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Official GNR Social Media Update / Discussion

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For those of you who have not watched the Q&A video..it was said at the end of the video for those in public who found bracelets on the back of the poster got to meet Slash after the screening... Imagine Frank or Fortus or Dizzy finding it...lol :rofl-lol:

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12 hours ago, Asia said:

I didn't say he specifically said this but when he makes a thousand of comments about how exciting it is to tour with AC/DC, how he wants to make music with them and how great he feels on stage with Angus or how he'd kill any other singer who'd take this gig from him but at the same time there was not one sentence spoken by him or Slash or Duff about being excited with the new GNR line-up or tour or whatever with a couple of weeks left to go, then the impression it makes is obvious, isn't it? The impression is - they don't care so why should we? And I mean impression, nevermind what the truth is, it's the impression or what is perceived that makes or kills the hype.

Or in other words: Slash and Duff aren't promoting this at all and neither is Axl who is promoting AC/DC instead so what is to generate the hype? This pathethic one minute footage with studio sound or the pictures of cables?


So it's basically your impression, not something that he actually said. Got it. Thanks.

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11 hours ago, tsinindy said:

This is an interesting point and a good point.

BUT...I'm not sure you can directly blame Axl, or Slash, or Duff.

Im not saying you shouldn't blame them either.  But I'm very interested in what Ticketmasters promotional strategy is on this.  They run the fan club now, they run the website.  They are producing and promoting the tour.  Have they told these guys you don't do promo or interviews?  Or are they just not doing them bc they don't want to or don't care?


So, here in Phoenix, I hear promotion for the GN'R show which is still a couple of months away - every single hour on the radio. From 9:00 to 5:00. Every single day. They're even giving free tickets to callers. So, while some people may be of the impression that no promotion is happening, there is promotion happening. It's just not the type of promotion that they want happening.

Edited by The Archer
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4 minutes ago, The Archer said:

So, here in Phoenix, I hear promotion for the GN'R show which is still a couple of months away - every single hour on the radio. From 9:00 to 5:00. Every single hour. They're even giving free tickets to callers. So, while some people may be of the impression that no promotion is happening, there is promotion happening. It's just not the type of promotion that they want happening.


And I call in every hour to win those tickets and haven't yet :max:

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1 minute ago, Bulldog said:


And I call in every hour to win those tickets and haven't yet :max:

:lol: I KNOW>It's insane. I keep trying too and no luck yet. The line is always busy and they've done a smart thing with having only the 6th caller that dials in, win. That makes more people think they have a chance. It's good to see that people are interested in GN'R tickets.

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4 hours ago, rosesandguns said:

20 years of waiting and 6 months ago Axl & Slash announces a reunion, no-one ever thought would happen.

While doing a huge & unique mysterious marketing campaign never done before -> People are furious about them not doing interviews & telling people what's happening like some MTV Pop Star

Axl does an interview and says he's done some new material -> People still are mad because there's no new material YET just after 6 months of the announcement

Axl joins his favourite band to sing, while there's no plans for GNR during this time, and pulls it off like a magician, while every over Guns member have projects of their own, always had -> Axl's now betraying Guns'n'roses

Guns'n'roses almost sells out most of the stadium gigs they have, and keeps silence for a couple of months -> They've not generated ENOUGH hype

How much faster you guys want things to happen? All of this that has already happened beats all the odds of what man could ever imagine. I sincerely hope that Guns keep doing things as secret and as mysterious as they've done so far, it's fucking awesome and reminds me of the old Guns - always unpredictable and mysterious. 

What comes to the marketing, interviews, public appearance etc. - you have to be really god damn blind not see that they know EXACTLY what they are doing. No band generates this much rumors and questions, without it's being a part of a business plan and it's all been planned this way months and months ago. If Axl gives interviews & take promotional pictures with AC/DC, that's completely another plan, and doesn't make Axl a douche towards Guns fans in any kind of way. Guns plan obviously is to stay silent, and generate questions and rumours, like a rock'n'roll band of their kind should. In my opinion Axl has done an amazing 'come back' to public - being all mysterious with Guns (even though answering questions about them, which already is surprising), being all mr. Nice Guy with AC/DC as he is expected to, and most of all - totally killing it in the shows with both Guns and AC/DC, and according to youtube, he just keep getting better and more consistent all the time. And if they post a dull picture of wires on Facebook, it's only because they WANT us to go "oh what the fuck, wires, what does this means oh fuck this is so stupid". It's Guns, not Nickelback. 

I hope they take time to write stuff PROPERLY, 'cause the fact is that their getting old, and they've probably done their best writing already in the past, so they really gotta nail it this time if they are going to release anything at all. It takes tremendous fucking balls to write anything even remotely as good as they've already done. Any idea how hard it was to write Chinese Democracy? You actually might have if you've followed the process via media. Any idea how hard it might be to write a follow-up to that, that could actually fulfill fans expectations? In this point it does not even really help the pressure to have Slash & Duff on board, 'cause the our expectations skyrocketed after their come back. No-ones gonna settle to a mediocre Guns-track at this point.

Guns/Axl have already listened to the fans in terms of bringing Slash & Duff back, playing shows, playing Coma, doing a huge tour instead of a few shows, not being late, not cancelling anything important, writing new material (as Axl said in China Exchange), promising an interview with Trunk (which is already a rare thing, if it happens), and most of all - Axl's gotten his voice in the best shape he probably can at his age, and clearly not just grabbing our money but putting some huge effort on this. They've already generated much more hype and they've done much more stuff for the fans that no-one could ever imagine 10 years back. Everything that happens on top of all this is a huge plus.

Izzy said he's not involved atm, and didn't wanna share the reasons why. That's it. Sorum said he's not asked to join. That's it. Adler's rumored by many multiple sources to make an appearance. That's it. It's not really wise spending time to speculate these things, and if they are not up to sharing why or when or how, that's up to them and/or Axl. Guns already beat the odds by bringing Slash back, more than we could ever expect to happen. If you don't wanna listen to Guns without Izzy and/or Steven at this point, then don't, that should be nothing new to you, as they've not played in the band for decades. If you think it's annoying for them to bring a couple of members back without bringing them all in, I got a tip for you: stop whining. Whining didn't bring Slash & Duff back, and it sure-as-hell won't bring the other two back. Again: there are reasons beyond our control. You can cross your fingers, buy tickets and enjoy the ride, or go back to what you've been used to: don't listen to Guns without the Appetite-five. Both options should be equally familiar with all of the Guns fans for the past two decades, so you will no doubt adapt easily. 

And one more thing - talks about Axl 'wasting his time' with AC/DC while he could be writing and/or rehearsing Guns songs - what makes you think it would make a drastic difference to Guns if he would've spent these couple of months doing Guns? He has had years and years of writing that material - what could change in a couple of months about that? He has had years and years of singing & playing Guns stuff, what would make a huge difference in these couple of months? The reality is that he is ACTUALLY doing something we can proof and enjoy - singing. In public. With a rock'n'roll band. There's nothing cooler & better he could've done spending his time right now. And what comes to the allegation of him 'losing his voice' with AC/DC - come on. Just come the fuck on. It was already a ridiculous allegation because of the fact (we all know) that he has always gone better and better when the tour goes on. This time he destroyed it in Vegas, he killed in Lisbon and most of all, he was superb in Manchester yesterday. Look at the facts, he's in the best shape of his late-career and he's working with the best vocal coach money could buy. I think they would know if this would be too much for his voice. They are professionals, and by looking every single fact we have at this point, they are doing a hell-of-a job keeping Axl's voice fit at the moment. If you think that Axl's comments about having a good time with AC/DC kills the hype for you for GNR and that he doesn't care about GNR anymore, that's a pretty twisted perspective 2 months after announcing a stadium tour, when there's been a 20 years wait (and no hope) for anything remotely as exciting as this. And about Slash & Duff promoting this meanwhile… Would it really make difference after putting up huge billboards all over US and doing this well-planned super mysterious Old-Guns-like marketing campaign that Slash would update Facebook every now and then saying "yeaahh guns tour coming get ready fuckers buy tickets yeah"? 

THE POINT - I know I'm new here, but I am already bored how fe. this thread is turning out. I wanna see some social media updates while clicking this topic, so please can we post some social media updates and stop whining about things beyond our control. 

PS. So what if Axl doesn't like a fat pic of him and/or meme it generated? He has done way more obscene things in the past, so I think this is way less dramatic of what to expect from him. 

Epic Post. Congrats @rosesandguns. Another one to join @ACP, with one of the best first posts ever. I hope you keep posting here for a long time to come. Thanks for voicing a lot of the thoughts that some of us have had while reading the blindingly inane posts that we've been seeing after all the good news that we've got this year. I wish I had written some of what you had written :lol:. All of your post was brilliant, but I just highlighted and boldfaced the parts that I thought were most relevant. I agree with almost everything you said, except for the last part - I think that billboards do help. While there haven't been huge billboards everywhere, there have been little billboards, usually at bus stops and important intersections, strategically dotted all over the city that I'm in, and that too months and months before the shows - so clearly, people who are complaining about 'no promotion', are doing so in some sort of vacuum. I Lol'd too at your comment about Slash's imaginary Facebook updates that people probably want to see. It did make me think that all that some of these folks really want, is to see Slash and Axl together on TV, hugging it out, and calling each other brothers for life again, and vicariously enjoy that feeling of love and friendship. It may still very well happen of course, but I wish that they would just show some Patience, and quit whining all the time.

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This is a GNR discussion forum not an Axl ass licking association and the fact that they've reunited and that I am undoubtedly happy about it doesn't mean that I shouldn't notice when they fuck things up which is exactly what they're doing with the promotion of this tour. 

And it is not wining, it is stating an opinion. I know that these days any attitude other than being mindlessly happy and positive about practically everything is very much out of fashion and is immediately considered wining, bitching or whatever but unfortunately I am a very unfashionable person and plan to remain that way.

Edited by Asia
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6 hours ago, MillionsOfSpiders said:

Just imagine if Slash and Duff had been with Axl on his last interview. What's Slash meant to do when Axl says there are lies in his book? 

If ever, by some miracle, they do an interview together, I'm betting Duff will be sat in the middle! 

I don't think he would have said it if Slash and Duff were present, at least not with these words. He could have been less blunt anyway without being inconsistent; he could, for example, have said something like "my account of what happened is quite different and it's hard to write about it without being negative to the others". It's funny that while his point was that he doesn't want to be negative to the others, he said something negative, but this is Axl. :lol:

It would be a miracle indeed if they did an interview together. I don't recall them (Slash and Axl) doing this since the AFD era, maybe they did it once. They'd been doing separate interviews and in quite a few occasions they'd been saying things about each other.

Edited by Blackstar
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4 hours ago, DIST said:

Those jackets represent the bullshit GNR stood against once.

This ain't no reunion, Guns died in 93. 

I don't know why people think GnR "stood against" this type of thing.  I don't remember them ever turning away any celebrity friends.  They were based out of Hollywood/LA after all.  If these people are genuine fans of theirs or just hanging because it's cool, who cares? 

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48 minutes ago, Blackstar said:

I don't think he would have said it if Slash and Duff were present, at least not with these words. He could have been less blunt anyway without being inconsistent; he could, for example, have said something like "my account of what happened is quite different and it's hard to write about it without being negative to the others". It's funny that while his point was that he doesn't want to be negative to the others, he said something negative, but this is Axl. :lol:

It would be a miracle indeed if they did an interview together. I don't recall them (Slash and Axl) doing this since the AFD era, maybe they did it once. They'd been doing separate interviews and in quite a few occasions they'd been saying things about each other.

Actually, more than a joint interview, what would really be interesting is seeing Slash (and without Duff) making extended comments  - whether on social media - facebook, twitter, youtube whatever, or being interviewed alone, or being recorded while being asked a few questions about what he feels about everything. Maybe the arrangement that he and Duff have as far as them rejoining the band precludes that, but it would still be good to see. In fact, at this point, I'm more curious about what Slash has to say, than what a dozen new interviews from Axl might give us. It would be interesting to see Slash's unfiltered take on the reunion, it being a hybrid, playing the CD songs, what he thinks about promotion, what his plans are for contributing to new music, what he feels about his and other band members having their solo projects, what he thinks about Axl/DC etc. On the one hand, it might finally provide some genuine fodder to some of the folks who are still unhappy and disappointed, and some tangible reasons to fuel the fire of their discontent. But on the other hand, it may finally give them some peace and lay to rest some of the anxiety that Slash isn't being given enough attention or getting his due or that this has not all gone his way, or gone enough of his way. Either way, only good things can come out of it, so more than anyone else, we need to hear more from Slash.

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1 hour ago, Blackstar said:

I don't think he would have said it if Slash and Duff were present, at least not with these words.

This is Axl. He probably would have said the exact same thing with them there as without them there. He has never been the best at being tactful.

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6 hours ago, Rickodez said:

Everyone, except Axl were in this event. Everyone! Duff, Melissa, Fortus, Ferrer, Dizzy... Duff it's not in the picture but he came soon after(the picture). Axl is missing all the bro fun.


 I freakin' love to see Them together like this! After toy museum now movie premiere.too bad, If the AC/DC tour can finish earlier maybe Axl will join too.

I thought Slash would not okay with Them but seeing Sluff together with Them really makes Me happy. Beside anything behind the scene of Slaxl, I would love to see any video of Slash Duff together with NuGuns


I can see Slash will join Duff yoga session during tour later :lol:

Edited by SerenityScorp
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15 hours ago, rosesandguns said:

20 years of waiting and 6 months ago Axl & Slash announces a reunion, no-one ever thought would happen.

While doing a huge & unique mysterious marketing campaign never done before -> People are furious about them not doing interviews & telling people what's happening like some MTV Pop Star

Axl does an interview and says he's done some new material -> People still are mad because there's no new material YET just after 6 months of the announcement

Axl joins his favourite band to sing, while there's no plans for GNR during this time, and pulls it off like a magician, while every over Guns member have projects of their own, always had -> Axl's now betraying Guns'n'roses

Guns'n'roses almost sells out most of the stadium gigs they have, and keeps silence for a couple of months -> They've not generated ENOUGH hype

How much faster you guys want things to happen? All of this that has already happened beats all the odds of what man could ever imagine. I sincerely hope that Guns keep doing things as secret and as mysterious as they've done so far, it's fucking awesome and reminds me of the old Guns - always unpredictable and mysterious. 

What comes to the marketing, interviews, public appearance etc. - you have to be really god damn blind not see that they know EXACTLY what they are doing. No band generates this much rumors and questions, without it's being a part of a business plan and it's all been planned this way months and months ago. If Axl gives interviews & take promotional pictures with AC/DC, that's completely another plan, and doesn't make Axl a douche towards Guns fans in any kind of way. Guns plan obviously is to stay silent, and generate questions and rumours, like a rock'n'roll band of their kind should. In my opinion Axl has done an amazing 'come back' to public - being all mysterious with Guns (even though answering questions about them, which already is surprising), being all mr. Nice Guy with AC/DC as he is expected to, and most of all - totally killing it in the shows with both Guns and AC/DC, and according to youtube, he just keep getting better and more consistent all the time. And if they post a dull picture of wires on Facebook, it's only because they WANT us to go "oh what the fuck, wires, what does this means oh fuck this is so stupid". It's Guns, not Nickelback. 

I hope they take time to write stuff PROPERLY, 'cause the fact is that their getting old, and they've probably done their best writing already in the past, so they really gotta nail it this time if they are going to release anything at all. It takes tremendous fucking balls to write anything even remotely as good as they've already done. Any idea how hard it was to write Chinese Democracy? You actually might have if you've followed the process via media. Any idea how hard it might be to write a follow-up to that, that could actually fulfill fans expectations? In this point it does not even really help the pressure to have Slash & Duff on board, 'cause the our expectations skyrocketed after their come back. No-ones gonna settle to a mediocre Guns-track at this point.

Guns/Axl have already listened to the fans in terms of bringing Slash & Duff back, playing shows, playing Coma, doing a huge tour instead of a few shows, not being late, not cancelling anything important, writing new material (as Axl said in China Exchange), promising an interview with Trunk (which is already a rare thing, if it happens), and most of all - Axl's gotten his voice in the best shape he probably can at his age, and clearly not just grabbing our money but putting some huge effort on this. They've already generated much more hype and they've done much more stuff for the fans that no-one could ever imagine 10 years back. Everything that happens on top of all this is a huge plus.

Izzy said he's not involved atm, and didn't wanna share the reasons why. That's it. Sorum said he's not asked to join. That's it. Adler's rumored by many multiple sources to make an appearance. That's it. It's not really wise spending time to speculate these things, and if they are not up to sharing why or when or how, that's up to them and/or Axl. Guns already beat the odds by bringing Slash back, more than we could ever expect to happen. If you don't wanna listen to Guns without Izzy and/or Steven at this point, then don't, that should be nothing new to you, as they've not played in the band for decades. If you think it's annoying for them to bring a couple of members back without bringing them all in, I got a tip for you: stop whining. Whining didn't bring Slash & Duff back, and it sure-as-hell won't bring the other two back. Again: there are reasons beyond our control. You can cross your fingers, buy tickets and enjoy the ride, or go back to what you've been used to: don't listen to Guns without the Appetite-five. Both options should be equally familiar with all of the Guns fans for the past two decades, so you will no doubt adapt easily. 

And one more thing - talks about Axl 'wasting his time' with AC/DC while he could be writing and/or rehearsing Guns songs - what makes you think it would make a drastic difference to Guns if he would've spent these couple of months doing Guns? He has had years and years of writing that material - what could change in a couple of months about that? He has had years and years of singing & playing Guns stuff, what would make a huge difference in these couple of months? The reality is that he is ACTUALLY doing something we can proof and enjoy - singing. In public. With a rock'n'roll band. There's nothing cooler & better he could've done spending his time right now. And what comes to the allegation of him 'losing his voice' with AC/DC - come on. Just come the fuck on. It was already a ridiculous allegation because of the fact (we all know) that he has always gone better and better when the tour goes on. This time he destroyed it in Vegas, he killed in Lisbon and most of all, he was superb in Manchester yesterday. Look at the facts, he's in the best shape of his late-career and he's working with the best vocal coach money could buy. I think they would know if this would be too much for his voice. They are professionals, and by looking every single fact we have at this point, they are doing a hell-of-a job keeping Axl's voice fit at the moment. If you think that Axl's comments about having a good time with AC/DC kills the hype for you for GNR and that he doesn't care about GNR anymore, that's a pretty twisted perspective 2 months after announcing a stadium tour, when there's been a 20 years wait (and no hope) for anything remotely as exciting as this. And about Slash & Duff promoting this meanwhile… Would it really make difference after putting up huge billboards all over US and doing this well-planned super mysterious Old-Guns-like marketing campaign that Slash would update Facebook every now and then saying "yeaahh guns tour coming get ready fuckers buy tickets yeah"? 

THE POINT - I know I'm new here, but I am already bored how fe. this thread is turning out. I wanna see some social media updates while clicking this topic, so please can we post some social media updates and stop whining about things beyond our control. 

PS. So what if Axl doesn't like a fat pic of him and/or meme it generated? He has done way more obscene things in the past, so I think this is way less dramatic of what to expect from him. 

This is exactly my opinions too! 

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14 hours ago, The Archer said:

Actually, more than a joint interview, what would really be interesting is seeing Slash (and without Duff) making extended comments  - whether on social media - facebook, twitter, youtube whatever, or being interviewed alone, or being recorded while being asked a few questions about what he feels about everything. Maybe the arrangement that he and Duff have as far as them rejoining the band precludes that, but it would still be good to see. In fact, at this point, I'm more curious about what Slash has to say, than what a dozen new interviews from Axl might give us. It would be interesting to see Slash's unfiltered take on the reunion, it being a hybrid, playing the CD songs, what he thinks about promotion, what his plans are for contributing to new music, what he feels about his and other band members having their solo projects, what he thinks about Axl/DC etc. On the one hand, it might finally provide some genuine fodder to some of the folks who are still unhappy and disappointed, and some tangible reasons to fuel the fire of their discontent. But on the other hand, it may finally give them some peace and lay to rest some of the anxiety that Slash isn't being given enough attention or getting his due or that this has not all gone his way, or gone enough of his way. Either way, only good things can come out of it, so more than anyone else, we need to hear more from Slash.


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17 hours ago, Rickodez said:

Everyone, except Axl were in this event. Everyone! Duff, Melissa, Fortus, Ferrer, Dizzy... Duff it's not in the picture but he came soon after(the picture). Axl is missing all the bro fun.


I think I spotted Nic Cage two seats to Frank's left. :blink: Or maybe I'm just paranoid.

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