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Bumblefoot removed those tour dates with Gn'R from his website


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Gunsguy, you got confirmation? Then why did he take the dates off?

I have spoken to someone, yes. As to the question of why they are not on there I do not have an answer for other than IMO perhaps they are reworking the tour or adding some shows (as we know they are working on some)

Hold tight, I have confirmed that Ron is very much in GN'R and will be on this tour.

This is very good, I want to see how is Ron's beard! ... :D

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Did I start this thread? It was a legit concern for the fans. Bumble has gone off a little bit about axl being late to shows in the past, and how this band needs to do more to establish itself as its own band....and its very rare that the nu guys even remotely talk about axl in a negative light. For a while it seemed ike bumble was getting a little fed up...so it wasn't too hard to believe the possibility he would be out of the band.

First off, speak for yourself. I am a fan and currently, I have no concerns on this topic other than people spouting nonsense to fufill their trolling needs. Secondly, Bumblefoot really didn't speak in a negative light towards Axl. It came across to me as more of a joke than seriousness. Bumblefoot is the type of guy that if he has a problem, he'll tell Axl, not just spout off in the public. Besides, Axl didn't respond aka, joking. You're getting angry trying to reach at great lengths to create a problem.

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Some of you people are just praying that he's out, aren't you?

praying? no; but i would be happy if he left the band. after hearing some of his solo stuff (which i dig a little), i just don't think he is right for guns n roses.

You cannot wait to see the entire band fall apart because in your minds it equals a reunion, right?

nope. i for one have never thought any of dudes axl hires quiting means a reunion. plenty of session musicians are looking for work. if this turns out to be true, i'm sure axl will just hire another starving artist looking to become a household name and pad his resume.

the band falling apart doesn't equal reunion. money problems, lawsuits, and record label does.

"We don't get enough info from Axl boo-hoo". Could there be a reason for that? Maybe he doesn't feel like sharing anything because people always bitch no matter what it is.

the reason people bitch is because he doesn't share period.

"They so won't tour except for RIR this year" Then the tour is announced and then because one band member doesn't have some dates up on his website everybody starts creaming their panties about a reunion.

you and a few other pro new guns posters are the ones talking reunion in this thread.

Everything Axl tweets/says etc is turned in to reunion talk or critiszism of what he said/did.

well that's not true,because axl doesn't really ever say anything. what are his tweets? "happy black history month"...pics of cats

The guy can't really win, can he?

because he isn't trying...

Even he just just now tweeted that CDII would be out in november for instance then people would bitch about what a bad timing it was because it's after RIR and then here we go with the bitching again.

you don't know that.

If I were Axl and all I got from my "fans" were critizism no matter what I say/do and only heard about a reunion I probably wouldn't hurry with CDII either as the release of that would probably just end in another bitching thread.

at least you would be acknowledging that you have fans...

I'm not saying we should kiss Axl's ass

yes you are

when he finally does do something we've talked about (RIR, the tour) maybe instead of finding some small detail to bitch about, maybe we could...well, this might be a little out there but...be POSITIVE?! If all he gets back is 100% negativity 100% of the time he probably won't bother, you know? I know I wouldn't.

you say negativity, i say it is what is really happening..

Edited by SunnyDRE
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Some of you people are just praying that he's out, aren't you? You cannot wait to see the entire band fall apart because in your minds it equals a reunion, right? But it doesn't. If they wanted to reunite they would have, but they havn't and they won't if Ron leaves (which I don't believe he is)

"We don't get enough info from Axl boo-hoo". Could there be a reason for that? Maybe he doesn't feel like sharing anything because people always bitch no matter what it is. "They so won't tour except for RIR this year" Then the tour is announced and then because one band member doesn't have some dates up on his website everybody starts creaming their panties about a reunion. Everything Axl tweets/says etc is turned in to reunion talk or critiszism of what he said/did. The guy can't really win, can he? Even he just just now tweeted that CDII would be out in november for instance then people would bitch about what a bad timing it was because it's after RIR and then here we go with the bitching again. Am I the only one who thinks this?

If I were Axl and all I got from my "fans" were critizism no matter what I say/do and only heard about a reunion I probably wouldn't hurry with CDII either as the release of that would probably just end in another bitching thread.

I'm not saying we should kiss Axl's ass, but when he finally does do something we've talked about (RIR, the tour) maybe instead of finding some small detail to bitch about, maybe we could...well, this might be a little out there but...be POSITIVE?! If all he gets back is 100% negativity 100% of the time he probably won't bother, you know? I know I wouldn't.

I think this is one of the reasons he does not come back here ...

surely someone will ask about a possible reunion ... this is very annoying!

Probably the main reason. He took time to answer fans questions in those chats he did on here, something he did not have to do and yet he did it and what does he get in return? Negativity. And some wonder why we don't hear from him more often.... :rolleyes:

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Its a joke because they're not making any strides to move this thing forward. Their shows still consist mainly of classic gnr shows with their own material few and far in between.

Where are the positives? They're touring. Whoopdeefuckingdoo. Where's the music they've been working on for a decade and a half? What progress have they really made in the past year? Band photos? Fan interaction? Are they recording or just writing at this point? They want to be taken seriously as a band? Start showing us what you're made of.

Other than the tour, how can you honestly sit there and tell me there's more positives than negatives at this point?

And when did I even mention slash? Believe what you want, but I wasn't trolling. I don't want the legacy ruined anymore than it is. I want their to come a point where this band can be taken seriously again in one form or another. And bumble possibly bailing right before a tour wouldn't have been good for either side of the fence. More time just standing still.

Why are you changing the subject? Get on topic of get the fuck out.

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Ok, against my better judgement and against my policy of NEVER posting private emails, texts, messages, etc etc from the band or the camp , I would like to quote for you what Ron had sent me when asked if he touring with Guns and staying in the band...

This is a message to all of you:

Actually, I'll be playing bass, while Tommy sings for Def Leppard and DJ covers for Rich in Thin Lizzy... Dizzy is now our trumpet player and Pitman is playing the hi-tom of Frank's kit while Frank bangs on my fretless guitar with a timpani mallet. Axl will be playing keyboards inLoaded, so my tech McBob is gonna cover vocals. It's business as usual, but feel free to entertain yourselves on the forum however it pleases ya's - just don't hurt each other too badly, cool? :)


I believe the tour dates are removed is only temporary IMO, he has other gigs to set up and GN'R's tour schedule is far from complete at this juncture.

As far as where is the mods? I am right here myself watching certain folk's make their final posts here perhaps :shrugs:

I take ALOT of flak for doing nothing around here, I try my best to curb the shit and to get rid of people who's sole purpose is to cupcake. Opinions are different, I honestly don't care if you disagree with me or each other, but when that turns to pure hate for the band or the fans here then yes I will take action, very much so B)

Edited by gunsguy
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It's all good as long as Axl shows up. I gave up caring about who was in the touring lineup a long time ago.


short of a reunion, i don't really care about the backing musicians.

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The immaturity in here is baffling.

Axl will be playing the keyboards in Loaded. I can't wait! Thanks gunsguy. Hopefully this will put peoples minds to rest.

yeah it is really bad sometimes it feels more like a preschool than a band forum :D

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He has shared before, now he doesn't share at all, which is in my guess is, cause when he did he only got negativity in return - so you're right, NOW he doesn't share at all.

People were bringing up Slash so it was only a matter of time before the word "reunion" was mentioned. (I am a fan of both orginal GNR and the current GNR, I don't see why one has to chose sides here) If they did a reunion - I'd be happy! If they don't - well, I'm still happy as I like the current line up too!

"You don't know that" - Yes I do. Knowing how this board works it's pretty obvious, don't you think?

Doesn't touring and releasing CD show Axl acknowledge he has fans?

How am I saying we should kiss Axl's ass? Cause I suggest we sometimes look at the the things he does do, which we've hoped he'd do, and be happy about this instead of always focusing on the stuff that he doesn't do? If people did show positivity about the good things he does do maybe he'd wanna do more? Who'd wanna do more for people who always bitch about what you do? Would you?

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rons statement was hillarious btw

The dude is soo hilarious honestly. He just takes all this shit in stride, kudos to him for sure :thumbsup:

Also thanks to Ron for conversing with me to clear this shit up :)

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Yeah...but there are too many people on here that can't take any constructive criticism with the band. Idk if its paranoia or what, but you even remotely criticize anything they'll just deflect their bitter anger and call you a cupcake, instead of just accepting that uncle axls made a few mistakes...

They have ALL made a few mistakes, only Axl's is the ones being discussed day in and day out though. It's like beating a Dead Horse!

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Yeah...but there are too many people on here that can't take any constructive criticism with the band. Idk if its paranoia or what, but you even remotely criticize anything they'll just deflect their bitter anger and call you a cupcake, instead of just accepting that uncle axls made a few mistakes...

i hear you.

it isn't even really criticism (from me at least); I just post about what has REALLY happened or what is REALLY happening. *shrugs*

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Yeah...but there are too many people on here that can't take any constructive criticism with the band. Idk if its paranoia or what, but you even remotely criticize anything they'll just deflect their bitter anger and call you a cupcake, instead of just accepting that uncle axls made a few mistakes...

I think it's all how one goes about it. Goes for everyone btw. Calling others "Axl nut swingers", "blind sheep", "ass kissers", "Slashites" etc. - and at the same time trying to give a valid point. It doesn't exactly invite to constructive discussion.

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Yeah...but there are too many people on here that can't take any constructive criticism with the band. Idk if its paranoia or what, but you even remotely criticize anything they'll just deflect their bitter anger and call you a cupcake, instead of just accepting that uncle axls made a few mistakes...

I think it's all how one goes about it. Goes for everyone btw. Calling others "Axl nut swingers", "blind sheep", "ass kissers", "Slashites" etc. - and at the same time trying to give a valid point. It doesn't exactly invite to constructive discussion.


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rons statement was hillarious btw

The dude is soo hilarious honestly. He just takes all this shit in stride, kudos to him for sure :thumbsup:

So thread locked? I'm not sure it's going to get any better than Ron's statement.

yeah im pretty sure that is game set match lol

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Some of you people are just praying that he's out, aren't you? You cannot wait to see the entire band fall apart because in your minds it equals a reunion, right? But it doesn't. If they wanted to reunite they would have, but they havn't and they won't if Ron leaves (which I don't believe he is)

"We don't get enough info from Axl boo-hoo". Could there be a reason for that? Maybe he doesn't feel like sharing anything because people always bitch no matter what it is. "They so won't tour except for RIR this year" Then the tour is announced and then because one band member doesn't have some dates up on his website everybody starts creaming their panties about a reunion. Everything Axl tweets/says etc is turned in to reunion talk or critiszism of what he said/did. The guy can't really win, can he? Even he just just now tweeted that CDII would be out in november for instance then people would bitch about what a bad timing it was because it's after RIR and then here we go with the bitching again. Am I the only one who thinks this?

If I were Axl and all I got from my "fans" were critizism no matter what I say/do and only heard about a reunion I probably wouldn't hurry with CDII either as the release of that would probably just end in another bitching thread.

I'm not saying we should kiss Axl's ass, but when he finally does do something we've talked about (RIR, the tour) maybe instead of finding some small detail to bitch about, maybe we could...well, this might be a little out there but...be POSITIVE?! If all he gets back is 100% negativity 100% of the time he probably won't bother, you know? I know I wouldn't.

I think this is one of the reasons he does not come back here ...

surely someone will ask about a possible reunion ... this is very annoying!

Probably the main reason. He took time to answer fans questions in those chats he did on here, something he did not have to do and yet he did it and what does he get in return? Negativity. And some wonder why we don't hear from him more often.... :rolleyes:

Certainly, I'd be quiet too, if I'm trying to show a new work, but the guys continue to

insist in the past.

But this is one of the reasons I admire him, despite all the negativity he not stop,

its seems fuel to move on.

But this is, if we are to care for what they say against us, we do nothing. :)

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ok everyone said there peace, things got crazy here, I once again pulled out a favour for info:

Actually, I'll be playing bass, while Tommy sings for Def Leppard and DJ covers for Rich in Thin Lizzy... Dizzy is now our trumpet player and Pitman is playing the hi-tom of Frank's kit while Frank bangs on my fretless guitar with a timpani mallet. Axl will be playing keyboards inLoaded, so my tech McBob is gonna cover vocals. It's business as usual, but feel free to entertain yourselves on the forum however it pleases ya's - just don't hurt each other too badly, cool? :)


Let's let Ron have the last word here :)

Through all the bull crap and bantering we find yet again that the rumour circus is far off from the truth :thumbsup:

Thread is now /Locked

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