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Dj's New Song Debuts - Lies of the Beautiful People


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wtf is Sixx:AM being given a thread in a GN'R forum ?

lock it

move it

delete it

DJ is a current member of GNR. Isn't that the rule for a thread being allowed to be in this section?

DJ is a hired hand. Hired hands side projects should be posted in the another section. Since when have side projects go anything to do with Axl Rose / GN'R

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wtf is Sixx:AM being given a thread in a GN'R forum ?

lock it

move it

delete it

DJ is a current member of GNR. Isn't that the rule for a thread being allowed to be in this section?

DJ is a hired hand. Hired hands side projects should be posted in the another section. Since when have side projects go anything to do with Axl Rose / GN'R

If the moderators agree with you it will be moved. I don't really care tbh.

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do you guys also listen to Miley Cyrus? god that was awful

Sure but it is still better than VR and Snakepit ...I would actually listen to Miley and Billy Cyrus before those two "bands"

...you're gunna have to cupcake harder than that

it's like he's not even trying anymore... :(

seriously, even Funral could put this guy to shame. what a hack

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do you guys also listen to Miley Cyrus? god that was awful

Sure but it is still better than VR and Snakepit ...I would actually listen to Miley and Billy Cyrus before those two "bands"

And you said everyone should stay respectful. Oh I forgot that only pretains to other people not Slash. Anyway in that case the new song by DJ sucked!

Edited by sleeper
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Say what you wish but the chorus is catchier ( does not necessarily mean "better" depending on the audience, don't rage already ! ) than anything that is on Chinese Democracy...

If DJ isn't an incredibly original guitarist, he knows how to write a solid song IMO :thumbsup:

I really think that DJ does not deserve the treatment he gets on this board sometimes.

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Solid rock song. I really enjoyed the first album so this is something I'm really looking forward to. Wouldn't mind seeing them live either when the time comes.

Unfortunately Nikki says there will be no tour.

I really think that DJ does not deserve the treatment he gets on this board sometimes.

Yeah, he really doesn't.

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Say what you wish but the chorus is catchier ( does not necessarily mean "better" depending on the audience, don't rage already ! ) than anything that is on Chinese Democracy...

If DJ isn't an incredibly original guitarist, he knows how to write a solid song IMO :thumbsup:

I really think that DJ does not deserve the treatment he gets on this board sometimes.

How do we know who wrote what?

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Im really looking forward to this album, but i found myself having apprehension at starting the video, maybe because heroin diaries was so good. But im glad i did, killer song, SIXX A.M are far better than Motley ever were in my opinion

Ahh How could they even be close to what Motley was or is ,I know it's just your opinion but WOW!

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Is it just me, or does the media player take fucking forever to load?

I'm certainly intrigued-- It seems there's some mixed opinions on it-- I really fucking dislike Sixx AM, but I'm going to give it a shot...... If the damned thing ever loads!


Christ! It's awful. I'm sorry-- DJ has proven to be a fine musician with a good dose of much needed charisma, but this song is so sugary.

I like the structure in the verses, and that solo was cool while it lasted-- but the chorus sounds like it belongs on a Kelly Clarkson or Slash album.

Edited by doakes
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Now imagine Axl on the vocals, Dizzy adding a few lines on the keyboard and another solo by BBF and you have a fuckin' epic GNR song. I am also sure Axl could come up with way better lyrics as well.

This song makes me sad about all the wasted potential with the current incarnation of GNR out of a studio. :(

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Truth hurts boys?

none to be found, just the usual uber fanboy diatribe.

Wait. Help me out here..

So if one of the most extreme Slash fanboys alive calls somebody else a "fanboy" as an insult..........would that be ironic or hypocritical?


Even more entertaining than that, is as soon as I saw the title to this thread I knew the exact posters who would say the song sucks. You guys really are that predictable. We get it. You hate what Axl is doing now with GnR, and you LIVE to come on a GnR forum to bash him and the new band. We got it. It is a bit junior highish - but whatever floats your boat.


And Guys, just because you idolize Slash and would crown an album of Slash farts and burps as the Album of the Decade... that doesn't mean that you have to automatically bash anything that anybody does in the current version of GnR. It really is OK to like the guys in the band. It is ROCK AND ROLL people - lighten up. Your Slash is putting out solo records, trying to get another singer and label for Velvet Revolver. All is good in the world. Your music world shouldn't be tainted by anything a current GnR musician does. Seriously. It's ok. Slash isn't reading and forming opinions of you as a person based on your daily Axl-GnR bashing. He isn't going to PM you one night "Dude, thanks for fighting the good fight. We should hook up and jam next time I'm in your city."


If SLASH and DUFF and ADLER can wish the new band luck and success.....it is friggin pathetic that YOU guys can't.

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