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OFFICIAL "The AWESOME" OSAKA Japan 12/16 Show Thread!


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Sounds like your typical reunionist hater garbage from that board.

Also the above pictures don't support the "Half the crowd left before the show started" statement.

He said they left half way through the show, Not before the show. They left in order to catch the train since it stops passing at 11.00 PM.

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Sounds like your typical reunionist hater garbage from that board.

Also the above pictures don't support the "Half the crowd left before the show started" statement.

He said they left half way through the show, Not before the show. They left in order to catch the train since it stops passing at 11.00 PM.

I can't imagine in a huge city like that, the trains stop running at 11pm. What are the people who go out at night supposed to do? That story sounds totally made up.

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Rock Am Ring, Axl was on point? Are you crazy?

He had some issues, specially in Better (listen to the intro), Sweet Child

But Nightrain was very very good.

Yes on point...and especially if you're going to compare it to any show from '01 to now, it was by far his best performance since '93.

I would say the LA shows towards the end of 2006 were a lot better overall than Rock Am Ring, though it did have some very nice moments (Nightrain and IRS come to mind). Axl sounded a lot stronger during the LA shows and didn't seem to struggle on some of the songs that he struggled with at Rock Am Ring. His voice always seems to get stronger as the tour goes on.

On topic, that new picture of Axl looks great. Hopefully more videos and pictures will surface soon.

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Sounds like your typical reunionist hater garbage from that board.

Also the above pictures don't support the "Half the crowd left before the show started" statement.

He said they left half way through the show, Not before the show. They left in order to catch the train since it stops passing at 11.00 PM.

I can't imagine in a huge city like that, the trains stop running at 11pm. What are the people who go out at night supposed to do? That story sounds totally made up.

Subway/Tube stops at midnight in London and Paris, I imagine even NYC is the same.

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Sounds like your typical reunionist hater garbage from that board.

Also the above pictures don't support the "Half the crowd left before the show started" statement.

He said they left half way through the show, Not before the show. They left in order to catch the train since it stops passing at 11.00 PM.

I can't imagine in a huge city like that, the trains stop running at 11pm. What are the people who go out at night supposed to do? That story sounds totally made up.

Subway/Tube stops at midnight in London and Paris, I imagine even NYC is the same.

NYC's subway is open 24 hours a day the last time I checked.

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Sounds like your typical reunionist hater garbage from that board.

Also the above pictures don't support the "Half the crowd left before the show started" statement.

He said they left half way through the show, Not before the show. They left in order to catch the train since it stops passing at 11.00 PM.

I can't imagine in a huge city like that, the trains stop running at 11pm. What are the people who go out at night supposed to do? That story sounds totally made up.

Subway/Tube stops at midnight in London and Paris, I imagine even NYC is the same.


giggle giggle!!

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I've been holding back on posting, didn't want to jump any bandwagons, or talk too soon-but in truth I must say I AM EXCITED about GNR again. Axl looks and sounds the best in years, the band sounds fuckin' incredible and the set lists are fucking amazing-esp tonights! (SCRAPED SOUNDED AWESOME!)

This coupled with the the official Twitter, and the anticipation of hopefully a US Tour----dare I say this thing might be resurrected in the eyes of the mainstream media? I've always KNOWN this band was capable and was floored by several songs on Chinese Democracy-but the chain of events and constant stagnation were enought to dishearten even the most avid of fans! It's ACE to see them back in form, and see them exceeding expectations---Axl has proven time and again he does things his way-which is in part what garners my respect of him but it was getting a bit excessive.....communicating with fans, knockin out paparazzi, sounding like the Axl of yore and playing the songs we need to hear......plus seeming to truly enjoy himself.....well it makes a helluva difference.

G N F N R,

Jayce rock1

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Sounds like your typical reunionist hater garbage from that board.

Also the above pictures don't support the "Half the crowd left before the show started" statement.

He said they left half way through the show, Not before the show. They left in order to catch the train since it stops passing at 11.00 PM.

I can't imagine in a huge city like that, the trains stop running at 11pm. What are the people who go out at night supposed to do? That story sounds totally made up.

Subway/Tube stops at midnight in London and Paris, I imagine even NYC is the same.

NYC's subway is open 24 hours a day the last time I checked.

Ain't it great?

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I am happy for the fans and the band to pull of such a great fn show. WHat a setlist! The only thing I see wrong with a huge setlist is that everybody will want a 3hr show. Its not going to happen all the time people. So when it doesnt happen all the time, dont bitch! Be greatful that you got to witness the greatest rock n roll show ever.

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Sounds like your typical reunionist hater garbage from that board.

Also the above pictures don't support the "Half the crowd left before the show started" statement.

He said they left half way through the show, Not before the show. They left in order to catch the train since it stops passing at 11.00 PM.

I can't imagine in a huge city like that, the trains stop running at 11pm. What are the people who go out at night supposed to do? That story sounds totally made up.

Subway/Tube stops at midnight in London and Paris, I imagine even NYC is the same.


giggle giggle!!

I want my 45 seconds back

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Here's a post from Metalsludge:

"Just talked to someone who attended this crap-fest. She said it was pretty much a waste of time. When the band was on they were pretty good, as was Bill - but there was so much shit in the mix that it just wasn't worth it. Plus no one drives here - everyone goes to Osaka Dome by train. Trains start stopping around 11pm, so simce Bill decided to go on so late half the crowd was streaming for the gates half way through the show. So glad I didn't attend this mess. Funny to think fat Bill is probably sleeping within a mile or two of where I'm sitting right now."

to the user on MS that posted this, FUCK OFF CUNT!

Just playing devil's advocate...alot of big cities do have mass transit that stops around eleven or twelve. I believe their was a similar problem when GNR played in London a few years ago if my memory is correct. Something Axl may want to consider, but he probably won't. I'd be pissed to if I payed alot of money to see one of my favorite bands and had to leave the show early to catch a ride home or be stranded.

Just another way he truly disrespects the fans - I don't care what bullshit reason he gives for going on at 11:45 PM (Boston '02, for example, which I went to). Fucking Metallica go on at 9 or 9:15 every night and end 2 hours later, kick ass set, great show, everyone leaves happy and wanting more. That's one way to show respect back to the fans for paying exhorbitant prices for tickets. That and playing full complete shows without interupption at venues ALL OVER THE WORLD.

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Here's a post from Metalsludge:

"Just talked to someone who attended this crap-fest. She said it was pretty much a waste of time. When the band was on they were pretty good, as was Bill - but there was so much shit in the mix that it just wasn't worth it. Plus no one drives here - everyone goes to Osaka Dome by train. Trains start stopping around 11pm, so simce Bill decided to go on so late half the crowd was streaming for the gates half way through the show. So glad I didn't attend this mess. Funny to think fat Bill is probably sleeping within a mile or two of where I'm sitting right now."

to the user on MS that posted this, FUCK OFF CUNT!

Just playing devil's advocate...alot of big cities do have mass transit that stops around eleven or twelve. I believe their was a similar problem when GNR played in London a few years ago if my memory is correct. Something Axl may want to consider, but he probably won't. I'd be pissed to if I payed alot of money to see one of my favorite bands and had to leave the show early to catch a ride home or be stranded.

Didn't the show start at 8? Why would the dome schedule an event like that late in the evening if they knew the trains stopped coming at 11? There's no way to catch an opening act and then entire show if it starts at 8.

Also, do we have any confirmed time of when the show actually started?

Edited by PTZ
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