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Do You Think Axl Is Proud of Himself?


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As much as I'm a huge fan of GNR + Axl, he does need to watch this (from 0:55):

On a serious note, at least he completed the gig which we all watched for free. And anyway, we're only human. We all have our good days and bad.

Maybe he just wanted to play Estranged for us? Was friggin' sweet!

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Watching the new Rio videos made me wonder.... do you think Axl feels proud of himself? To see him on stage out of shape and off-key and sulking and complaining and giving a c- effort, I'm just left wondering how that guy keeps going through with it -- to the extent that he does go through with anything, at least. When he comes off stage, do you think he beats himself up at all, or is disappointed in himself? Or do you think that he's so delusional that even if he's capable of noticing how bad he sucked, the powers of cognitive dissonance would allow him to interpret said sucking as someone else's fault -- i.e. the sound guy, former managers, god for making it rain...

I'm not just talking about the latest Rio non-performance but his entire life's trajectory in general. I think moments like these, when he sucks on a big world stage with a lot of attention, would naturally be times when he'd be forced to kind of take stock of himself and reassess things. So is he proud of himself, do you think? Proud of his performance last night? Proud of his artistic integrity? Proud of how he looks and sounds? Proud of all he's done over the last 15 years with the band he fought so hard to gain control of?

If you think Axl still is somehow proud of himself, then how much farther do you think he has to sink before his perspective on himself starts to align more with that of his fans?

I dont think he is proud of the show...even with the yes men around deep inside he knows that his performance was not what he wanted it to be! Bumblefoot is a great guitarist...but fumbling around with that star wars thing during wttj solo was stupid!! I believe axl wants to have the old band back,,he wants to be on top of the world! I do believe after this performance axl is looking at himself in the mirror and reflecting on what was and what has become to be.

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Watching the new Rio videos made me wonder.... do you think Axl feels proud of himself? To see him on stage out of shape and off-key and sulking and complaining and giving a c- effort, I'm just left wondering how that guy keeps going through with it -- to the extent that he does go through with anything, at least. When he comes off stage, do you think he beats himself up at all, or is disappointed in himself? Or do you think that he's so delusional that even if he's capable of noticing how bad he sucked, the powers of cognitive dissonance would allow him to interpret said sucking as someone else's fault -- i.e. the sound guy, former managers, god for making it rain...

I'm not just talking about the latest Rio non-performance but his entire life's trajectory in general. I think moments like these, when he sucks on a big world stage with a lot of attention, would naturally be times when he'd be forced to kind of take stock of himself and reassess things. So is he proud of himself, do you think? Proud of his performance last night? Proud of his artistic integrity? Proud of how he looks and sounds? Proud of all he's done over the last 15 years with the band he fought so hard to gain control of?

If you think Axl still is somehow proud of himself, then how much farther do you think he has to sink before his perspective on himself starts to align more with that of his fans?

Well, posts like this might cause a person to doubt themselves or beat themselves up. Great job on the vocab and punctuation but the content is still hateful. Do you dislike him that much? Do you benefit from posting this somehow? I'd whack this site if I were him.......

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He should be flat out embarrassed from last night. I could excuse the voice, the lack of energy and the fact that he was gassed by the time they got to WTTJ if he didn't fuck up the lyrics to literally nearly every single song they played. I mean, really, there's just no excuse for that. To screw it up is one thing, but to get entire verses wrong is just...I don't even known how to explain it. Concerning? Bizarre? Confusing? And then, to essentially say "fuck it" to the rest of the show and completely mail it in because HE was the one who fucked up because of himself not bother to rehearse is just so Diva-like and is the reason it's so easy (no pun intended) for haters and critics to rip the guy. You know what - fine, he fucked up. Maybe it wouldn't have looked so bad if he just joked about it and kept on playing like nothing happened. It was amplified by the fact that he just stopped singing November Rain and stood in one spot with a pissed off look on his face while singing the last verses of Patience.

There are MANY musicians who are older and younger than Axl and do a better job preparing for gigs. You have high school bands with kids who go to school full-time, work part-time jobs and have active social lives and they STILL find time to rehearse and make sure things are right for whatever shit gig they may have the chance of playing in. You have Bruce Springsteen and Paul McCartney, hell, even the Stones who can go out there and play for hours with the energy of a 17-year-old kid who's playing his first gig in his life. And then you have the kind of uninspiring shit that Axl pulled last night. I really wanted a reason to show people that the guy was back, but unfortunately with the exception of playing Estranged, last night was pretty much exactly what I expected/feared from the gig. Axl should've been working out regularly, rehearsing with the band and working on his vocals months in advance. Last night it sounded like this was the first time these guys were playing together in their lives. If Axl doesn't care enough about the fans to want to change his lackadaisical singing regimen, last night may have been the only thing that'll ever make him change because I think HE finally realized how badly he was and that he was the one fucking up.

The tour will still go on and people will still show up, but honestly, I'm expecting it to be a total coin flip as to whatever version of Axl decides to show up on any given night. I'm just glad the show I'm going to isn't until mid-November because hopefully by then they'll have worked out most of the kinks.

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Axl single handedly destroyed Guns N' Roses.. They are a joke to most rock fans these days.. he really needs to get a grip and swallow his pride.. He isn't as awesome as he thinks he is. He certainly is not "Guns N' Roses".. The more control he got of the band the worse it got.. If his vision of what Guns N' Roses is suposed to be is "Chinese Democracy" then his vision sucks.. If he wasn't such an asshole he might see that he isn't the almighty and stop blaming his fail;ures on everyone else. Guns N' Roses was a sum of it's parts.. It is too bad Axl cannot realize that..

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I think he's pissed at himself.

He couldn't remember the lyrics for November Rain, than just played the end piano solo with no vocals at all, he seems disappointed, or pissed.

Either way I don't think Axl thinks he came out on top tonight, because he didn't seem to be in a good mood, especially after the Patience solo, he looked like he wanted to leave.

I don't think it was anybody's fault, I think he knows that he messed up and is mad at himself.

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I actually feel kinda bad for Axl. If the show wasn't enough to piss him of a lot all of the negative reactions from fans would definately piss him off. We all know that GNR keeps their eyes on this board, I can't see how they won't see the negative fan reactions. Well at least this may be an incentive for Axl to give it his all during the US tour and prove us all wrong

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Only Fred Astaire enjoys singing in the rain.

i think you mean gene kelly. and he didn't enjoy it, actually. it was really cold and difficult, and even though he got very ill, he still spent three days working his balls off on that sequence because he was a notorious perfectionist. if it looks like he's having fun in the film, it's because he's that great of a performer.

but yeah, exactly like axl's rio performance.

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I actually feel kinda bad for Axl. If the show wasn't enough to piss him of a lot all of the negative reactions from fans would definately piss him off. We all know that GNR keeps their eyes on this board, I can't see how they won't see the negative fan reactions. Well at least this may be an incentive for Axl to give it his all during the US tour and prove us all wrong

Exactly how I feel.

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I actually feel kinda bad for Axl. If the show wasn't enough to piss him of a lot all of the negative reactions from fans would definately piss him off. We all know that GNR keeps their eyes on this board, I can't see how they won't see the negative fan reactions. Well at least this may be an incentive for Axl to give it his all during the US tour and prove us all wrong

Exactly how I feel.

if he sees it, let's hope he realizes that he's in real danger of finally running off the few people that think he's got anything at all left to offer.

but i think it's a little sad that the mighty axl rose would have to draw inspiration from a message board of disgruntled fans.

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I actually feel kinda bad for Axl. If the show wasn't enough to piss him of a lot all of the negative reactions from fans would definately piss him off. We all know that GNR keeps their eyes on this board, I can't see how they won't see the negative fan reactions. Well at least this may be an incentive for Axl to give it his all during the US tour and prove us all wrong

Exactly how I feel.

If this doesn't do it then Axl might as well pack up. Really, I didn't think it could go backwards, the band has progressively been getting better and better from each tour since 2000. 2001-2002 had bad vocals and the band looked awkward(amazing players though). 2006-2007 was alive, Axl was in shape and sounded great after the first few shows, he was happier. 2010 was very rough at the start but toward the end he probably sounded the best he has in a decade, the band was tighter than ever too, good chemistry. Seeing Axl sing Patience with a blank look on his face was the downpoint of Rio. I was just thinking "what the hell is going on with him?".

I sure hope there are surprises in store for this tour because if it's just going to be the same setlist with the same non-existant interviews/insight than Axl deserves to have the fans turn their backs on him.

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