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What's the worst thing about thrash metal?

Axl Knows

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Is it the cookie cutter "chugga chugga" riffs, the shouty nasal whiny vocals, the retarded lyrics about things like nuclear conspiracies, the almost complete lack of bass guitar, or all the retarded thrash fans who hype shit bands like metallica/megadeath/slayer/anthrax?

Edited by Axl Knows
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Is it the cookie cutter "chugga chugga" riffs, the shouty nasal whiny vocals, the retarded lyrics about things like nuclear conspiracies, the almost complete lack of bass guitar, or all the retarded thrash fans who hype shit bands like metallica/megadeath/slayer/anthrax?

Things that put me off most of it?

1. The lyrics. Their cringeworthy.

2. I don't mind screaming. But a lot of thrash stuff is just screaming for the sake of it and sounds ridiculous.

3. The epic classical music souless sounding guitars with over the top riffs.

4. How over the top it is.

5. The fans are all our musics heavier and harder and more technically prowessed to yours, get to fuck. Think youre metal concerts tough? Go to a pilled up rave and get youre mind opened up. Think its technically prowessed? Back to youre guitar teachers please while the rest of us listen to steve jones and enjoy ourselves.

6. The clothes.

7. The dungeons and dragons album covers.

8. The weirdo inbetween song banter.

9. The fact that the songs are divided up into "metull" tunes and ballads. More diversity would be nice.

But that's just me, I've got nothing against other folk enjoying it and some of it's pretty good.

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Fair enough. But I don't think 2, 3, 7, and 8 are Thrash Metal, though. Thrash Metal doesn't use "screaming". I think you're looking for Death Metal and Black Metal and other various off-shoots of those two. Thrash Metal is usually singing or at the most it's "shouting". Some Thrash Metal bands use "epic" classical music shredding and stuff, but that's usually Power Metal or Neo-Classical Metal or something like that (think Yngwie Malmsteen or Cacophony). Dungeons and dragons album covers and crap like that is usually connected with Power Metal (though I'm sure there are some examples in basically any kind of metal). I've personally don't know what you're talking about with 8. Do you mean live performances or studio albums? I've heard a-many Thrash Metal albums and I'm not positive as to what you mean. And 5 is a bad generalization and you can find faults in the hardcore fanbase of most kinds of music. And just like any kind of music, you'll find decent lyrics here and there but you'll also find horrible lyrics as well.

Thrash Metal isn't my favorite kind of metal, but I still like it. :shrugs:

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The lyrics put me off sometimes. And not the content really, but its like some bands go out their way to make sure you can't make out what the hell they are saying with the constant growling.

But with that said, I would never discount any genre of music. I learned a long time ago if I did that, I would miss out on so much good sh*t.

Fuck, I even like country.

A good song is a good song.

Edited by SunnyDRE
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And if anyone at all is interested, these are some of my favorite Thrash Metal songs.

Metallica - Ride the Lightning

Exumer - Destructive Solution

Megadeth - In My Darkest Hour

Heathen - Opiate of the Masses

Overkill - The Green and Black

The Exumer song's vocals may put some off, but the instrumentation is great IMO. There's a little part at 2:06 that's fantastic.

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I have to admit, i agree with a lot of the criticism in this thread. I especially hate the horrible, sour, buzzing, scooped guitar tones a lot of thrash guitarists use (I'm looking at you Mustaine). Don't get me wrong, I love metal, but thrash as a general rule.... no.

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cmon, you listen to megadeth from so far so what to yuthanasia, or however it is spelled and you will know why some people love trash, Im not one of them but I do understand the love for it

we got megadeth, exodus, assassin, kreator, death angel, bathory, the crown, darkane, teh haunted and meshuggah. and so on and on and on,

it is fucking extreme music at its best

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Guest Satanisk_Slakt

What a great topic! I would say that it's the "cookie cutter "chugga chugga" riffs" that are the worst. Can't stand it.

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it sucks. Its hard to listen to, there is no soul and they all sound like shit live. They cant recreate the studio sound. And all that stupid shredding, anyone can shred but play with feeling. Like Snake Eyes said the dungeons and dragon vibe to is annoying and the fans suck. "omg" hear how fast "so and so" can play.

thats just me though,

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Is it the cookie cutter "chugga chugga" riffs, the shouty nasal whiny vocals, the retarded lyrics about things like nuclear conspiracies, the almost complete lack of bass guitar, or all the retarded thrash fans who hype shit bands like metallica/megadeath/slayer/anthrax?

You just called Anthrax a shit band. FUCKING FAIL.

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Is it the cookie cutter "chugga chugga" riffs, the shouty nasal whiny vocals, the retarded lyrics about things like nuclear conspiracies, the almost complete lack of bass guitar, or all the retarded thrash fans who hype shit bands like metallica/megadeath/slayer/anthrax?

You just called Anthrax a shit band. FUCKING FAIL.

x2 Anthrax is the shit. In my opinion the most well rounded of the four (Megadeth second), which is probably why Anthrax is opening for the big 4 shows haha. To me, die hard thrash fans are really close minded. If you stray slightly away from the CHUGGA CHUGGA riffs, your a bunch of posers in their opinion. That's the vibe I always gotten from them.

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Is it the cookie cutter "chugga chugga" riffs, the shouty nasal whiny vocals, the retarded lyrics about things like nuclear conspiracies, the almost complete lack of bass guitar, or all the retarded thrash fans who hype shit bands like metallica/megadeath/slayer/anthrax?

You just called Anthrax a shit band. FUCKING FAIL.

x2 Anthrax is the shit. In my opinion the most well rounded of the four (Megadeth second), which is probably why Anthrax is opening for the big 4 shows haha. To me, die hard thrash fans are really close minded. If you stray slightly away from the CHUGGA CHUGGA riffs, your a bunch of posers in their opinion. That's the vibe I always gotten from them.

I just think their good stuff is the best, or most legitimate (Because let's face it, all of the Big Four have recorded some absolute shit over the years). No thrash album even comes close to touching Spreading The Disease or Among The Living.

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