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News from Bumblefoot about the new album


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Can't we all just get along?

There's a certain percentage of people here who won't be happy until Axl retires from the music biz forever, and most of them call themselves ''fans.''

I just don't let those people bother me. GNR is a controversial band with a divided fan base. We've kind of got a non violent Israel Vs. Palestine thing going on here. Odds are that there will never be any sort of peace agreement between the two sides.

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Can't we all just get along?

There's a certain percentage of people here who won't be happy until Axl retires from the music biz forever, and most of them call themselves ''fans.''

I just don't let those people bother me. GNR is a controversial band with a divided fan base. We've kind of got a non violent Israel Vs. Palestine thing going on here. Odds are that there will never be any sort of peace agreement between the two sides.

I'll side with the ginger kid any day. I love CD and I hope GN'R releases a new record soon.

If Slash's music was anything like the first Snakepit album, I'd probably side with him. But VR's records felt any other modern rock band could've made them andhis solo cd was "meh."

Axl is a musical genius. Slash is a great guitarist.

Therein lies the difference. Great guitarists are bountiful. Musical geniuses? Not so much.

Edited by Indigo Child
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The funny thing is them bringing up an 8 year old quote from Axl , like it's a clue to what might happen next.

"The plan is to drop the record. Have a bunch of extra tracks . . . about a year or so down the road, drop another record, and drop a third record. This is a three stage thing; we'll be touring for a real long time."

I know a point was to state there's other songs but no record dropped then, when it did 6 years later nothing happened in a year, and no one kept 'touring for a real long time' in 2002. That said why still think he'd use the old songs as the next record. I wish he would too, but things change...obviously.

I'm glad Ron set the record straight, and yeah he sounds frustrated, especially on the we never once sat and wrote as a band issue. Hard to believe since 06 they never sat down to write together... then again not so hard to believe in a way.

Edited by axlskAmpf
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I would love to hear new material from Guns whether its the songs that didn't make Democracy or fresh material involving BBF, DJ and Fortus. It would have been cool if during the current tour CD was re-released with studio outtakes and so on, that way some of the material from that era would have been available for people to listen to.

I'm sure their concerts next month will be great fun. Is anything planned for 2011 at the moment? Maybe the band could get together then to write new material.

I would love to hear new material from Guns, outtake or otherwise.

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Unless you visited boards like these, no one would know about the tour.

yea, the million+ people they've played to aall frequent mygnr and htgth, you're a fucking genius.

if only you anti-new band mongoloids weren't so fucking stupid, you'd be wholly more tolerable.

"anti band mongoloids" :D Wonder what drives them to post here at all? but they are mentally comparable to play-dough!

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