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Why isn't Axl inducted to the Walk of Fame?

Guest Sleeping Like An Angel

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Hmmm... its sad that attention whoring gets you famous but it was always that way. Axl deserves that star so much.

Off topic but: Can anyone explain Slash and the Juliens live auction?

From what i see Slash sold off loads of stuff and most of it went way over the estimate prices. People I have been talking to believe only 30% goes to charity!? If that is true I'll be so disappointed in Slash. i know the auction house gets a percentage and Slash gets the rest. I assumed all was going to charity.

30 percent isnt good enough for you? does he need to give everything he owns to charity for you to be satisfied? besides, what has axl done for charity lately?

We don't know, and that's the way that it should be.

Charitable donations should never be public knowledge. The only reason that we know about celebrity donations is generally for publicity. You should have the humbleness to keep that under wraps IMO.

It's different if you need to promote it in order to gain the funds. Such as what Bumblefoot is doing with the Skype guitar lessons.

Nice post and pure truth!

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He spent so many years talking shit about Axl, with his oh so clever, passive aggressive press manipulation... but that wont wash anymore, now we're on to him.

OUCH! I just fucking laughed so hard at this paranoia that I am aching.

Seriously man. Grow the fuck up. Slash doesn't shit talk Axl. Fact. Sure, one or two answers he's been honest FROM HIS POINT OF VIEW... but for the most part, you need to take a fucking look at some of the quotes and realise how many times he's said good things about Axl Rose.

Axl Rose called Slash a cancer. That trounces ANY bad shit Slash may have said in the past. Now like I say ... grow the fuck up, and stop trolling around acting like you're Axl's fucking friend. You are the kind of creepy fan that would scare the shit out of Axl.

Back under your rock asshole. :thumbsup:

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Hmmm... its sad that attention whoring gets you famous but it was always that way. Axl deserves that star so much.

Off topic but: Can anyone explain Slash and the Juliens live auction?

From what i see Slash sold off loads of stuff and most of it went way over the estimate prices. People I have been talking to believe only 30% goes to charity!? If that is true I'll be so disappointed in Slash. i know the auction house gets a percentage and Slash gets the rest. I assumed all was going to charity.

30 percent isnt good enough for you? does he need to give everything he owns to charity for you to be satisfied? besides, what has axl done for charity lately?

We don't know, and that's the way that it should be.

Charitable donations should never be public knowledge. The only reason that we know about celebrity donations is generally for publicity. You should have the humbleness to keep that under wraps IMO.

It's different if you need to promote it in order to gain the funds. Such as what Bumblefoot is doing with the Skype guitar lessons.

Nice post and pure truth!

In so far as to making egregious allegations that Slash mislead the public about a charitable auction, no one has actually presented any evidence that Slash mislead the public. I'll admit when I first about the auction, my instinct led me to believe it was a charity auction but I never saw any reference to be a charity auction. I looked at the Julien's website and Slash's tweets and couldn't find where it was being promoted as a charity auction. It was really in terrible taste to make allegations without any sources or evidence. The OP in my opinion did a great disservice within this thread in providing the public with partial information when all the OP did was start rumors.

I think its great that Bumblefoot helps out with charities. I think he's a genuine character. If someone donates part of money to charity then that is great and so is promoting the charity itself. I know that pretty everyone from Slash to Bumblefoot retweeted on Japan earthquake and Australia wildfires.

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Hmmm... its sad that attention whoring gets you famous but it was always that way. Axl deserves that star so much.

Off topic but: Can anyone explain Slash and the Juliens live auction?

From what i see Slash sold off loads of stuff and most of it went way over the estimate prices. People I have been talking to believe only 30% goes to charity!? If that is true I'll be so disappointed in Slash. i know the auction house gets a percentage and Slash gets the rest. I assumed all was going to charity.

30 percent isnt good enough for you? does he need to give everything he owns to charity for you to be satisfied? besides, what has axl done for charity lately?

We don't know, and that's the way that it should be.

Charitable donations should never be public knowledge. The only reason that we know about celebrity donations is generally for publicity. You should have the humbleness to keep that under wraps IMO.

It's different if you need to promote it in order to gain the funds. Such as what Bumblefoot is doing with the Skype guitar lessons.

Nice post and pure truth!

In so far as to making egregious allegations that Slash mislead the public about a charitable auction, no one has actually presented any evidence that Slash mislead the public. I'll admit when I first about the auction, my instinct led me to believe it was a charity auction but I never saw any reference to be a charity auction. I looked at the Julien's website and Slash's tweets and couldn't find where it was being promoted as a charity auction. It was really in terrible taste to make allegations without any sources or evidence. The OP in my opinion did a great disservice within this thread in providing the public with partial information when all the OP did was start rumors.

I think its great that Bumblefoot helps out with charities. I think he's a genuine character. If someone donates part of money to charity then that is great and so is promoting the charity itself. I know that pretty everyone from Slash to Bumblefoot retweeted on Japan earthquake and Australia wildfires.

I haven't seen any proof about how much slash kept,and how much he donated,but you can't deny he used this opportunity to put himself in the spotlight once again,not surprising at all,and I don't see it as an egregious allegation,unless you can provide evidence to the contrary

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Hmmm... its sad that attention whoring gets you famous but it was always that way. Axl deserves that star so much.

Off topic but: Can anyone explain Slash and the Juliens live auction?

From what i see Slash sold off loads of stuff and most of it went way over the estimate prices. People I have been talking to believe only 30% goes to charity!? If that is true I'll be so disappointed in Slash. i know the auction house gets a percentage and Slash gets the rest. I assumed all was going to charity.

30 percent isnt good enough for you? does he need to give everything he owns to charity for you to be satisfied? besides, what has axl done for charity lately?

We don't know, and that's the way that it should be.

Charitable donations should never be public knowledge. The only reason that we know about celebrity donations is generally for publicity. You should have the humbleness to keep that under wraps IMO.

It's different if you need to promote it in order to gain the funds. Such as what Bumblefoot is doing with the Skype guitar lessons.

Nice post and pure truth!

In so far as to making egregious allegations that Slash mislead the public about a charitable auction, no one has actually presented any evidence that Slash mislead the public. I'll admit when I first about the auction, my instinct led me to believe it was a charity auction but I never saw any reference to be a charity auction. I looked at the Julien's website and Slash's tweets and couldn't find where it was being promoted as a charity auction. It was really in terrible taste to make allegations without any sources or evidence. The OP in my opinion did a great disservice within this thread in providing the public with partial information when all the OP did was start rumors.

I think its great that Bumblefoot helps out with charities. I think he's a genuine character. If someone donates part of money to charity then that is great and so is promoting the charity itself. I know that pretty everyone from Slash to Bumblefoot retweeted on Japan earthquake and Australia wildfires.

I haven't seen any proof about how much slash kept,and how much he donated,but you can't deny he used this opportunity to put himself in the spotlight once again,not surprising at all,and I don't see it as an egregious allegation,unless you can provide evidence to the contrary

Its pretty fucking sad that you down a man for giving money to charity. You must have some serious deep problems and I honestly feel sorry for you...

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I haven't seen any proof about how much slash kept,and how much he donated,but you can't deny he used this opportunity to put himself in the spotlight once again,not surprising at all,and I don't see it as an egregious allegation,unless you can provide evidence to the contrary

it's kinda hard to do an auction of Slash's stuff with out mentioning Slash...

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I know what you meant. That's fine and all but if you're going to do an auction do it right.

Anytime some one gives anything to charity, its a cool thing, and should praised, not picked apart and spun in a negative way.

30% is half assed. (if true)

You just look for any way to take a dig at Slash.....Its so obvious...

So what charities has Axl done besides going for a couple of hours to a cancer center?

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I played a gig last weekend and we raised 10,000 for the United Way.....

I also teach a music class once a month at an under privaleged school.....

I dont have any money to regularly give, but I do alittle for the cause....

What about you?

Fuck that........This was about Axl....So what has Axl done, since you wanna bash the amount Slash gave?

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I don't get why people are giving slash shit about how much he is keeping from the auctions. These are items he has spent thousand and thousands of dollars on. Sure, some of it was given to him, but the furniture, car, guitars, dinosaurs, etc are things he purchased. Why shouldn't he get money back from it? The wealthy don't stay wealthy by giving all of their shit away.

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I don't get why people are giving slash shit about how much he is keeping from the auctions. These are items he has spent thousand and thousands of dollars on. Sure, some of it was given to him, but the furniture, car, guitars, dinosaurs, etc are things he purchased. Why shouldn't he get money back from it? The wealthy don't stay wealthy by giving all of their shit away.

Because all "they" do is praise everything Axl does and shit on everything Slash does.

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I know what you meant. That's fine and all but if you're going to do an auction do it right.

Anytime some one gives anything to charity, its a cool thing, and should praised, not picked apart and spun in a negative way.

30% is half assed. (if true)

You just look for any way to take a dig at Slash.....Its so obvious...

So what charities has Axl done besides going for a couple of hours to a cancer center?

You just look for any way to take a dig at Axl....It's so obvious...

This issue is about SLASH...what Axl does has nothing to do with what Slash does. Why can't you Slash Fan Boys just accept what your God does on its own merits? Why the need to bring Axl into every discussion involving Slash? It is so weird. Almost as weird as posting more times on topics bashing Axl than you Fan Boys do posting on Velvet Rev's site. That just blows me away.

You'd rather stay here and bash Axl 50 times a day, than spend time celebrating a band/singer that you enjoy. That is just friggin weird.

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I know what you meant. That's fine and all but if you're going to do an auction do it right.

Anytime some one gives anything to charity, its a cool thing, and should praised, not picked apart and spun in a negative way.

30% is half assed. (if true)

You just look for any way to take a dig at Slash.....Its so obvious...

So what charities has Axl done besides going for a couple of hours to a cancer center?

You just look for any way to take a dig at Axl....It's so obvious...

This issue is about SLASH...what Axl does has nothing to do with what Slash does. Why can't you Slash Fan Boys just accept what your God does on its own merits? Why the need to bring Axl into every discussion involving Slash? It is so weird. Almost as weird as posting more times on topics bashing Axl than you Fan Boys do posting on Velvet Rev's site. That just blows me away.

You'd rather stay here and bash Axl 50 times a day, than spend time celebrating a band/singer that you enjoy. That is just friggin weird.

Hmm, you do know that this thread is about Axl, right? So it was actually the other way around...

Anyway. It's a shame that people take cheap shots at Slash for "only" donating 30% (where's that figure from anyway?)... pathetic .

Edited by misch
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I don't get why people are giving slash shit about how much he is keeping from the auctions. These are items he has spent thousand and thousands of dollars on. Sure, some of it was given to him, but the furniture, car, guitars, dinosaurs, etc are things he purchased. Why shouldn't he get money back from it? The wealthy don't stay wealthy by giving all of their shit away.

Because all "they" do is praise everything Axl does and shit on everything Slash does.

Poor you and poor Slash.

"You" miserable, stuck in the 80's, mulletheads only have yourselves to blame.

If it wasn't for the massive amount of shit that "you guys" throw at Nu GN'R, people wouldn't have started taking shots at Slash in the first place. Who, lets face it, is a pretty easy target these days anyway.

Besides, what do you expect, this is a GN'R forum - Slash isn't in GN'R.

Edited by axl8302
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^^This is a GNR forum. And since Slash played such a huge part in GNR history (all of the songs he helped be a part of making, being involved in GNR's most commercially successful lineup, etc.) it shouldn't be a surprise to you that his name will be mentioned in this section from time to time. There are discussions that may warrant people talking about Slash whether you like it or not.

And it is a two way street here - if you hate Slash so much then just ignore those topics that involve him and post about things that you would rather talk about. Same goes for the Axl bashers as well, stop bashing Axl 24/7 and post constructive posts that actually contribute to the forum, rather than hinder it

Let's just be respectful to the musicians we talk about - past or present, because if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be on here in the first place

Edited by WhazUp
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I like nugnr. Don't know what the fuss is about. And to state that slash shouldn't be discussed at a gnr forum is abviously coming from people who are insecure about the new band. If nugnr would put out nu music we all would have more to talk about, and hope they do. The only negative things bout axl I talk about is the no show , no comunicate. Blahbkahblah. Which Ive decided not to do anymore, it's pointless. I do defend slash because he was a huge part of gnrs success. So wash the sand from your vag n chill.

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I like nugnr. Don't know what the fuss is about. And to state that slash shouldn't be discussed at a gnr forum is abviously coming from people who are insecure about the new band. If nugnr would put out nu music we all would have more to talk about, and hope they do. The only negative things bout axl I talk about is the no show , no comunicate. Blahbkahblah. Which Ive decided not to do anymore, it's pointless. I do defend slash because he was a huge part of gnrs success. So wash the sand from your vag n chill.

There is a section for 'former' members, how hard is that to grasp?

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^^This is a GNR forum. And since Slash played such a huge part in GNR history (all of the songs he helped be a part of making, being involved in GNR's most commercially successful lineup, etc.) it shouldn't be a surprise to you that his name will be mentioned in this section from time to time. There are discussions that may warrant people talking about Slash whether you like it or not.

And it is a two way street here - if you hate Slash so much then just ignore those topics that involve him and post about things that you would rather talk about. Same goes for the Axl bashers as well, stop bashing Axl 24/7 and post constructive posts that actually contribute to the forum, rather than hinder it

Let's just be respectful to the musicians we talk about - past or present, because if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be on here in the first place

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