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Guns N' Roses have new Manager


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yeah is why when PJ took on TM they had to play barns in maine right?

The fact you would even POST that proves you, essentially, have no earthly clue what you're talking about.

Pearl Jam CHOSE, of their own volition, to not deal with TM any longer and then "take them on". That limited the number of places they could play and how they could sell tickets.

But it was a completely one sided argument. TM barely noticed, and didn't really participate in the spat (other than to defend themselves in the anti-trust suit). They simply said that if PJ wanted to run in their venues, or sell tickets through them, they had to comply with their stock terms and fees. And once PJ was willing to do that, they'd be happy to have them back. End of statement

And once PJ finally realized they had no choice but to deal with TM...they came right back into the fold. They weren't blackballed. They weren't anything.


Edited by pilferk
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...and with Azoff gone, the reunionists can kiss their precious reunion goodbye.

Not like it was ever going to happen anyway. :rofl-lol:

Hooray!! It means the young folks here will never get to experience GNR's greatness...... All they'll have is Axl's Fakepit


Yeak I know man, being bitter over something that ended over a decade ago or supporting a band that is currently very fucking active, tough call..........

Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter at all. Just amused by some silly comments.........

No, you're not bitter. That's crazytalk.

This whole situation with GNR just rolls off your back, if anything. Your collected body of work here backs that up.

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yeah is why when PJ took on TM they had to play barns in maine right?

The fact you would even POST that proves you, essentially, have no earthly clue what you're talking about.

Pearl Jam CHOSE, of their own volition, to not deal with TM any longer and then "take them on". That limited the number of places they could play and how they could sell tickets.

But it was a completely one sided argument. TM barely noticed, and didn't really participate in the spat (other than to defend themselves in the anti-trust suit). They simply said that if PJ wanted to run in their venues, or sell tickets through them, they had to comply with their stock terms and fees. And once PJ was willing to do that, they'd be happy to have them back. End of statement

And once PJ finally realized they had no choice but to deal with TM...they came right back into the fold. They weren't blackballed. They weren't anything.


I think you have your head too far up your ass you did not get the jist of my post.

So let me dumb it down for you.

Pearl Jam took on TM and decided not to go through them for that tour THUS they could only play venues that TM did not sell the tix to, thus they had to play barns and venues like that.

MY POINT is if TM does not want Axl because he burned bridges he will only be able to play those venues pearl chose to play. Axl will be screwed if he cannot tour with TM venues.

PJ found that its impossible to not use TM if you want to tour the states and have a successful tour.

Is that dumbed down enough for you?

Edited by gnr-dave
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great to hear about the new management, for those who don't know what Doc McGhee looks like, you can see him say some stuff about Axl in this video at :40 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj4x8Kvf-HA

Let's not let Dexter see that video!

I have never seen that before and I'd have to agree, lets keep this vid away from dexter! They don't even include the racism, wife abuse, Vancouver riots and constant late show up! But what I don't understand is he is only 7th on the list of hell raisers, he should surly be number 1

It's really funny how people on that thread have still not looked at that video and keep saying how great this Doc guy is. Hahahahaha!

I actually looked at the video and have seen it before; from what I remember that's part of a documentary or something.

Quite obviously Doc & Axl have come to some sort of understanding!

LOL, really? No seriously, that Doc guy is totally out of line with Axl's comments on a cheap interview (I bet he got paid for that), how can you can come to some sort of understanding when a guy tells the medias behind your back you're crazy and always have been? Talk to a lamp? This is Bullshit, how can a stupid twat like that be GNR's manager?

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great to hear about the new management, for those who don't know what Doc McGhee looks like, you can see him say some stuff about Axl in this video at :40 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj4x8Kvf-HA

Let's not let Dexter see that video!

I have never seen that before and I'd have to agree, lets keep this vid away from dexter! They don't even include the racism, wife abuse, Vancouver riots and constant late show up! But what I don't understand is he is only 7th on the list of hell raisers, he should surly be number 1

It's really funny how people on that thread have still not looked at that video and keep saying how great this Doc guy is. Hahahahaha!

I actually looked at the video and have seen it before; from what I remember that's part of a documentary or something.

Quite obviously Doc & Axl have come to some sort of understanding!

LOL, really? No seriously, that Doc guy is totally out of line with Axl's comments on a cheap interview (I bet he got paid for that), how can you can come to some sort of understanding when a guy tells the medias behind your back you're crazy and always have been? Talk to a lamp? This is Bullshit, how can a stupid twat like that be GNR's manager?

What he said is not bullshit, what he was saying is Axl surrounds himself with yes-men, and that is how he likes it.

The lamp thing was a joke but its true. Axl does not people telling him he is wrong, why do you think he has Beta and Fernado?

Anyone that tries to tell Axl he is wrong he fires.

And you really dont think Axl is crazy? He had to go a mental hospital (rumored) after the NYC show back in 2002.

The guy is bi polar, what do you expect?

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I think you have your head too far up your ass you did not get the jist of my post.

So let me dumb it down for you.

Pearl Jam took on TM and decided not to go through them for that tour THUS they could only play venues that TM did not sell the tix to, thus they had to play barns and venues like that.

MY POINT is if TM does not want Axl because he burned bridges he will only be able to play those venues pearl chose to play.

PJ found that its impossible to not use TM if you want to tour the states and have a successful tour.

Is that dumbed down enough for you?

No, see..the thing is, I actually understand and know how this process works.

The point, actually, is that the two situations have zero to do with each other. The fact you think they do have some similarity shows you don't have a clue what you're talking about (still). And the fact you can't connect the dots I presented just reinforces that notion.

Let ME dumb it down for you (since you obviously need it far more than I do):

TM doesn't blackball people. TM has no reason to (business or otherwise). So any relationship with Azoff is irrelevant.

PJ "blackballed" TM...they refused to use them because they didn't like TM's service fee structure. When PJ finally decided they had no choice but to accept TM's STOCK (meaning, the same for everyone) fees and terms, they once again were using TM.

PJ FILED A LAWSUIT, WHICH INITIATED A FEDERAL ANTI-TRUST SUIT, AGAINST TM....AND THE MINUTE THEY AGREED TO TM'S STOCK TERMS AND FEES, TM "TOOK THEM BACK". No if's, ands, or buts. No stricter terms, no increased fees or cut. No penalty whatsoever. And that's with a band that tried to get the company dismantled.

Since you don't seem to be able to grasp the obvious, here: It was PJ's CHOICE not to use TM. It was not TM forcing PJ out.

The two situations (PJ vs GnR) are so completely different, they have zero bearing on one another. The fact you think they do speaks volumes about your understanding of how TM works, how the live entertainment industry works, etc.

Edited by pilferk
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great to hear about the new management, for those who don't know what Doc McGhee looks like, you can see him say some stuff about Axl in this video at :40 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj4x8Kvf-HA

Let's not let Dexter see that video!

I have never seen that before and I'd have to agree, lets keep this vid away from dexter! They don't even include the racism, wife abuse, Vancouver riots and constant late show up! But what I don't understand is he is only 7th on the list of hell raisers, he should surly be number 1

It's really funny how people on that thread have still not looked at that video and keep saying how great this Doc guy is. Hahahahaha!

I actually looked at the video and have seen it before; from what I remember that's part of a documentary or something.

Quite obviously Doc & Axl have come to some sort of understanding!

LOL, really? No seriously, that Doc guy is totally out of line with Axl's comments on a cheap interview (I bet he got paid for that), how can you can come to some sort of understanding when a guy tells the medias behind your back you're crazy and always have been? Talk to a lamp? This is Bullshit, how can a stupid twat like that be GNR's manager?

What he said is not bullshit, what he was saying is Axl surrounds himself with yes-men, and that is how he likes it.

The lamp thing was a joke but its true. Axl does not people telling him he is wrong, why do you think he has Beta and Fernado?

Anyone that tries to tell Axl he is wrong he fires.

If what you say is true, then explain me how did that guy who is obviously not a yes man since he bashes Axl right there got hired to be GNR's manager?

Axl may be surrounded with yes men, but he's earnt it. I understand him, it must be a pain in the ass to bring the best of rock n roll music to the world and get bashed constantly for idiotic comments such as "Axl Rose sweats in live gigs OMG!!". And if that guy was mad, I don't think he would stop a song when he sees someone being hit in the pitmosh with security doing nothing about it. You can say he is crazy, but in a positive way, or as a joke, but clearly that Doc guy said it in a negative way and I hate the fact a douchebag like that can manage the band.

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I think you have your head too far up your ass you did not get the jist of my post.

So let me dumb it down for you.

Pearl Jam took on TM and decided not to go through them for that tour THUS they could only play venues that TM did not sell the tix to, thus they had to play barns and venues like that.

MY POINT is if TM does not want Axl because he burned bridges he will only be able to play those venues pearl chose to play.

PJ found that its impossible to not use TM if you want to tour the states and have a successful tour.

Is that dumbed down enough for you?

The point, actually, is that the two situations have zero to do with each other. The fact you think they do have some similarity shows you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

Let ME dumb it down for you (since you obviously need it far more than I do):

TM doesn't blackball people. TM has no reason to (business or otherwise). So any relationship with Azoff is irrelevant.

PJ "blackballed" TM...they refused to use them because they didn't like TM's service fee structure. When PJ finally decided they had no choice but to accept TM's STOCK (meaning, the same for everyone) fees and terms, they once again were using TM.

Since you don't seem to be able to grasp the obvious, here: It was PJ's CHOICE not to use TM. It was not TM forcing PJ out.

The two situations (PJ vs GnR) are so completely different, they have zero bearing on one another. The fact you think they do speaks volumes about your understanding of how TM works, how the live entertainment industry works, etc.

You are just too stupid to make the connection of what I said, I am sorry you cannot see that.

Comparing gnr and pj is not stupid, maybe to someone like you that just loves to argue.

If Axl cannot use TM in the states he is screwed, he will not get to play any of the main venues, I don't even see how you can debate that.

And I dont think you know how the entertainment biz works, people are black balled all the time. I dont even know why you are trying to argue, I said lets hope Axl did not burn any bridges, I even said he probably did not.

So quit your bitching about something that will probably not happen. You really need to learn to read whole posts and not just pick out the parts you want to.

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great to hear about the new management, for those who don't know what Doc McGhee looks like, you can see him say some stuff about Axl in this video at :40 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj4x8Kvf-HA

Let's not let Dexter see that video!

I have never seen that before and I'd have to agree, lets keep this vid away from dexter! They don't even include the racism, wife abuse, Vancouver riots and constant late show up! But what I don't understand is he is only 7th on the list of hell raisers, he should surly be number 1

It's really funny how people on that thread have still not looked at that video and keep saying how great this Doc guy is. Hahahahaha!

I actually looked at the video and have seen it before; from what I remember that's part of a documentary or something.

Quite obviously Doc & Axl have come to some sort of understanding!

LOL, really? No seriously, that Doc guy is totally out of line with Axl's comments on a cheap interview (I bet he got paid for that), how can you can come to some sort of understanding when a guy tells the medias behind your back you're crazy and always have been? Talk to a lamp? This is Bullshit, how can a stupid twat like that be GNR's manager?

What he said is not bullshit, what he was saying is Axl surrounds himself with yes-men, and that is how he likes it.

The lamp thing was a joke but its true. Axl does not people telling him he is wrong, why do you think he has Beta and Fernado?

Anyone that tries to tell Axl he is wrong he fires.

If what you say is true, then explain me how did that guy who is obviously not a yes man since he bashes Axl right there got hired to be GNR's manager?

Axl may be surrounded with yes men, but he's earnt it. I understand him, it must be a pain in the ass to bring the best of rock n roll music to the world and get bashed constantly for idiotic comments such as "Axl Rose sweats in live gigs OMG!!". And if that guy was mad, I don't think he would stop a song when he sees someone being hit in the pitmosh with security doing nothing about it. You can say he is crazy, but in a positive way, or as a joke, but clearly that Doc guy said it in a negative way and I hate the fact a douchebag like that can manage the band.

Doc is a yes man, he has been Gene Simmons yes man for a while.

That interview was years ago, and was not Axls managers, so he can say what ever he wants, how does that not make him a yes man?

And I agree, I dont see this as a good move signing him, I dont see why people think its a great thing. Axl had one of the best, and now he is gone. Az got shit done no one else could do. He forced Axl to release the album. He was not a yes man and maybe that is why he is gone. Just guessing on that one.

But when I say Axl needs someone that is not a yesman, I dont mean what you said.

I am talking about someone that will tell Axl when he is wrong, and not try to tell him he is right all the time when he is not (see Beta). And someone that can tell him, look here is the right way to do things (ie release album, promotion, tour etc etc)

That is why Axl is so out of control and does not have a grasp on reality because for years with Beta she has just telling he is always right.

Axl needs someone like Izzy to tell him, WTF are you doing, you cant do shit like this.

Thats why IMO once Izzy left the band died because izzy was the one person that could control Axl and Slashs ego egos.

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You are just too stupid to make the connection of what I said, I am sorry you cannot see that.

Comparing gnr and pj is not stupid, maybe to someone like you that just loves to argue.

If Axl cannot use TM in the states he is screwed, he will not get to play any of the main venues, I don't even see how you can debate that.

And I dont think you know how the entertainment biz works, people are black balled all the time. I dont even know why you are trying to argue, I said lets hope Axl did not burn any bridges, I even said he probably did not.

So quit your bitching about something that will probably not happen. You really need to learn to read whole posts and not just pick out the parts you want to.

You know, they say the last bastion of hope to those that have lost an argument is to start insulting the other participant. Good to see the old addages are alive and well.....

When you don't understand the realities of any situation, I'm sure those that do, and act accordingly (or speak accordingly) do look stupid. Ignorance really IS bliss, I guess.

Yes....obviously, if Axl couldn't use TM, he would have an issue. I've never argued that point...but it's an irrelevant point because your basis foundation for making it doesn't hold water.

There's no reason, other than his personal choice (one he wouldn't make), why he wouldn't be able to use TM. Your example of PJ isn't relevant, since they made the choice, not TM.

Please point out an instance where TM has blackballed or refused to work with an artist, act, or any live entertainer due to a "personal grudge". Or where they'd instilled any sort of "punitive" terms or fees on an artist, act, or live entertainer because of personal animosity.

Of course, you can't. Which is entirely the point. One you simply refuse to see because it obliterates any semblance of an argument from you.....

But feel free to keep trying, and demonstrating your lack of understanding in this issue......it's good for a nice chuckle, if nothing else.

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great to hear about the new management, for those who don't know what Doc McGhee looks like, you can see him say some stuff about Axl in this video at :40 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj4x8Kvf-HA

Let's not let Dexter see that video!

I have never seen that before and I'd have to agree, lets keep this vid away from dexter! They don't even include the racism, wife abuse, Vancouver riots and constant late show up! But what I don't understand is he is only 7th on the list of hell raisers, he should surly be number 1

It's really funny how people on that thread have still not looked at that video and keep saying how great this Doc guy is. Hahahahaha!

I actually looked at the video and have seen it before; from what I remember that's part of a documentary or something.

Quite obviously Doc & Axl have come to some sort of understanding!

LOL, really? No seriously, that Doc guy is totally out of line with Axl's comments on a cheap interview (I bet he got paid for that), how can you can come to some sort of understanding when a guy tells the medias behind your back you're crazy and always have been? Talk to a lamp? This is Bullshit, how can a stupid twat like that be GNR's manager?

What he said is not bullshit, what he was saying is Axl surrounds himself with yes-men, and that is how he likes it.

The lamp thing was a joke but its true. Axl does not people telling him he is wrong, why do you think he has Beta and Fernado?

Anyone that tries to tell Axl he is wrong he fires.

If what you say is true, then explain me how did that guy who is obviously not a yes man since he bashes Axl right there got hired to be GNR's manager?

Axl may be surrounded with yes men, but he's earnt it. I understand him, it must be a pain in the ass to bring the best of rock n roll music to the world and get bashed constantly for idiotic comments such as "Axl Rose sweats in live gigs OMG!!". And if that guy was mad, I don't think he would stop a song when he sees someone being hit in the pitmosh with security doing nothing about it. You can say he is crazy, but in a positive way, or as a joke, but clearly that Doc guy said it in a negative way and I hate the fact a douchebag like that can manage the band.

Doc is a yes man, he has been Gene Simmons yes man for a while.

That interview was years ago, and was not Axls managers, so he can say what ever he wants, how does that not make him a yes man?

And I agree, I dont see this as a good move signing him, I dont see why people think its a great thing. Axl had one of the best, and now he is gone. Az got shit done no one else could do. He forced Axl to release the album. He was not a yes man and maybe that is why he is gone. Just guessing on that one.

But when I say Axl needs someone that is not a yesman, I dont mean what you said.

I am talking about someone that will tell Axl when he is wrong, and not try to tell him he is right all the time when he is not (see Beta). And someone that can tell him, look here is the right way to do things (ie release album, promotion, tour etc etc)

That is why Axl is so out of control and does not have a grasp on reality because for years with Beta she has just telling he is always right.

Axl needs someone like Izzy to tell him, WTF are you doing, you cant do shit like this.

Thats why IMO once Izzy left the band died because izzy was the one person that could control Axl and Slashs ego egos.

You don't know Axl, you don't know his life. Stop acting like you know what Beta tells him. Clearly you want the old band back, I get you're an old GNR fan but why keep bashing Axl? You're just losing time man. Just enjoy the music.

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And I dont think you know how the entertainment biz works, people are black balled all the time. I dont even know why you are trying to argue, I said lets hope Axl did not burn any bridges, I even said he probably did not.

So quit your bitching about something that will probably not happen. You really need to learn to read whole posts and not just pick out the parts you want to.

And to refresh you memory, here's the post I initially responded to:

I am not saying Axl left on bad terms, I am saying if he did, it will be more difficult for him to tour the US, how is that wrong?

After which I promptly demonstrated how "bad terms" with Azoff would be/are simply irrelevant in dealing with TM.

You asked the question...I simply answered it.


And then YOU actually responded to me talking to another poster with this:

yeah is why when PJ took on TM they had to play barns in maine right?

Which is irrelevant, since it was PJ's CHOICE not to use TM....not TM's choice to blackball PJ. Pretty big difference and completely unrelated to what we're talking about here.

Edited by pilferk
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And I dont think you know how the entertainment biz works, people are black balled all the time. I dont even know why you are trying to argue, I said lets hope Axl did not burn any bridges, I even said he probably did not.

So quit your bitching about something that will probably not happen. You really need to learn to read whole posts and not just pick out the parts you want to.

And to refresh you memory, here's the post I initially responded to:

I am not saying Axl left on bad terms, I am saying if he did, it will be more difficult for him to tour the US, how is that wrong?

After which I promptly demonstrated how "bad terms" with Azoff would be/are simply irrelevant in dealing with TM.

You asked the question...I simply answered it.


And then YOU actually responded to me talking to another poster with this:

yeah is why when PJ took on TM they had to play barns in maine right?

Which is irrelevant, since it was PJ's CHOICE not to use TM....not TM's choice to blackball PJ. Pretty big difference and completely unrelated to what we're talking about here.

There's really no point trying to explain yourself to GNR-DAVE, the guy is a grade A moron, he just likes to bitch and moan and thinks he knows what's going on.

Edited by axl8302
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great to hear about the new management, for those who don't know what Doc McGhee looks like, you can see him say some stuff about Axl in this video at :40 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj4x8Kvf-HA

Let's not let Dexter see that video!

I have never seen that before and I'd have to agree, lets keep this vid away from dexter! They don't even include the racism, wife abuse, Vancouver riots and constant late show up! But what I don't understand is he is only 7th on the list of hell raisers, he should surly be number 1

It's really funny how people on that thread have still not looked at that video and keep saying how great this Doc guy is. Hahahahaha!

I actually looked at the video and have seen it before; from what I remember that's part of a documentary or something.

Quite obviously Doc & Axl have come to some sort of understanding!

LOL, really? No seriously, that Doc guy is totally out of line with Axl's comments on a cheap interview (I bet he got paid for that), how can you can come to some sort of understanding when a guy tells the medias behind your back you're crazy and always have been? Talk to a lamp? This is Bullshit, how can a stupid twat like that be GNR's manager?

I never said Doc's comments about Axl weren't stupid and way outa line. Just that obviously they've come to some sort of understanding since Doc is now GN'R's manager.

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gnr-dave -

I must have missed something over the years on this forum.

A lot of your negative Axl posts are "backed up" by you seemingly to always have inside information on what is going on in Axl's life.

In this post, you are talking about Beta like you have spent personal time with her and Axl.

Can you tell those of us who don't know the story behind this?

From your typical post, you clearly are in Axl's circle of friends or maybe business associates. You "know" things that ONLY somebody who spends time hanging out with Axl would know.

Could you let us know your background with Axl? Are you guys golfing or drinking buddies, or do you spend time with him through your job?

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There's really no point trying to explain yourself to GNR-DAVE, the guy is a grade A moron, he just likes to bitch and moan and thinks he knows what's going on.

I'm quickly coming to the same conclusion...you can lead horse to water, and all that......

It IS nice to hear that I'm actually making my point, clearly. For a minute, I felt a bit like I was banging my head into the wall....

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You are just too stupid to make the connection of what I said, I am sorry you cannot see that.

Comparing gnr and pj is not stupid, maybe to someone like you that just loves to argue.

If Axl cannot use TM in the states he is screwed, he will not get to play any of the main venues, I don't even see how you can debate that.

And I dont think you know how the entertainment biz works, people are black balled all the time. I dont even know why you are trying to argue, I said lets hope Axl did not burn any bridges, I even said he probably did not.

So quit your bitching about something that will probably not happen. You really need to learn to read whole posts and not just pick out the parts you want to.

You know, they say the last bastion of hope to those that have lost an argument is to start insulting the other participant. Good to see the old addages are alive and well.....

When you don't understand the realities of any situation, I'm sure those that do, and act accordingly (or speak accordingly) do look stupid. Ignorance really IS bliss, I guess.

Yes....obviously, if Axl couldn't use TM, he would have an issue. I've never argued that point...but it's an irrelevant point because your basis foundation for making it doesn't hold water.

There's no reason, other than his personal choice (one he wouldn't make), why he wouldn't be able to use TM. Your example of PJ isn't relevant, since they made the choice, not TM.

Please point out an instance where TM has blackballed or refused to work with an artist, act, or any live entertainer due to a "personal grudge". Or where they'd instilled any sort of "punitive" terms or fees on an artist, act, or live entertainer because of personal animosity.

Of course, you can't. Which is entirely the point. One you simply refuse to see because it obliterates any semblance of an argument from you.....

But feel free to keep trying, and demonstrating your lack of understanding in this issue......it's good for a nice chuckle, if nothing else.

I know you think the more times you say something you think your small brain will start to believe its true, so keep doing what you are doing.

You are not even arguing what I am saying, you are just reading what you want to read into it.

Like I said, and this is my point, if TM made it difficult for Gnr to tour the US Axl would be screwed.

Stop trying to change the debate into something else. I even said Axl probably did not burn any bridges so it probably wont even matter.

I am sorry if you cannot get this through your thick skull. I never said TM is going to black ball Axl, I said if they wanted to make it difficult for Axl to tour states, Axl is in trouble.

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great to hear about the new management, for those who don't know what Doc McGhee looks like, you can see him say some stuff about Axl in this video at :40 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jj4x8Kvf-HA

Let's not let Dexter see that video!

I have never seen that before and I'd have to agree, lets keep this vid away from dexter! They don't even include the racism, wife abuse, Vancouver riots and constant late show up! But what I don't understand is he is only 7th on the list of hell raisers, he should surly be number 1

It's really funny how people on that thread have still not looked at that video and keep saying how great this Doc guy is. Hahahahaha!

I actually looked at the video and have seen it before; from what I remember that's part of a documentary or something.

Quite obviously Doc & Axl have come to some sort of understanding!

LOL, really? No seriously, that Doc guy is totally out of line with Axl's comments on a cheap interview (I bet he got paid for that), how can you can come to some sort of understanding when a guy tells the medias behind your back you're crazy and always have been? Talk to a lamp? This is Bullshit, how can a stupid twat like that be GNR's manager?

What he said is not bullshit, what he was saying is Axl surrounds himself with yes-men, and that is how he likes it.

The lamp thing was a joke but its true. Axl does not people telling him he is wrong, why do you think he has Beta and Fernado?

Anyone that tries to tell Axl he is wrong he fires.

If what you say is true, then explain me how did that guy who is obviously not a yes man since he bashes Axl right there got hired to be GNR's manager?

Axl may be surrounded with yes men, but he's earnt it. I understand him, it must be a pain in the ass to bring the best of rock n roll music to the world and get bashed constantly for idiotic comments such as "Axl Rose sweats in live gigs OMG!!". And if that guy was mad, I don't think he would stop a song when he sees someone being hit in the pitmosh with security doing nothing about it. You can say he is crazy, but in a positive way, or as a joke, but clearly that Doc guy said it in a negative way and I hate the fact a douchebag like that can manage the band.

Doc is a yes man, he has been Gene Simmons yes man for a while.

That interview was years ago, and was not Axls managers, so he can say what ever he wants, how does that not make him a yes man?

And I agree, I dont see this as a good move signing him, I dont see why people think its a great thing. Axl had one of the best, and now he is gone. Az got shit done no one else could do. He forced Axl to release the album. He was not a yes man and maybe that is why he is gone. Just guessing on that one.

But when I say Axl needs someone that is not a yesman, I dont mean what you said.

I am talking about someone that will tell Axl when he is wrong, and not try to tell him he is right all the time when he is not (see Beta). And someone that can tell him, look here is the right way to do things (ie release album, promotion, tour etc etc)

That is why Axl is so out of control and does not have a grasp on reality because for years with Beta she has just telling he is always right.

Axl needs someone like Izzy to tell him, WTF are you doing, you cant do shit like this.

Thats why IMO once Izzy left the band died because izzy was the one person that could control Axl and Slashs ego egos.

You don't know Axl, you don't know his life. Stop acting like you know what Beta tells him. Clearly you want the old band back, I get you're an old GNR fan but why keep bashing Axl? You're just losing time man. Just enjoy the music.

Who ever said I wanted the old band back? Find the quote where I said that. I always said the 2002 band was the most talented version of Gnr, even more talented than the AFD version.

If you mean I want that band back, then yes you are correct since that is the band that WROTE CD. I dont want the slash version of gnr back, I just said if Axl was to get Slash, Izzy and Duff back it would be huge.

Are you even going to deny that?

This next part is for you and Apoll about the Beta thing.

Have you both been living in a cave the past 10 years? How can you even deny Beta is a yes person along with her whole family when it comes to Axl.

He is their meal ticket of course they are not going to tell him anything he does not want to hear.

All you have to do is look at anything that has happened over the past 10 years, she always backs up Axls lies and BS, even when everything else points to the unbiased people are telling the truth.

And of course Beta having posts deleted on HTGTH and people banned over there, and then the whole Madison thing, went that went down she was all over this board.

Anyone who doesnt think Beta is a yes person is either lying to themselves or has not been paying attention.

Did you watch that youtube link? Even Doc said that Axl surrounds himself with Yesmen, and he would listen to a lamp if he told him what he wanted to hear.

I guess he is lying right?

It amazes me no matter how much evidence there is against Axl, people still believe him, its very amusing.

Some people really need a reality check.

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I didn't read any of your 4/5 posts on this page but I can assume they were along the lines of:

Axl is a dick

Beta is a dick

02 band was better

This whole situation is a joke

Everyone on here lacks common sense but me

Edited by plonker88
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I didn't read any of your 4/5 posts on this page but I can assume they were along the lines of:

Axl is a dick

Beta is a dick

02 band was better

This whole situation is a joke

Everyone on here lacks common sense but me


You missed 1 though.

I still don't know how to quit quote spamming

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I didn't read any of your 4/5 posts on this page but I can assume they were along the lines of:

Axl is a dick

Beta is a dick

02 band was better

This whole situation is a joke

Everyone on here lacks common sense but me

Nah a few others have common sense, but most people on here cannot accept the truth.

You need to take off your Axl Rose colored glasses.

You claim im nuts blah blah blah, but the funny thing is you make the comments you make about Axl off these boards, and you will get laughed at.

Everyone knows Axl is crazy, a dickhead to most people, does not care about his fans, and his voice is pretty much gone (its not even close to what it was in the 90s let alone 80s like some of you nut jobs believe) , the only people who cannot accept that are a few hundred people on these boards.

Edited by gnr-dave
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I didn't read any of your 4/5 posts on this page but I can assume they were along the lines of:

Axl is a dick

Beta is a dick

02 band was better

This whole situation is a joke

Everyone on here lacks common sense but me

Nah a few others have common sense, but most people on here cannot accept the truth.

You need to take off your Axl Rose colored glasses.

You claim im nuts blah blah blah, but the funny thing is you make the comments you make about Axl off these boards, and you will get laughed at.

Everyone knows Axl is crazy, a dickhead to most people, does not care about his fans, and his voice is pretty much gone (its not even close to what it was in the 90s let alone 80s like some of you nut jobs believe) , the only people who cannot accept that are a few hundred people on these boards.

Have you been to a show this year?

His voice is definitely at the best it has been since the 90s. The differences between 02, 06, and this year were very noticeable - and I was actually at shows, not talking out of my ass.

Also, Axl has generally been nice to almost anyone he's met fan-wise from what I've read. Never met him myself, so I can't comment beyond that. I'm betting you haven't met him, so perhaps you shouldn't be commenting either. The fact that he rants on the net doesn't make him an asshole. If that was the benchmark, the entire net would be guilty of it.

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I didn't read any of your 4/5 posts on this page but I can assume they were along the lines of:

Axl is a dick

Beta is a dick

02 band was better

This whole situation is a joke

Everyone on here lacks common sense but me

Nah a few others have common sense, but most people on here cannot accept the truth.

You need to take off your Axl Rose colored glasses.

You claim im nuts blah blah blah, but the funny thing is you make the comments you make about Axl off these boards, and you will get laughed at.

Everyone knows Axl is crazy, a dickhead to most people, does not care about his fans, and his voice is pretty much gone (its not even close to what it was in the 90s let alone 80s like some of you nut jobs believe) , the only people who cannot accept that are a few hundred people on these boards.

Have you been to a show this year?

His voice is definitely at the best it has been since the 90s. The differences between 02, 06, and this year were very noticeable - and I was actually at shows, not talking out of my ass.

Also, Axl has generally been nice to almost anyone he's met fan-wise from what I've read. Never met him myself, so I can't comment beyond that. I'm betting you haven't met him, so perhaps you shouldn't be commenting either. The fact that he rants on the net doesn't make him an asshole. If that was the benchmark, the entire net would be guilty of it.

Just listen to the monitor mix and you will see this voice is shot.

Its getting better but its no where close to being as good as 92 (take the paris show for example). Anyone who claims differently is delusional.

He has no power left in his voice and its very thin sounding.

Plus he has to use backing tracks now, he never did back in the 80s or 90s.

He sounds decent yes, but his voice is 50% of what it once was. I am not saying he sounds like shit, because he doesnt. I am just saying he is not as good as he was in the 80s and 90s like people are claiming on this board.

As for him being nice to people he meets, I am not talking about that.

I am talking about the people he beats up because they have a camera, or he always seems to get in fights at airports, or picking fights with other bands lead singers, stuff like that.

He also disrespects fans for going on so late, no showing gigs and walking off mid set for stupid reasons..

Yes the going on late has been going on since the 90s but that doesnt make it right. Sure gnr fans have accepted it, but again its disrespectful to make fans wait til past 11pm to see him go on stage when the doors open at 6 or 7.

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