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Music/Musicians/Musical Groups NONE of your Friends/Family Like

Guest deleted_19765

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Guest deleted_19765

Sometimes it makes me proud that I continue to listen to some of mine even though I have no one to talk/rave about them with and no one close to me enjoys hearing them. A few of them are:

Elvis-My girlfriend likes some Elvis songs, but I have no friends who like him and my family does not like him.

Waylon Jennings/Willie Nelson-I have absolutely NO ONE to talk to about Outlaw Country. No family or friends listen to these two, while I listen to them all the time, and have for a few years now. My girlfriend also can't stand either of them, one of her only flaws. You could probably extend this to most Country I listen to, which is a lot. Its lonely here in New York City for us Country fans.

Barry White-No one close to me dislikes Barry per se, but I am the only person I know who cares that he exists or likes to hear him.

There are probably more. What about yours? What's funny is the artists I named are extremely popular, just not with my set.

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My "friends" dont listen to rock music, or music for that matter since their shit isnt rock. Bastards mock me for listening to Pink Floyd while they go off to talk about how weird the latest pop acts are in their music videos and discuss the latest Kesha song. I only have one friend, my best friend, who actually likes rock and we are on the same page about everything all the time, college seperated us though so Im stuck with these shitheads.

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Two most over-rated bands of all time.

Fucking hate The Eagles too.

Not the question at all.

It wasn't the question but I'll disagree with them anyways. :lol:

On topic, most of my friends seem to like at least a couple of the bands I'm into.

KISS is probably the main one people I know don't seem to like, and it's usually these criticisms:

- "Rock and Roll all Nite" is overplayed/repetitive

- Gene Simmons is all about the money

- KISS sold out

- All they care about is image/make-up

So, here's what I usually say back:

- listen to more than just the radio, they have more than over 30 years of other songs you know

- I won't disagree with you, but that argument doesn't really concern the music

- Much like the above, I don't care about the useless merchandise they have, I just like the music

- They didn't use make-up from 1983-1996, during which time they still sold platinum albums and had a few big singles including "Forever" which was HUGE for them

Not that anybody really cares what I have to say to the naysayers.

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