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I feel like Axl will be really into the new baby. This is his family.

But the truth is they are not. Unless he secretly the father or something. That doesn't mean they don't care for each other, or are very close. But family they are not. Its like your dad's friend that you called uncle your whole life, just because you said it doesn't make it true. It takes a lot more than words to make a family. But then again I wouldn't expect Axl to understand that, because he has never actually made a family. Which to that all I can say is "I'm sorry for you, not sorry for me."

I highly respect your opinion, butI don't believe in objective parameters when it comes to define what family is, and I do believe that family isn't restricted to blood ties. These guys have sticked with Axl for a long, long time and they surely are a big part in Axl's life (it seems, I'm not obsessed with the topic and I don't know Axl personally).

Maybe if Axl decides to retire, he will surely treat this baby like family, and it actually could be a game changer in his life

Edited by BreakDown2014
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I feel like Axl will be really into the new baby. This is his family.

But the truth is they are not. Unless he secretly the father or something. That doesn't mean they don't care for each other, or are very close. But family they are not. Its like your dad's friend that you called uncle your whole life, just because you said it doesn't make it true. It takes a lot more than words to make a family. But then again I wouldn't expect Axl to understand that, because he has never actually made a family. Which to that all I can say is "I'm sorry for you, not sorry for me."

I highly respect your opinion, butI don't believe in objective parameters when it comes to define what family is, and I do believe that family isn't restricted to blood ties. These guys have sticked with Axl for a long, long time and they surely are a big part in Axl's life (it seems, I'm not obsessed with the topic and I don't know Axl personally).

Maybe if Axl decides to retire, he will surely treat this baby like family, and it actually could be a game changer in his life

Not to try and argue with you, but even Webster's dictionary defines a family as

: a group of people who are related to each other

: a person's children

: a group of related people including people who lived in the past

I don't know how it can be anymore cut and dry. It doesn't mean that you can't care for non family members. Or that you can't love so and so "as" a mother or "as" a sibling. But having said that, because you love someone as a mother or sibling does not make them family.

The reason why I even brought this up is because I know better than most how difficult and how important family is. The family we are born into, we have no say in, it's just something that happens, which as such, can be very difficult to manage at times. The family we create through marriage and children is difficult as well, but for different reasons. Its difficult because it's so hard to find. Its like an accomplishment to get married, than its another accomplisment to have kids. These are life events that have to be earned, not given. Just like a person has to earn a job, or money, or success. It takes hard work, resliance, and yes even luck to accomplish these goals, so I'm sorry I have to call bull Shit on those that say so and so are family even though they are not.

Think about like this, I've never recorded an album that sold 20 million copies. I have no idea what that is like. I could go and record an album tomorrow, but that doesn't mean it's anywhere near appetite. It will never achieve what appetite achieved, no matter how much I wish it would. I can even go around and say "hey my album is just as good as appetite" but that doesn't make it true. So I'm sorry if I am gonna call b.s. in Axl believing theses people are his family. Unless Axl has hidden things from us concerning them, then no matter how he spins it, they are not his family. A successful marriage and children is something that Axl has never accomplished in life. So clearly it is something he doesn't know much about, so what gives him the right to claim those accomplishments he has never achieved? Again I don't go around claiming to have sold millions of albums...

He could have been adopted into the Lebeis family which would formalise a family arrangement in most cultures. Didn't he call Beta 'mother' when he clobbered a journo?

Which if this is true, or by chance he is the father of one of the kids, than I take my statement back. But again none of this is known at this point I time. My statment is based upon what we know to be true. Edited by Iron MikeyJ
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I feel like Axl will be really into the new baby. This is his family.

But the truth is they are not. Unless he secretly the father or something. That doesn't mean they don't care for each other, or are very close. But family they are not. Its like your dad's friend that you called uncle your whole life, just because you said it doesn't make it true. It takes a lot more than words to make a family. But then again I wouldn't expect Axl to understand that, because he has never actually made a family. Which to that all I can say is "I'm sorry for you, not sorry for me."

I highly respect your opinion, butI don't believe in objective parameters when it comes to define what family is, and I do believe that family isn't restricted to blood ties. These guys have sticked with Axl for a long, long time and they surely are a big part in Axl's life (it seems, I'm not obsessed with the topic and I don't know Axl personally).

Maybe if Axl decides to retire, he will surely treat this baby like family, and it actually could be a game changer in his life

Not to try and argue with you, but even Webster's dictionary defines a family as

: a group of people who are related to each other

: a person's children

: a group of related people including people who lived in the past

I don't know how it can be anymore cut and dry. It doesn't mean that you can't care for non family members. Or that you can't love so and so "as" a mother or "as" a sibling. But having said that, because you love someone as a mother or sibling does not make them family.

The reason why I even brought this up is because I know better than most how difficult and how important family is. The family we are born into, we have no say in, it's just something that happens, which as such, can be very difficult to manage at times. The family we create through marriage and children is difficult as well, but for different reasons. Its difficult because it's so hard to find. Its like an accomplishment to get married, than its another accomplisment to have kids. These are life events that have to be earned, not given. Just like a person has to earn a job, or money, or success. It takes hard work, resliance, and yes even luck to accomplish these goals, so I'm sorry I have to call bull Shit on those that say so and so are family even though they are not.

Think about like this, I've never recorded an album that sold 20 million copies. I have no idea what that is like. I could go and record an album tomorrow, but that doesn't mean it's anywhere near appetite. It will never achieve what appetite achieved, no matter how much I wish it would. I can even go around and say "hey my album is just as good as appetite" but that doesn't make it true. So I'm sorry if I am gonna call b.s. in Axl believing theses people are his family. Unless Axl has hidden things from us concerning them, then no matter how he spins it, they are not his family. A successful marriage and children is something that Axl has never accomplished in life. So clearly it is something he doesn't know much about, so what gives him the right to claim those accomplishments he has never achieved? Again I don't go around claiming to have sold millions of albums...

He could have been adopted into the Lebeis family which would formalise a family arrangement in most cultures. Didn't he call Beta 'mother' when he clobbered a journo?

Which if this is true, or by chance he is the father of one of the kids, than I take my statement back. But again none of this is known at this point I time. My statment is based upon what we know to be true.

We know he regards Beta as 'mother'. It is not a tremendous leap to believe that that position has been formalised legally. Besides, if he generally believes she is his 'mother' then I suppose she is his mother (not genetically obviously - but otherwise); it is slightly odd given their respective age/backgrounds but I think we have long since passed the age of the middle class family norm. Humans should inherently have the right to have their individual family grouping respected as being just that, a family.

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Family definitely does not have to be by blood.

I consider my best friend my family

Family has a clear definition. I think what you mean to say is that you consider your friend "like" family.

Axl considers Beta to be "like" a mother to him, but he knows she's not actually his mother.

This is just an argument of semantics anyway and it's entirely stupid. We all know that two people who aren't related to someone in a family sense aren't actually family. But whatever. There's no need to be so literal about everything, whoever brought this up.

Edited by Amish
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I feel like Axl will be really into the new baby. This is his family.

But the truth is they are not. Unless he secretly the father or something. That doesn't mean they don't care for each other, or are very close. But family they are not. Its like your dad's friend that you called uncle your whole life, just because you said it doesn't make it true. It takes a lot more than words to make a family. But then again I wouldn't expect Axl to understand that, because he has never actually made a family. Which to that all I can say is "I'm sorry for you, not sorry for me."
Seems a little bit harsh old chap. Poor form.

You could be right, it's hard to say exactly. Theres this idea that Beta is like a mother figure to Axl. The nuclear family went boom.

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Family definitely does not have to be by blood.

I consider my best friend my family

Family has a clear definition. I think what you mean to say is that you consider your friend "like" family.

Axl considers Beta to be "like" a mother to him, but he knows she's not actually his mother.

This is just an argument of semantics anyway and it's entirely stupid. We all know that two people who aren't related to someone in a family sense aren't actually family. But whatever. There's no need to be so literal about everything, whoever brought this up.

Absolute garbage. Ever heard of adoption? Most cultures in fact do not delineate 'family' by genetics. That is a late 19th century inheritance. Most cultures through human history have practiced various forms of adoption and cohabitation.

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Family definitely does not have to be by blood.

I consider my best friend my family

Family has a clear definition. I think what you mean to say is that you consider your friend "like" family.

Axl considers Beta to be "like" a mother to him, but he knows she's not actually his mother.

This is just an argument of semantics anyway and it's entirely stupid. We all know that two people who aren't related to someone in a family sense aren't actually family. But whatever. There's no need to be so literal about everything, whoever brought this up.

Absolute garbage. Ever heard of adoption? Most cultures in fact do not delineate 'family' by genetics. That is a late 19th century inheritance. Most cultures through human history have practiced various forms of adoption and cohabitation.

Exactly. If there's a parent who abandoned their child, they aren't family. Family is truly defined by how close people are and how they support one another. I've shared experiences with my best friend, for example, that I haven't even come close to with blood relatives. If Axl considers Beta and her crew his family, then that is what they are. They seem to live together, support one another, etc. For better or worse, that sounds like family to me.

EDIT- This is stupid.

Edited by ZoSoRose
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I have no doubt that Axl considers Team Brazil as family. In the airport video where Axl wacks a camera man he says "he hit my mother" and we all know he didn't care much for his mother or step father back in the 80's and 90's.

I feel I band should function as a family also in order to make thing work because most people that have a agreement or fight with family you tend to let it go and move on like it never happened. These people I consider my family get more of the benefit of the doubt than just an ordinary friend.

Family is what you make it to be whether it is blood, adopted, friends or all the above.

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I am happy for everybody having a child and starting or adding to their family, even if I do not know them... the same way I am hurt and distressed when I come across people dying early from terminal illnesses or accidents and the like... I used to work in a nursing home and I spoke to many residents but even the ones I did not interact with, I was upset when they died, it's called compassion but I agree you don't need to be forced into having emotional resonance with other humans you don't know if you do not wish to.

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It all depends how we're classifying the depth that 'happiness' holds, like even if I don't know somebody, I can identify and reach into the concept of what it represents and means for a couple to be welcoming a kid into the world, even if I don't know them, it's not like you're thinking of them beyond that capacity... but you CAN be genuinely happy and really feel a warm happiness toward them, without knowing who they are... but I see your point of ''you're not REALLY happy for them'' in the sense of how you would be happy for your pal or say even work colleagues... neither opinion is completely inaccurate.

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Guys, fine to go a little off topic from time to time, but let's watch the personal insults.

I'm going to ask that we conclude our discussion on family (or move it to Anything Goes) and return to discussions relating to social media updates.


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I can see why GNR members don't speak.

I can understand why the current band wouldn't want to speak, and I understand why Duff, Slash and co wouldn't want to say much but Axl? no idea why he wouldn't want to clear things up, like the speculation that his band that he built for 15+ has disintegrated, or that he intends on retiring (based on nothing, but as he or any rep for GnR didn't squash it, it's been picked up by more "news" sites), or that he intends on disbanding the CD era band and working with the old band again... say what you will about there being no reason to say anything, as nothing is supposedly firmly in place, but I think you're mistaken with that assumption. One thing is firmly in place and that's people's belief (current fans as well as the one's that have actively went against the new band since Slash's departure) that GnR are dead and buried, unless a reunion takes place.

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