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Guitarists that can match up to Bucket?

Vincent Vega

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Everyone should listen that, Bumble is an amazing writer and a guitarist. Most of that stuff is amazing. Gotta love the Abnormal album.

Somehow his solos remind a lot of the vintage Sonic the Hedgehog games.

Come on, can't you imagine some of those solos playing as you speed around the Green Hill Zone?

His style is very mid '90s with a slight hint of Brian May, whereas Buckets is modern but with a very '70s rock virtuoso tinge (as in like Mick Taylor or the like). Also, BBF shreds just a BIT too much. Practically every solo in that video is incredibly fast and full of shredding. What happened to medium speed emotional solos?

Edited by Indigo Child
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Somehow his solos remind a lot of the vintage Sonic the Hedgehog games.

Come on, can't you imagine some of those solos playing as you speed around the Green Hill Zone?

His style is very mid '90s with a slight hint of Brian May, whereas Buckets is modern but with a very '70s rock virtuoso tinge (as in like Mick Taylor or the like). Also, BBF shreds just a BIT too much. Practically every solo in that video is incredibly fast and full of shredding. What happened to medium speed emotional solos?

Don't you know? The faster you play, the bigger your dick gets.

Edited by Nintari
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Watch any live version of Soothsayer. All he really does for that once beautiful solo is repeat patterns live.

Oh my god, this is really laughable.... So the whole near nine minute song is just "repeating patterns" to you? I heard him use a similar lick about 3 times, and that was to build up the solo. That is your argument? Good lord, stop the press, this just in, a guitarist CANNOT use a similar lick more than once if he wants to be better than Bumble!!!

See, CDLove, The Glow Inc.? They don't know what they're talking about and yet they pretend they're right. Some of them don't even know how repetitive Bucket is, even though he's really creative... they even try to argue over a fact. Well, they try to argue over several facts. Young gun even thought that the reason that made Ron improvise most of Bucket's solo in 2006 was because he didn't have transcriptions. Really? The guy can transcribe his most insane pieace of music and yet can't transcribe Bucket's patterns. This is stupid, I don't even know why I'm here posting and everytime I post here discussing this whole subject I feel more idiot.

Regarding the "Bucket's solos were praised by everyone here" thing, let me be happy that GNR camp ain't that blind about this subject. They don't think that Bucket is the be all and end all of guitar playing because he left the band and act like if Ron's a unknown guy that does thimble licks and play a fretless instrument.

These guys' ignorance is encyclopedic, I'm fighting against a wall of ignorance and stupid arguments.

Funny fact: Ron couldn't play Bucket's solo note for note before because he wasn't technically as good; now that these cupcakes are proven wrong, he didn't play them note for note before because he didn't have Bucket's transcriptions :rofl-lol: what's next? Ron probably got hold of Slash's transcriptions and this is the reason that made him play some of the older solos note for note or at least closer to the original? :lol:

And i just posted a video of a song of Ron going the exact same repetition stuff throughout a song, here it is again, just for you:



Here is Ron's quote about the solos during 2006-2007:

"I had to learn all of that stuff on a pair of headphones in the rehearsal room on a laptop just listening and taking notes."

Even then he butchered most of the solos, not because of his improvisation. I never said Ron couldn't play Bucket's stuff you joke, i said Ron's ears were sooooo perfect(sarcasm), he couldn't transcribe Bucket's stuff by ear perfectly. Keep reaching man, one day, you will be cool.

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"My ultimate guitarist would be something like Lennon/Cobain/Dylan/McCartney/Petty/Alexakis etc"

In relation to this qoute I just find it surprising that you would follow a band like GNR ....im not having a go but when you look at Slash, Bucket, Ron, Fortus etc surely I would have thought Lead guitar was your preference! No Offence it just surprises me! PS I love the above! But in a band like GNR surely the lead guitar was at least 40% of the attraction?!

My attraction to Guns N Roses was the music they created as a group. I'm not attracted to one thing or another, just the music. This is why I don't care about Slash Vs. Axl. This is why I don't take sides when they fight because I only care about the art these two made together and the art they make on their own.

I'm all about the music. So a singer/songwriter/performer is my favorite type of musician. To me, I'd take someone like Tom Petty over Slash because at the end of the day, Tom's going to be able to sit in a room, all by himself, without any help whatsoever from vocalists or other players and come up with something as great as "Last Dance With Marry Jane". I think that takes much more talent then simply laying down a good solo over the top of someone else's work. In my opinion, singer/songwriter/performers are the most talented musicians in the world....atleast the good ones who write catchy music anyway.

I respect your opinion completely and as a musician myself its even more relevant....heres a Tom Petty inspired instrumental done by myself! Just to prove where i'm coming from! You'll notice the similarities in the rhythm!

Cheers Dude

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Here is Ron's quote about the solos during 2006-2007:

"I had to learn all of that stuff on a pair of headphones in the rehearsal room on a laptop just listening and taking notes."

Even then he butchered most of the solos, not because of his improvisation. I never said Ron couldn't play Bucket's stuff you joke, i said Ron's ears were sooooo perfect(sarcasm), he couldn't transcribe Bucket's stuff by ear perfectly. Keep reaching man, one day, you will be cool.

Give the guy a break, he had like a week to learn each and every song! He's been much better on the latest tour.

That's exactly what he's doing

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I must be the only one who likes Bukmle's solos on Shackler and Riad. I actually thought the Shackler one was Bucket, but since I heard studio version of Riad I've loved that solo, it's the best solo on album. Bucket is genius but Ron is underated. If Ron, Dj or Fort bow out I wouldn't say no to Justin Hawkins from The Darkness (Hot Leg) coming in.

I like the Riad solo too, and I know it's not a widely held view. It may be because of the song itself though? Riad is my favorite CD song (which isn't a widely held view either :lol:). And it's strange because I'm usually a big Buckethead suporter, but this is the one place where I prefer Ron. I've heard the demo and found the solo kinda boring.

I'm not sure if I'd like that kind of solo on every song, but it works on that song, and on the record it really stands out. Who does the CD solo? I like that one too.

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1)Buckethead is more stylish and melodic. His character goes hand in hand with his playing which makes him a very original player. His style is probably catchier.

2)Bumblefoot is ( way ) more technical : FACT.

I can understand why people wouldn't like his playing ( too many dissonances, micro tonal stuff, TOO MANY NOTES etc...but at the end of the day, what he plays is way harder ).

You can deny that all you want but you just have to try and play both Bumble's hardest solo material and Bucket's and Ron is WAY harder...

But yeah, Bucket's part on Chinese stand out way more, probably because of 1)

Guthrie Govan shits on Bucket ( technically speaking ) at any hour of the day with one hand tied in the back.

Andy Timmons is equally as melodical as Bucket.

Paul Gilbert is a heavy metal version of Buckethead.

Thus, Buckethead, even though he is an incredible guitarist and artist, isn't THE ultimate guitarist at all...There is no such thing anyway.

This one!!!

I must add that Bucket probably stopped being hugely technical (to the extent Ron remained one) on purpose. I suppose it is partly the reason for the Bucket....I think He knows much more than what He shows in terms of technique....I can somehow understand that for a player at His level it is sort of a shame that He ventures into melodic/predictable realms!

In terms of GNR, it is quite clrear that it is a true Bucket territory due to the above (the only virtuoso who dares/inclined to make easy melodic pieces without always showing off with His superior technical feats)..

and last but not least....my opinion on Ron vs. Bucket in GNR is not even shaped...BUT non other than Axl Rose is clearly preferring Bucket's work within GNR, it is a fact I believe!!!!!!

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I must be the only one who likes Bukmle's solos on Shackler and Riad. I actually thought the Shackler one was Bucket, but since I heard studio version of Riad I've loved that solo, it's the best solo on album. Bucket is genius but Ron is underated. If Ron, Dj or Fort bow out I wouldn't say no to Justin Hawkins from The Darkness (Hot Leg) coming in.

I like the Riad solo too, and I know it's not a widely held view. It may be because of the song itself though? Riad is my favorite CD song (which isn't a widely held view either :lol:). And it's strange because I'm usually a big Buckethead suporter, but this is the one place where I prefer Ron. I've heard the demo and found the solo kinda boring.

I'm not sure if I'd like that kind of solo on every song, but it works on that song, and on the record it really stands out. Who does the CD solo? I like that one too.

The first part of CD solo is Robin and then Bucket takes over

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Somehow his solos remind a lot of the vintage Sonic the Hedgehog games.

Come on, can't you imagine some of those solos playing as you speed around the Green Hill Zone?

His style is very mid '90s with a slight hint of Brian May, whereas Buckets is modern but with a very '70s rock virtuoso tinge (as in like Mick Taylor or the like). Also, BBF shreds just a BIT too much. Practically every solo in that video is incredibly fast and full of shredding. What happened to medium speed emotional solos?

It's so funny how manage to mention Mick Taylor in like 90% of your posts! :lol:

The Edge :mellow:

Why not? :shrugs: Call me when Buckethead writes a solo this memorable:

:lol: LOL @ both of you! :lol:

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As talented Bucket is he never seemed well integrated with new Gn'R and had a weird stage-presence - not very popular to say the least... :confused:

In that sense the current lineup of guitar players (besides the fact imo there's one guitar player too many) is much more in line with what most people expect from Gn'R.

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I think Bumble is one of the reasons CD is more badass, the dirty rythmn on Chi Dem, the stuff he did on ITW, Riad and Shackler's solos, he gave CD a harder edge. Seeing it live those versions of SOD and CD are kick ass compared to early live versions.

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No, it's all Bumble.

The way I understand the credits here is that the first half is Bumble, the second half is Bucket. And that's exactly what it sounds like to me?

RIAD N’ THE BEDOUINS (Rose, Stinson) Guitars: Buckethead, Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal, Robin Finck, Paul Tobias

Drums: Brain

Bass: Tommy Stinson

Keyboards: Dizzy Reed

Background Vocals: Dizzy Reed,

Tommy Stinson

Sub bass: Chris Pitman

Guitar Solos: Ron “Bumblefoot” Thal,

Buckethead (outro)

Vocals: Axl Rose

Arrangement: Stinson, Rose, Beavan

Drum arrangement: Josh Freese

Digital Editing: Eric Caudieux,

Caram Costanzo, Axl Rose, Sean Beavan Black Frog Publishing (ASCAP), Done to Death Music, Inc. (ASCAP)

The main solo is Ron. Bucket did his wierd Whammy and tapping stuff, after the solo, during the outro, where Axl sings again.

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The main solo is Ron. Bucket did his wierd Whammy and tapping stuff, after the solo, during the outro, where Axl sings again.

Oh ok. In that case, Bumble's Riad solo is way better than Bucket's on the Skwerl Riad demo.

The Bumble/Bucket double team on the solo is the best. Shame Tommy didn't get to do a bass solo.

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Ummm were talking about guitarists that can match up to Bucket...you know like SRV, Satriani, BBF etc......

SRV? :shrugs:


yeah I know who he is, I just don't think he's in this race...

I can respect that. Neither is $la$h though....

He's not a shredder either. We knew that.

He (Slash) has shred briefly in a few songs (or live) hasn't he? I mean very briefly, I think there's a tiny bit in Coma?

Edited by Indigo Child
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He (Slash) has shred briefly in a few songs (or live) hasn't he? I mean very briefly, I think there's a tiny bit in Coma?

he can, but it's not his main focus usually, he's not the type to put out an instrumental album like most shred lead guitarists like Vai or Satch.

He should. I wanna hear just Slash playing the guitar, no vox, just him going off into his element totally.

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By the way, Slash is a much better guitarist than BBF or BH.

Sorry man, but no one will agree with you on this. Even though you are entitled to your opinion, nothing in Slash's discography has shown that he is capable of even the simplest of Ron OR Bucket's solos. Not saying he hasn't crafted amazing, soulful solos, but we are talking strictly about technical ability here.

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By the way, Slash is a much better guitarist than BBF or BH.

Sorry man, but no one will agree with you on this. Even though you are entitled to your opinion, nothing in Slash's discography has shown that he is capable of even the simplest of Ron OR Bucket's solos. Not saying he hasn't crafted amazing, soulful solos, but we are talking strictly about technical ability here.

which is why it was such a head scratcher when SRV's name was brought up :question:

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