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Do You Think Axl Is Proud of Himself?


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Watching the new Rio videos made me wonder.... do you think Axl feels proud of himself? To see him on stage out of shape and off-key and sulking and complaining and giving a c- effort, I'm just left wondering how that guy keeps going through with it -- to the extent that he does go through with anything, at least. When he comes off stage, do you think he beats himself up at all, or is disappointed in himself? Or do you think that he's so delusional that even if he's capable of noticing how bad he sucked, the powers of cognitive dissonance would allow him to interpret said sucking as someone else's fault -- i.e. the sound guy, former managers, god for making it rain...

I'm not just talking about the latest Rio non-performance but his entire life's trajectory in general. I think moments like these, when he sucks on a big world stage with a lot of attention, would naturally be times when he'd be forced to kind of take stock of himself and reassess things. So is he proud of himself, do you think? Proud of his performance last night? Proud of his artistic integrity? Proud of how he looks and sounds? Proud of all he's done over the last 15 years with the band he fought so hard to gain control of?

If you think Axl still is somehow proud of himself, then how much farther do you think he has to sink before his perspective on himself starts to align more with that of his fans?

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Watching the new Rio videos made me wonder.... do you think Axl feels proud of himself? To see him on stage out of shape and off-key and sulking and complaining and giving a c- effort, I'm just left wondering how that guy keeps going through with it -- to the extent that he does go through with anything, at least. When he comes off stage, do you think he beats himself up at all, or is disappointed in himself? Or do you think that he's so delusional that even if he's capable of noticing how bad he sucked, the powers of cognitive dissonance would allow him to interpret said sucking as someone else's fault -- i.e. the sound guy, former managers, god for making it rain...

I'm not just talking about the latest Rio non-performance but his entire life's trajectory in general. I think moments like these, when he sucks on a big world stage with a lot of attention, would naturally be times when he'd be forced to kind of take stock of himself and reassess things. So is he proud of himself, do you think? Proud of his performance last night? Proud of his artistic integrity? Proud of how he looks and sounds? Proud of all he's done over the last 15 years with the band he fought so hard to gain control of?

If you think Axl still is somehow proud of himself, then how much farther do you think he has to sink before his perspective on himself starts to align more with that of his fans?

Proud of himself? WTF. He's really messed up I'm guessing. Kinda like Michael Jackson being surrounded by yes men (well documented with the trial now). Who knows what Axl's 'yes men/women' are telling him. And who know's what meds they have him all spaced out on. So many people sucking off the teet of him it's sad now. Too bad he can't break free and return to greatness.

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Very good topic actually. I just think he's really unhappy. He starts out positive, makes jokes etc but as soon as something goes wrong he no longer is in control and keeps thinking about it and then he gets stressed out and as result of that makes more mistakes and then things starts going down hill and he cant handle it and storms off stage, flips out on a fan, a bandmember etc. I dont think hes proud, not at all. I think hes insecure and for every year that passes it gets worse. He cant not be affected by all the hate and negativity he gets, can he? Maybe thats why he is so rarely seen in public, to avoid that. I dont know...

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if you want paint by numbers rock there's always Bon jovi.

I think there's more middle ground than you're willing to accept right now.

We can haze Bon Jovi all we want but the facts are they are in shape, good looking (not in a gay way), actually rehearse, are a band in true sense, promote themselves (sell outs?? or not), and they basically sell out every tour (arena & stadium) in a heartbeat. All Axl has to do is 1/2 of what Bon Jovi do: Get in shape, be punctual, kick ass, train/rehearse and they'll be on same level, even with this line up. But Axl is either A-too lazy/doesn't care or B-under the spell of too many yes people.

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Axl is just unpredictable, well probably see muchbworse and the best shows of all time on the up coming tour. I don't hate Bon j it's just we know what Axl is like by now. I like my fair share of nerd bands, GNR just isn't one of them. Axl was probably drinking with Brazilian models all night.

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Axl is just unpredictable, well probably see muchbworse and the best shows of all time on the up coming tour. I don't hate Bon j it's just we know what Axl is like by now. I like my fair share of nerd bands, GNR just isn't one of them. Axl was probably drinking with Brazilian models all night.

Speaking of nerd bands, I don't think Slash would have ever botched a solo because he was too busy trying to dress up like a Star Wars character. Heroin and whiskey, yes... but Star Wars, no. At least it's an improvement over the Buckethead years, when they'd play music from Star Wars too.

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comes with the territory. it's not like this is something new. like I said there are more stable predictable bands. I guess the next show will be great, or a no show.

Thats not the point is it?, yeah I could go watch Bon Jovi but its not my thing.I guess its a lot to ask that the front man of my fav band puts in the effort, my bad.

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