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Has Axl Given Up?


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Getting lawyers to threaten fan message boards to control posts that cast you in a negative light shows Axl cares what people think. Name one other rockstar/band that has ever done that.

You're talking about ONE thing. ONE. And something else, let me tell you about the internet. See, on the internet, if you're smart, you can find whatever information you're looking for. So some fucking deleted message board thread on a major fan site doesn't "disappear off teh interwebz forevar!" I like how you used the word "threaten." OH TEH DRAMAZ!!

Wait wait wait do you have a list? Here's your chance! You can tell the world about all the censored hush hush things! *crowd gasps in unison* Except I would also ask that you include all the mean un-nice legal "threats" in your tally- including the letters from lawyers about copyright infringement, etc. Or lack thereof (wait that's a different tally).

This board is full of threads that cast Axl in a negative light, by the way.

And I like how you said "name one other rockstar/band that has ever done that" as if you just provided 100% verified proof that threads aren't deleted on other internet message boards. I got news for you, buddy: threads are deleted all the time on the internet.

WOW! Take this shit personal why don't ya?

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Guest siliconmessiah

Getting lawyers to threaten fan message boards to control posts that cast you in a negative light shows Axl cares what people think. Name one other rockstar/band that has ever done that.

You're talking about ONE thing. ONE. And something else, let me tell you about the internet. See, on the internet, if you're smart, you can find whatever information you're looking for. So some fucking deleted message board thread on a major fan site doesn't "disappear off teh interwebz forevar!" I like how you used the word "threaten." OH TEH DRAMAZ!!

Wait wait wait do you have a list? Here's your chance! You can tell the world about all the censored hush hush things! *crowd gasps in unison* Except I would also ask that you include all the mean un-nice legal "threats" in your tally- including the letters from lawyers about copyright infringement, etc. Or lack thereof (wait that's a different tally).

This board is full of threads that cast Axl in a negative light, by the way.

And I like how you said "name one other rockstar/band that has ever done that" as if you just provided 100% verified proof that threads aren't deleted on other internet message boards. I got news for you, buddy: threads are deleted all the time on the internet.

WOW! Take this shit personal why don't ya?

There are a lot of people taking things personal on this board...those people are probably connected with the band in one or the other way, trying to keep up damage control.

But as much as a joke Axl and this band has become, it´s getting harder and harder to keep the "all is well with gnr-stuff" alive and true. When in fact, this band right now is a fucking joke.

For stating these facts, I will probably be bashed by a couple of the "all-is-well-with-gnr-fundamentalists". But there are not many of them left...only around 5-6 of them actually on this board.

The rest of us, can with unbiased eyes easily see, that gnr right now, is a total mess.

I wish that things could be different though. But they just ain´t.

Edited by siliconmessiah
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the reason HTGTH is censored is bcos he doesn't care what you think.

Exuse me. But this makes no sense.

Keep on hanging on, keep on hoping with your fundamentalist-style posting "it will happen" "it´s not over" "he has got something".

No Axl doesn´t, his done for this time. There will be nothing, nothing at all. Maybe in some years time, with a new semi-reunion-style of some sort (no slash included).

There were many things leading up to this point. Many things that was handled like total shit by Axl (promotion, lack of released material, interviews, broken promises, constant lineup changes, silence, inability to use momentum) combined with some unlucky happenings.

As a fan, I am sorry it turned out this way, after all. But man...did he fuck things up. =/

But CD was great anyway!

Fundamentalist style? Maybe your just one hell of a skeptical and pessimistic cunt? To be honest you chat a load of horse shit. So a lack of releases was Axl's fault? What about the record company? Constant line up changes? Such an acute and unique sound requires a unique set of musicians. You chat alot of shit.

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He'll show up at Rio (assuming he knows about the gig) for the Ego trip.

I don't hold out much for a full tour, as all they can do is cover songs.

For the latest line up to tour, they need to record some new music first.

How can they record new music, when there's so much un released music from the Buckethead, Robin, Brain GN'R era ?

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Guest siliconmessiah

Fundamentalist style?

Yes. When you constantly praises something without the ability too see the whole picture.

Maybe your just one hell of a skeptical and pessimistic cunt?

Wouldn´t say I am that. I´ve been hanging on for a pretty long time now as a fan. If you are skeptical and pessimistic, don´t follow a band like gnr.

Call me realistic instead.

To be honest you chat a load of horse shit.

No problem. It´s your opinion. I have mine.

So a lack of releases was Axl's fault?

Yes. If we are talking about Axl Rose, singer in Guns N´ Roses. The man with the track record of releasing one album between the years 1999-2011.

The man who missed all the given opportunities during the years 2002-2011 and promising fans music and videos that didn´t came along.

The man who replaced members to the right and left ´til the point that people don´t fucking no longer know who´s playing in the travelling circus-act that gnr has become.

Employing a 40 year old emo who looks like slash was his latest smart move in 2009. It´s still the headline on the official homepage if you want to read about it.

The man who locks up himself when it´s not time for Cash N´ Grabbers to go for another AFD-tour.

Actually, you may be able to see OMFG JUNGLE in Rio this fall. But more probably, they won´t play that gig.

What about the record company?

I am not an "insider" and thus do not know how the record-deal looked like.

Constant line up changes? Such an acute and unique sound requires a unique set of musicians. You chat alot of shit

Yes. Constant line up changes.

You are putting the finger on the problem yourself. The problem is that there has not been A UNIQUE SET OF MUSICIANS.

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I'm not taking anything personally. I just like typing long-winded sentences. =b

I said originally that "Axl doesn't care what you think he should do" not "Axl doesn't care what you think."

Then several people twisted the meaning and were responding to the second aforementioned quote, which I never said.

HTGTH being "censored" is because it's a FAN SITE. Just like this is a FAN SITE. Now I know in this latest MSL incident the GnR lawyers weren't particularly friendly about it, but the point remains: this is a fan site. It's understandable that certain things may not be allowed to remain. But I love all the conspiracy theorists and "grand scheme" thinkers who believe there's Orwellian systematic removal of any and all things anti-Axl and/or anti-GnR on the interwebz. No, it's just the fact that on any website, negative unsubstantiated claims about the site's raison de etre will be removed. I encourage you all to get out more, er I mean browse other internet message boards. God i love that phrase. Say it out loud: "internet message board."

Aside from the MSL thing, what else has been legally requested to be removed? Gimme the list? And remember include the copyright infringement claims too. This site is full of material, that if Axl reeeeeeally wanted to, he could have removed. This is a fan site, and we get to enjoy sharing music, video, and pictures of GnR precisely because this is a fan site. Think about it.

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Yes. If we are talking about Axl Rose, singer in Guns N´ Roses. The man with the track record of releasing one album between the years 1999-2011.

The man who missed all the given opportunities during the years 2002-2011 and promising fans music and videos that didn´t came along.

The man who replaced members to the right and left ´til the point that people don´t fucking no longer know who´s playing in the travelling circus-act that gnr has become.

Employing a 40 year old emo who looks like slash was his latest smart move in 2009. It´s still the headline on the official homepage if you want to read about it.

The man who locks up himself when it´s not time for Cash N´ Grabbers to go for another AFD-tour.

Actually, you may be able to see OMFG JUNGLE in Rio this fall. But more probably, they won´t play that gig.

yeah but like, i believe there's a lot of crap that has gone on behind the scenes, litigious stuff, that prevented Axl from doing what he wanted to do. Many times he's talked about stuff he's wanted to release or do. When it hasn't happened, I don't think the reason is because he all of a sudden had some kind of mental crisis and said "fuck it!" The man is not deranged or anything. I truthfully believe that he's been prevented from doing that stuff because of legal/slash/azoff and co. Not even kidding.

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dumbest fucking thread, evar. WE JUST HAD 2 YEARS OF TOURING. THEY ARE HEADLINING A GIANT FUCKING FESTIVAL IN OCTOBER. THERE ARE ALBUMS WORTH OF UNRELEASED MATERIAL, THAT WILL BE RELEASED. i'm so fucking sick of all of the negativity on these boards. you kids need to stop complaining and find something better to do with your time. :fuckyou:

Your math is a bit off. There was actually only a year of touring, with lots of breaks between the different legs.

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Guest jaytus

i dont think axl has given up just yet but it wouldnt surprise me if he did because lets face he is into shit like cubed ham. id be so pissed espcially becaufe of rochard fucking fortus. fucking amazing guitarist.

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