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West Memphis Three to be freed on Friday?


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That is just fucked up. They plea guilty but get to maintain their innocence. The state even acknowledges that the current judge would have likely granted a retrial and the state wouldn't have been able to get another conviction. So, they get out, but get no financial compensation for the 18 years they spent locked up. Atleast they are finally out though....

I'm pretty sure Echols is getting out of that state as soon as possible. I can see the lawyers on behalf of the WM3 trying to overturn the guilty pleas and get everything cleared in time.

They're still fairly young guys, so they are getting a second chance on life. They just walked into the conference..

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What the hell is tattooed on Jessie's head? Is it a clock? I wonder if they will stay in contact with each other and remain friends?

I'm sure they'll get together for documentaries and interviews, but I think after all that time together, they want to go on and do their own things in life. They were saying in the news Echols was kind of distant from the other two and Baldwin was upset that he had to cop to a guilty plea. They've had to stay friends for survival reasons.

If I was in their shoes - I'm sure I'd talk to them once in a great while just to see how things are going in each others' lives and being able to start a family up, but it would be for the best if we moved on with our lives and kept our distances from each other. Something as infamous as this is always going to hang around in your life. It's like high school reunions or if you've been in the service - it's good to see familiar faces and talk to old friends,but we all go on in different directions at some point. Family is always a constant.

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Don't understand how they could plead guilty and get released. It's kinda stupid to be honest.

Makes perfect sense: the prosecution knew that they were gonna lose the appeal, but couldn't lose face dropping their end of an appealed conviction. They plead guilty, prosecution get a conviction on their record, the deal agrees to credit them the time they have already served and release them. Makes perfect sense.

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Don't understand how they could plead guilty and get released. It's kinda stupid to be honest.

Makes perfect sense: the prosecution knew that they were gonna lose the appeal, but couldn't lose face dropping their end of an appealed conviction. They plead guilty, prosecution get a conviction on their record, the deal agrees to credit them the time they have already served and release them. Makes perfect sense.

Don't understand how they could plead guilty and get released. It's kinda stupid to be honest.

erm they got 18+ years in jail!

If they are "guilty" they deserve more than 18 years in jail; And yeah the whole thing is beyond stupid. Pleading guilty to murder to get out of jail? Ridiculous.

I'm not saying that the guys are guilty or anything. I'm more talking about this process.

Edited by SunnyDRE
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If they are "guilty" they deserve more than 18 years in jail; And yeah the whole thing is beyond stupid. Pleading guilty to murder to get out of jail? Ridiculous.

This ^^^^^^^^ Sorry but if they're guilty then they should be left to rot. If not then let them go free. This whole thing makes no sense.

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Supposedly, director Peter Jackson helped pay for legal costs, but he put up his comments about the trial on Facebook. It explains why the three of them had to plead guilty to get out. Like I said, I don't think money's going to be a big issue, even though the guilty plea prevents the WM3 from suing the state. Arkansas state and the legal system still want to continue to say they didn't fuck up.

Anyway, here's Peter Jackson's comments, worth reading because it might answer some questions, but it's too lengthy to post the whole thing on here.


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The problem with this case is the lack of any impartial online sources. I just don't see enough evidence to be sure. I have found some excepts from the trial that state that Damien was on disability for his mental problems before the murders. Stayed in a mental institution were a doctor diagnosed him as having "extreme physical aggression towards others." Told a therapist during his stay in the mental institution that drinking blood gave him power. Killed and mutilated a dog. There are also two witnesses who testified that Echols had confessed to being involved in the murders.

There may not enough evidence to prove their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, but Damien Echols is a disturbed and violent person and not a victim who was targeted by the authorities because he wore black and listened to heavy metal.

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