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What city is Axl`s favorite city to have a concert


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Hey, I am from Montreal and Axl has been here twice. In 1992 and 2010.

I dont think it is his favorite city to play in and if I was to take a guess of Axl`s favorite spot to play with GnR it`s in Brazil maybe RIO...

I am sure that each city that GnR has played in has some positive and negative but I am sure he hates St-Louis!! :lol:

Ps. Sorry for the title...

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Last time he was in Auckland he said it was the loudest crowd in the world and that it was fucking amazing.

I'm putting Auckland in the top 5 :D

hence why he's so excited to play there again this year


Oh No You Di'int!

*3 clicks in a Z formation*

Edited by FuddMckagan
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It's definitely not a city in the state of Florida. In 2006, every florida show that I attended resulted in half-filled arenas, people boo-ing every time Axl played a new song, and continuous crowd chants echoing "We want Slash".

Edited by Duke Nukem
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Toronto, because we have the best looking women...

He said so himself (the women part anyway) lol

He did too! think that was 2002? I don't know for sure but I know he has always liked Toronto and seems talkative when he goes there

Yeah, it was in 02....sporting a Maple Leafs jersey....although that was common for most of the tour I think.

I would say it is a fair statement to say he enjoys Toronto.....but his favorite? Probably not :no:

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Defiitley Toronto is his favourite atleast in Canada..but he defintiley loves Toronto..I'd say Toronto, Paris, and somewhere in Brazil..but don't forget Toronto fuckin' rocks man..and he knows it..we appreciate him..and his music. Where most of the states are jerk offs and yell wheres slash and throw shit on the stage. What a bunch of dicks..and ofcourse theres gotta be a place in Europe that he loves playing too.

Edited by BakerGNR
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