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Happy 2nd Aniversary Chinese Democracy!!


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I wish it never came it out.

The myth was so much more fulfilling..

Since you don't feel fulfilled, why don't you leave the board and go some place else? :)

Not liking Chinese Democracy is to Guns N' Rosea as not liking St. Anger from Metallica five years ago, doesn't mean you're not a fan.

Please don't use St-Anger and Chinese Democracy in the same sentence...thats just wrong.

And besides Sunny Dre is cupcake #1 on this site!

again...CHEERS TO CD!!!! :thumbsup:

The point is, you don't have to like every album a band releases to be a fan of the band.

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2 years! That's kind of trippy.

I rarely go 2-3 days without listening to the album in its entirety and even then I'm listening to tracks from it throughout, no over album has that same appeal for me.

Musically it's stunning, emotional it's gripping. Huge amount of respect to all those who helped bring it to life!

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Guns N' Roses To the MANY MILLIONS throughout the world who've supported GNR's Chinese Democracy over the years in so many ways - Happy 2nd annicersary of its release and a very large, heartfelt THANK YOU! or depending on who you are: 谢谢 Obrigado ありがとうGracias شكرا Спасибо terima kasih תודה Danke धन्यवाद благодаря Grazie 감사합니다 děkuji...

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Great album, but I think it's time to put the now 10 year Chinese Democracy tour to bed and move on to something new...

I think that's just not gonna happen, as Axl is "stuck inside" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGy7n8rHZxo

this whole Chinese Democracy...

and more over, now that he realized that China become, over this 15 years or when ever he got this name into his head,

number 1 economical power... yeas it's true, and it's "killing the americans" but hey, that's that, and his like "well... I might just go along with it, 'cause I got it from the first, long time anyone else told the world about it..."

so there isn't anything more appealing right now, sociologically speaking than China!!!

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