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After 6 years, I am going to go back to primarily using stomp boxes. Adore my Helix, and it will be more convenient to leave it plugged in at home for recording. 

My board will be a mix of new pedals and some of the ones I purchased and used from 2014- 2018. Oh, and my beat- up and trusty Crybaby 535q. Got that one in around 2007. 

I'll have, 

Fulldrive 2 MOSFET - Boss SD1 - Coppersound Triplegraph

and in the loop, 

Seymour Duncan Vapor Trail - Strymon Deco - EHX Small Clone

I also have the Alexander Silver Jubilee and EHX Micro POG somewhere, but those don't need to go on the board, anyways. I might even take the Fulldrive off and put something else there down the line. 

I also have the footswitch for the amp channels I may throw on there. Also bought a bag for the pedalboard after 8 years :lol:

Pretty pumped to put all of that together. It will sound killer through the JCM 800. 


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I've never gotten into effects loops. All my favourite modulation sounds are from plugging directly in. Delays? Sure, probably better in the loop but I find a nice dark analog delay out front does the job. Reverb? Don't really use it. If the amp has it built in that's good enough for me. Four cables has never appealed to me.

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6 hours ago, James Bond said:

I've never gotten into effects loops. All my favourite modulation sounds are from plugging directly in. Delays? Sure, probably better in the loop but I find a nice dark analog delay out front does the job. Reverb? Don't really use it. If the amp has it built in that's good enough for me. Four cables has never appealed to me.

I haven’t used them as much as I want to. I didn’t need to use the loop in my Fender Blues Deluxe, because all gain came from pedals. I used the loop in my Marshall 2525C, but it was a bad loop that had weird latency issues.

I love that soaring lead guitar tone with delay in the back. I’m hoping I can get there by putting my delay pedal behind the preamp of the JCM 800. It’s at rehearsal so have to wait to try until next week. I believe I will be able to get the tone I’m seeking. I tried a chorus in the loop and there were no issues or noticeable latency 

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Assembled my pedal board, lugged the JCM800 to the attic for practice, tried everything out, and….

fucking hell, this thing is loud. Could not get the master volume past 1 even at rehearsal :lol:. How the fuck did people regularly dime these things in the 80s?!

 Sounded sick, though. It cuts and stays thick rock3 Got that chunky delay in the loop, too

Edited by ZoSoRose
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Played a gig with it. Pedals were wonky (probably a cable) so I just played direct in the amp with the channel foot-switch. Still only got the master to around 2. Don’t care because,

God. Damn.

Now I know why people like high watt Marshalls. The 2525C I used to have, although a very cool amp for what it was, does not come close to this. The 4211 is an amp. Both channels kill. I’m a JCM800 guy, now.

Will still keep the Orange cause it’s cool as hell. But this Marshall is my favorite 


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