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Has anyone here caught the paradise city whistle or mic at the end of the show?


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I managed to get my hand on Axl's towel that he used at the Melbourne '07 show. At the end of the show Richard tossed it into the crowd. I grabbed it with one hand as it flew over my head and i held onto it like it was a life or death situation. The problem was, three other people grabbed it aswell.

It came down to just another person and myself until some stupid fuck decided to try and launch himself over the girl's head that was standing behind me.

She screamed in pain, which kinda made me realise, was it really worth being thrown around like a ragdoll and risking the others getting hurt over a fucking towel? No.

At that point i let it go and had to really refrain from punching the other guy in the head.

The result in the end was me = nothing. Had a great night though.

The girl behind me = earing ripped through and out of her earlobe.

The other guy = a towel and the knowing that he was on my hitlist, hence security telling him to stand with them until we had left.

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I was going to give the mic back to the band because they cost a lot of money but then I realize that I earned it.

LOL. I'm sure if he threw it, he didn't want it back.

Someone pointed out in another thread some time ago that while the guitar solo is going on, Axl might just go backstage and switch to a cheaper mic, so he can throw it. I think that is possible :)

I got a Shure SM58, which is very fine to my knowledge, but yeah that one's point is possible.

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G2R_AXL said they are about 350 pounds each to buy (because he buys them)

Axl doesn't want them back his throwing the mics/whistles out to a lucky fan for a souvenir

I know Axl's goal is for a lucky fan to get it and he doesn't care how much they cost but, a month before that gig while in the UK somewhere, he called me because we were going to fly out for a few gigs. While we were talking he told me that the crew is getting pissed because they cost a lot and every night he tosses one out. I was only going to give it back as a joke. It's cool that I got it because I was probably the first GNR fan. Also by the time I got one they started buying him plastic ones to toss. It's the same mic but cost a little less. It wouldn't make it through a whole gig because sometimes the stand goes down and it would break but the insides are the same.

Edited by recklessroad
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I got the whistle from the Warfield concert. The whistle flew a few rows short of me but a couple butterfinger tips and it droped a few feet in front of me on the floor. It was surreal to get it but it's a cheap ass black plastic whistle.

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G2R_AXL said they are about 350 pounds each to buy (because he buys them)

Axl doesn't want them back his throwing the mics/whistles out to a lucky fan for a souvenir

I know Axl's goal is for a lucky fan to get it and he doesn't care how much they cost but, a month before that gig while in the UK somewhere, he called me because we were going to fly out for a few gigs. While we were talking he told me that the crew is getting pissed because they cost a lot and every night he tosses one out. I was only going to give it back as a joke. It's cool that I got it because I was probably the first GNR fan. Also by the time I got one they started buying him plastic ones to toss. It's the same mic but cost a little less. It wouldn't make it through a whole gig because sometimes the stand goes down and it would break but the insides are the same.

Yeah I think mine was probably switched around during the encore the last 3 or so songs

Mines kind of a hard plastic has the battery and wireless controls etc

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