sense understands that. Axl could never have pulled off a succesful comeback with one single album. If he wanted to get his reputation back it would have to be a slow process.

I agree that CD got some fair reviews. But it also got shitloads of unfair reviews, that didn't focus on the music at all.

I never said that CD wasn't promoted at all. I said that Axl didn't promote it. Which was a wise move. And you still don't have to agree with me on that.

You should look into a career as a psychic.

I post with logic and common sense - so it's a positive sign that you knew what I'd post. That means there is some logical thought process going on with you.

I guess I'm flattered you know so much about my posting style. I'll have to try and pay more attention to yours in the future.

Taylor Swift isn't universally hated? Do you ever go online? She receives as much hate as probably any recording artist alive not named Justin Bieber. And Axl Rose isn't universally hated by any means.

So the Myspace streaming - on a Guns n Roses myspace page - was done without Axl's consent?

The inclusion of If The World on one of the biggest Hollywood blockbuster movies of the year was done without Axl's consent?

The inclusing of Shacklers Revenge onto one of the most popular video games was done without Axl's consent?

Your basic premise is just full of holes and makes no logical sense.

So Axl is intelligent because he chose to not promote his comeback album, because he was in a no win situation. So the best route was to not promote it while it was receiving bad reviews. (Even though he did promote it, and it did receive really positive reviews from major rock publications, and he has "worked" CD for over a decade of touring).

So odd that some how other artists are able to go the exact opposite route and end up with high selling releases.

You don't have to be psychic to know what you're going to say on this forum. You keep repeating the same stuff over and over again.

I'm not sure what planet you lived on when CD was released, but back then it was nearly impossible to hear any talk about GNR on the radio or TV without some mocking jokes about Axl and new GNR. Same can't be said about Taylor Swift. Sure she gets hate, but not on the same level as Axl did. On the other hand I can't even remember the last time, when I read a negative article about Axl. So yes, I do think Axl's reputation has become better these last few years. for sure. It would be a whole different situation if Axl had promoted the album heavily. The release would have been remembered as a disaster and the media would probably still be making fun of it.

Luckily for Axl that's not the case. Sure the album was promoted and not without Axl's consent. But Axl didn't do interviews and stuff like that so the negative buzz stopped pretty quickly, which of course was a good thing for GNR.

It's not at all odd that other artists are able to take the exact opposite route with high selling releases. These artists are not blamed for the breakup of their bands.

You may be able to understand certain things better when you accept that GNR is not a normal band.

Cause it seems like you're mixing up logic and "inside the box thinking". You don't seem to comprehend that different situations might need different kind of solutions to work out well. The release of CD wasn't a normal release in any shape or form, because the media had bashed the album and it's singer already for about 14 years.

Now I know you're not gonna change your mind. I just wish that you could respect other peoples opinions. Cause when ever you disagree with someone you start making weird assumptions about them. Why is that? Just like now you claim that I'm trying to find any excuses to defend Axl even though I just said that I don't think Axl always makes good decisions. For example I think it was a crappy move to release Appetite for Democracy when there was miles better shows in 2010.

So tell me, why is it that you make false assumptions of people? Do you enjoy it? Does it make you feel powerful?

Lol. Now the crying starts.

So it's ok for you to make negative personal remakes about me......but how dare I make a personal assumptions about you! Funny stuff.

I don't recall your posting history. I was basing my assessment of you as a poster based on you make a completely false statement you made, and then you following it up with literally one of the 2-3 most illogical posts I've ever seen on this forum.

Does it make me feel powerful to make an assumption about you? What a weird thing to say. Anybody who feels powerful over GnR debates with complete strangers needs to log off the internet and step out into the real world.

Does it make you feel powerful to insult others? Is that why you come here?

You should pull up your big girl undies and realize that people are going to sometimes disagree with you. And understand that if you post something that is factually incorrect then people will point it out. And finally, you shouldn't cry when people make assumptions about you if you are also tossing out insults yourself. Seems a bit hypocritical on your part.

Oh......you shouldn't let complete strangers on a rock forum hurt your feelings and effect you so much.

But let's stop hijacking the topic. If you want to continue to discuss what a meanie I am, please use the PM system. This is a GnR forum. Not a Lies They Tell forum.


So Lies,

How would you grade Axl's handling of GnR over the past six years?

You say his lack of promoting his own comeback album was the intelligent move. (Lol....smh)

What grade do you give the past six years? Has it made you think Axl is more intelligent than you thought before?

What makes you think that I hurt my feelings? Boy, you really do seem to enjoy making false assumptions of people. :D

Anyway, you're telling me that people will point out if I say factually incorrect stuff. Okay, that sounds good! I like that! Then why don't you do so? Seriously, you keep saying that my post was factually incorrect yet you haven't proven anything that I said factually incorrect. When I say that in my opinion it was a wise decision from Axl to not promote the album by doing interviews, when the album was released, that is called an OPINION. You keep bashing my opinion and saying that it's ridiculous and illogical yet you have not been able to prove it wrong or prove it illogical. No one knows with 100% certainty what the end result would have been is Axl had promoted the album more. We can only have opinions about that. I've said numerous times that you don't have to agree with me. To me it's completely okay that we have different opinions. I don't agree with you, but I've never said that you're completely wrong or illogical, because unlike you I respect other peoples opinions.

Now you're accusing me of insulting people. What exactly have I said to you that you consider insulting? I said that you repeat yourself. Seriously that's the worst insult I could find.And I didn't even mean that as an insult. I meant it as constructive advice. But oh well I'm terribly sorry about that! Meanwhile you're calling my opinion completely wrong, rubbish and illogical and yet you can't even prove me wrong. Then you tell me to pull up my big girl panties. How nice of you!

But to answer your question. I would give Axl perhaps 5 out of 10 points, for the last 6 years. The rating would be much lower if it wasn't for the amazing 2010 tour. These last few years have been very boring for GNR fans though. Then again who knows what Axl's been doing behind closed doors. If he has been writing amazing songs, then kudos to him. But we can only hope for the best and be prepared for the worst.

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Yeah, I'm still having a hard time believing that not promoting CD was a good move. I mean, he could be on the cover of every rock magazine out there speaking about his new band and giving his own vision about the break-up of original GNR, and use the press on his favor but chose not to do so, and this was a smart move? Sorry, it just doesn't make sense for me. Absolutely no sense at all. Sorry for the off-topic.

Thats okay! You don't have to understand my point of view. But let's put it this way. If there's a divorce and a child's parents split up, that's pretty though times for a child. If the mother starts dating a new man, it's pretty damn understandable if the child has a hard time accepting the new father. And you have to respect the child. The only way that new father could make things worse would be if he would try to force the child to accept him. If the child is not ready to accept him, his mind won't change if you try too hard. Instead he might just start to hate you more. But if the new father doesn't hurry too much, the child might start liking him over time.

That's kinda like the situation with GNR. In my opinion most people were not ready to accept new GNR when CD was released. They had been bashing Chinese Democracy for years. Peoples minds don't just change over night. If Axl would have suddenly been on every magazine cover, people would just have started hating him more and more. It's better that many people found out about CD on their own without the feeling that it's pushed down their throats. But yeah, feel free to disagree with me. I enjoy discussing different points of views instead of bashing those who disagree with me.

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The new songs played live and the leaks weren't that bad received. What do you mean when you say people were bashing Chinese Democracy? The fans liked the songs, including myself. Don't remember how the press reacted to the new songs. Do you have any links where people bashed CD before its release?

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Guys can we keep this thread on topic please. If you want to discuss the promotion of CD start a topic (preferably in Civil War). Thanks

Cleaned up the thread some and quoting the above as a reminder.

Alfie is asking nicely to keep this thread on topic.

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