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Are Guns N' Roses over?


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Well it won't ever be GUNS N ROSES again, but then again it hasn't been the huge band like that for over 17 years.

By that I mean it's not really relevant, exciting or badass anymore. At least not like it once was. Obviously for many that has quite a bit to do with Slash,etc not being in the band anymore, but that's not the only thing. It would've been possible to gain the status again if CD was the amazing album a lot of people were expecting and the release related shit like videos and tours would've actually been planned with some intelligence. (or at all)

Unfortuantely that ship has sailed imo. I wouldn't mind being proved wrong, but it doesn't seem very possible, let alone probable.

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axl cares too much

About what? Shuttin his mouth?

Why should he open his mouth when no matter what he says it will be critiqued or used against him in some way?

Because some people deserve critique, and should learn to embrace critique and change things.

Think about it as an evaluation conversation at your work, you receive comments, and you ACT on them.

Edited by The Black
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The public cared when CD came out

they did?

My sentiments exactly. Chinese Democracy made zero impact with the masses. Little to no radio play. No video didn't help either.

Only the die hards picked it up, and even they have a lot to say both postive and negative

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The public cared when CD came out

they did?

My sentiments exactly. Chinese Democracy made zero impact with the masses. Little to no radio play. No video didn't help either.

Only the die hards picked it up, and even they have a lot to say both postive and negative

It would have made a huge impact had it been released in the late 90's/early 00's. The whole NIN sound was still in and Axl would've only been some 6 years removed from GNR. By 2008, Axl's window for any type of comeback had long been shut.

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I expect one more tour in support of CD II. After that I have no idea.

You're expecting a CDII

At the moment they appear to had issues touring the US. I don't think new music is on the cards.

Axl already has new music leftover from the CD era. It's just a matter of working shit out with the record company.

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I expect one more tour in support of CD II. After that I have no idea.

You're expecting a CDII

At the moment they appear to had issues touring the US. I don't think new music is on the cards.

Axl already has new music leftover from the CD era. It's just a matter of working shit out with the record company.

Why is he the only person that seems to continuously have this problem?

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I expect one more tour in support of CD II. After that I have no idea.

You're expecting a CDII

At the moment they appear to had issues touring the US. I don't think new music is on the cards.

Axl already has new music leftover from the CD era. It's just a matter of working shit out with the record company.

Why is he the only person that seems to continuously have this problem?

Because the label obviously wants him to put the old band back together so they can sell more albums and make more money.

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I expect one more tour in support of CD II. After that I have no idea.

You're expecting a CDII

At the moment they appear to had issues touring the US. I don't think new music is on the cards.

Axl already has new music leftover from the CD era. It's just a matter of working shit out with the record company.

Why is he the only person that seems to continuously have this problem?

I'll answer this for you but before i do i want to say that it still is Axl's fault. Heres why he still has this problem:

He is pretty much the only artist that had a contract from the 90's with a major record label, that still is in place today(the contract that is). Most bands that had a contract from the 90's fulfilled it many years ago and just do one off deals with whatever label or even just use the label for distribution only. In Guns contract it would have stated something like "must hand in X amount of records before being free of their obligation to "insert name" record label". Given that Axl stuffed around for many years getting a solid line up and then further tinkering with songs and then wasting time in court trying to fend off the Greatest Hits release(which was used to recoup some of the massive $$ spent on the Chidem sessions), its no wonder he doesn't have the freedom that NIN does to putting out music. We know the contract was renegotiated sometime in the early 2000's but we don't know the details. But its clear he is still tied to a record label for another X amount of records.

Now being tied to a record label itself is not an excuse for constantly battling with them. But the problem Axl has(again, self inflicted) is that the music industry is in a time where music doesn't sell half what it used to. Back then artists would get $1 per album sold, but big albums would sell 8million plus, then there would be touring and merchandise. Axl's dilemma could be having a 90's style contract in a time where music is not nearly as profitable as it once was. That coupled with the fact that Axl overspent(which would mean more sales needed to break even) would mean more promotion is needed to break even, which is regressive. Record labels are not used to spending big money just to break even. Axl probably has a problem with this. We all know Axl wanted Chidem to succeed but had big problems with the label(the Azoff lawsuit cleared up a few things) and Axl did say after he handed in the album that his requests were ignored and business went "as usual". Chances are he wants proper promotion or more of a cut off each record sold(or both), but in this day and age, unless you are Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga, you aren't going to get it.

Just my opinion from reading between the lines though, i could be very wrong.

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axl cares too much

About what? Shuttin his mouth?

Why should he open his mouth when no matter what he says it will be critiqued or used against him in some way?

How about to actually get the facts out??

He would not be critiqued if he hadn't made a track record for himself of making false promises(or statements). The whole "the album will be out this year" or "we will come back next year with a whole bunch of new songs" or "the album will be out next year" crap has set the pretense that he is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't. But that is his own fault.

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They just got done with a great 1 year tour, and people really expect there to be instant updates on what the band is doing? You must be new to the whole GNR thing. There will be another album and tour, and the same idiots will still be here trying to stir shit up.

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