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Axl furious


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what did he say?

keep away from me you fuckhead?

get away from me you fuckhead?

..get the fuck away from me - you fucking idiot.

Seems he was pissed that someone walked towards the door, Axl was about to climb out of.

He appears to open the front door, maybe he had no idea who was sitting in the rear. He don't appear to have a clue.

..as per usual, Axl cementing the fact he is never really happy with anything :D

Actually if you'd read the thread, it's been established he was upset with an occupant of the car, and words can be heard emanating from inside the car prior to Axl responding.

We all know the potential upside to being closely involved with Axl, the downside is when it goes tits up your in line for a kick in the balls.

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I would struggle to call this English.

Can someone transliterate this for me? I can't make heads or tails.




Here is what happened:

Axl arrived in this car to the Rosario airport to get to his private jet. The problem was that the airport entrance for wich he should went to avoid fans, papparazzis etc wasnt open, also add the nonstop yelling of the fans (there is allways some of them that ruins it for the rest). He was smiling all the time through the glass, and saying hi to all the fans, but the security took soooo long to get everything ready (we just saw a few secs, but it was a lot of time) that he got pissed of waiting and decided to go out and walk his own way to the jet. Not more not less, he got angry to the security guys cause they didnt know what to do and how to controll the situation. :shrugs:

that clears up a bit

but still wonder who Axl was yelling at, and who was sitting in the car...

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Honestly, I literally tried to hold off on posting in this thread. But I don't like biting my tongue just to spare some feelings. I tried to keep an open mind, and stay positive, but I really don't understand why the man has to be sucha cry baby over every little thing. It happens enough where you can't just look past it. How many professional musicians act up in public like a whiney little toddler like that? It's just so asinine. Sorry if that sounds harsh. I just saw this video, and kinda rolled my eyes. The prima donna antics get old sometimes. Lucky for axl, his talent and musicianship is still enough to keep me around. Just a shame he's gotta represent himself like that.

How would you feel after the same thing everywhere you go for 30 years?

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Seeing that footage, I think I would be pissed off all the time if everywhere I went there were people screaming my stage name (not that I have a stage name) all the time and attempting to follow me. Thats the price of fame I guess. Lucky me can just walk into an airport, zero agro :D

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I would struggle to call this English.

Can someone transliterate this for me? I can't make heads or tails.




Here is what happened:

Axl arrived in this car to the Rosario airport to get to his private jet. The problem was that the airport entrance for wich he should went to avoid fans, papparazzis etc wasnt open, also add the nonstop yelling of the fans (there is allways some of them that ruins it for the rest). He was smiling all the time through the glass, and saying hi to all the fans, but the security took soooo long to get everything ready (we just saw a few secs, but it was a lot of time) that he got pissed of waiting and decided to go out and walk his own way to the jet. Not more not less, he got angry to the security guys cause they didnt know what to do and how to controll the situation. :shrugs:

If it was security provided by the venue, they shouldn't have had any problem getting him through doors at an airport that's in their own city. He just seemed annoyed and wanted to get on his damn plane, which costs a lot of money if it's a private charter. At least with Iron Maiden, the lead singer is the pilot.

Which leads to this - Iron Maiden/GNR co-headlining tour. They'd save tons of cash riding in Bruce's tour plane and have good times. Ticket sales for that show would def. be sold out. Problem - GNR would have to have some nights playing before Maiden, and going late isn't an option in that case.

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Come on guys, does it matter what it was over or who was involved?.So he was upset, big deal.Odds are what/who the issue was its done now.We disect shit that is not important.


If this hadn't been filmed no one would've made such a big deal out of it. This is bullshit at it's finest.

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