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What first introduced you to music/what were your first musical loves?

Vincent Vega

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What albums/bands/songs introduced you to music that you can consciously remember? Like what were your first musical loves?

For me, my first real exposure to music came in either 1997 or 1998. Yeah, before that I had listened to like soundtracks--Lion King soundtrack when I was 3 on my Walkman and whatnot, but this was real music. My parents had rented The Devil's Advocate on VHS...and I fell in love, at that age, with the song Paint it Black by the Stones. I immediately NEEDED to have that song on my CD player, and I immediately wanted anything from this band who produced this song. My dad bought me a record player and let me play all his old Stones vinyls. All the other kids were listening to Blink 182 and Green Day, and I was listening to the Rolling Stones.

A few years later, around 2001, I became crazy about the Lord of the Rings and basically wanted to hear The Lord of the Rings in music form. I asked my brother in law if he knew of anything like that and he put on Led Zeppelin IV, thus beginning my love of Led Zeppelin. I heard a lot of other stuff hanging out with him too--Papa Roach, Limp Bizkit, Tool, that kind of stuff.

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First music I remember : The Beatles and Michael Jackson. They were my father's favourites and the first pop records I've ever listened to.

On the other hand, I studied classical music from age 6 to 15 so I've listened to quite a few classical tunes back in the day.

Then, the first record I've ever bought was an Iron Maiden one. Fell in love with Maiden...but I can't listen to them for shit nowadays.

Then it was AC/DC and Slash's Snakepit. And finally I found my true love in alternative rock with Primus, MrBungle and Bumblefoot.

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First CD I ever bought myself was "Changes" by 2Pac, back in '96. I was 8 or 9.

After that it went downhill for a while with the Backstreet Boys, followed by the Bloodhound Gang. Then came Xzibits "X", which pulled me into Gangsta Rap, especially Snoop Dogg's part. Snoop was followed by an excessive love for everything that was 2Pac again, until Guns N Roses came into my life in 2004. 2Pac and Guns N Roses shared the top spot until discovered Grunge and especially Pearl Jam.

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My parents introduced me to Queen but what really got me deep into music was Guns. It's weird how my love for this band is only getting stronger.

I love Alice In Chains too. Pink Floyd and Elliott Smith are among my favorite too. Buckethead, Hendrix and Eddie Hazel and Slash, are of course, up there as the all time greats for me.

Before I was 17 years old I never gave music much thought.

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When I first started listening to music independantly, I listened to the likes of The Offspring and Nirvana. I think Americana was the first ever album I went out and bought. I eventually found my way onto Guns, and it was from Guns that I began to work backwords to the likes of Zeppelin and The Who.

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My first introduction to (real) music as far as I can remember is classical and orchestra. This was about when I was maybe eight because I remember listening to the score of Titanic and that was my favourite album for a long time (minus the Celine Dion song). Then I started getting into more harder stuff like Guns, Zep, Hendrix and all those that nobody else I know seems to like.

I found that soundtrack again just tonight and it sounds better than it did when I first got it.

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First was Michael Jackson, but that quickly ended when I was introduced to AC/DC. After that, I just got into the likes of Zeppelin, Rush, Hendrix, etc..until I discovered Nirvana and began exploring different kinds of music.

It was Nevermind that shattered my illusion of what music is supposed to sound like, and that's not to say that Nevermind is that much of an unconventional album - it isn't...but it was the first sound my little ears heard that made me go "wtf" This was later solidified by In Utero, and after that I started listening to all sorts of shit...Noise Rock, Sludge Metal, Post-Punk, etc.

Up until that point, the most abrasive album I had was probably Fly on the Wall :tongue2:


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GNR- Appetite for Destruction. Saw the Jungle video when I was 5. Bought the tape at age 7 JUST before they started putting parental advisory stickers on albums. GNR is the reason I listen to the music I do today.

First actual CD- Primus- "Pork Soda"

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My first musical love was bluegrass which of course was the first cassette I received as a child. My eldest brother got me into rock music. The first rock song I actually got into was Sweet Child, due to my brother playing it on his guitar. My first rock album was actually a cassette mixtape of GN'R, The Stones, Zeppelin, etc. My first two CDs were Led Zeppelin: Early Days and The Beatles: Yellow Submarine Soundtrack. After that I really started listening to all kinds of rock music, metalcore/screamo, outlaw country, indie, grunge, etc.

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My parents dont like music, at all. So I pretty much had to figure it all out by myself when I turned 16 and got a car. I hated all the poppy music and modern rock so I listened to (and still do) a station that plays like half classic and half modern rock. Jungle was the first song I really became enamored with I guess.

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