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Who funded Chinese Democracy -


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I always assumed Axl created Chinese Democracy in his own time at his own (slow) pace, as he had the fortune, his own fortune to fund such luxury.

I was reading: An open letter from Merck Mercuriadis to GNR fans ...

'At this time I seriously considered postponing the start of the tour, again, as the album was of paramount importance but the reality was that our historic track record left us with very little good will with you, the fans, and we needed the money to be able to complete the album..' -MM

Couldn't Axl fund the album ?

Was Axl out of cash ? or does he simply hang to his loot, and let Record co's fund future work ?

'I found the money and the motivation to keep Axl and the band alive and get the record made when everyone else had given up and walked away.' - MM

If Merck hadn't found the money and walked away, what then ?

I have no regrets. I believe Chinese Democracy is one of the best albums ever made, Axl Rose is one of the greatest vocalists and front men and the new Guns N' Roses (which kicks the shit out of the old) is one of the greatest bands. What we accomplished in 2006 only hints at what is to come. - MM

Merck can have his own views. Not that I agree with him on that point. Do you think Merck really meant this, or was this his way of sucking up, to keep his name on the project some how, even although now he was off the CD project.

'I will walk away knowing I have done my best and that next year will see Axl recognized not only as a great singer and rock icon but as one of the greatest artists of all time.' - MM

Since Merck walked away (or was fired) who funded the remainder of the album ? - Axl ?

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You need to read Chinese Whispers:


Yes, record companies are the ones who fund recording albums. Guns N' Roses is under contract. Axl used record company money to record Chinese Democracy. Funding was cut sometime in 2004.

The record company owns the recordings - they aren't just a 'publisher' or 'distributor' of music. And that money must be paid back before really the band/Axl can come ahead and 'make money' off of it. Supposedly Best Buy wiped the slate clean with their exclusivity deal.

But we know that the 2006 tour was to help make sure there was money to finish the album.

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You need to read Chinese Whispers:


Yes, record companies are the ones who fund recording albums. Guns N' Roses is under contract. Axl used record company money to record Chinese Democracy. Funding was cut sometime in 2004.

The record company owns the recordings - they aren't just a 'publisher' or 'distributor' of music. And that money must be paid back before really the band/Axl can come ahead and 'make money' off of it. Supposedly Best Buy wiped the slate clean with their exclusivity deal.

But we know that the 2006 tour was to help make sure there was money to finish the album.

So the lastest tour should allow for some profit to make after all these years.

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Go away.

I'm sorry but :rofl-lol: That's what I thought the moment I saw who posted this cause I knew it would be negative.

Anyways, why does it mean Axl was out of money cause he wanted someone else to fund CD? Recording an album is expensive especially on the level CD was recorded and over such a long time period so of course Axl would be looking for others to put money into the project, what artist wouldn't? It's being done all the time.

From what I've read Axl is in no way out of money.

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You need to read Chinese Whispers:


Yes, record companies are the ones who fund recording albums. Guns N' Roses is under contract. Axl used record company money to record Chinese Democracy. Funding was cut sometime in 2004.

The record company owns the recordings - they aren't just a 'publisher' or 'distributor' of music. And that money must be paid back before really the band/Axl can come ahead and 'make money' off of it. Supposedly Best Buy wiped the slate clean with their exclusivity deal.

But we know that the 2006 tour was to help make sure there was money to finish the album.

So the lastest tour should allow for some profit to make after all these years.

Well, no, the 2009/2010 tours also. But I read that they may have lost money (or had to dip into what they were being paid) to make the tour work because of $hitty routing and not having a manager. So whether they LOST money or didn't make as much...

...is open for interpretation.

But yeah, proceeds from this tour go to the GNR organization....and Azoff.

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I have no idea how he's managing it, honestly. He doesn't care about money, but things have to be getting tight.

Touring does make a big buck and there is an inherent ongoing profit with mega-selling albums, but the number of 'deals' that went south over the years -- cancelled merchandising and video deals with huge advances, cancelled self-insured shows, paying off several old managers, and now whoever paid for the pricey alternative artwork fiasco is probably in line for compensation. The list is pretty endless.

Paying the band members retainers all this time to keep them on call 24/7 doesn't come cheap. I believe the NYT or Rolling Stone reported he had a mortgage on his house (which I think is only worth $5 mil or so) and that's when the label had already given him $20 mil. I don't think he had any other choice but to work off his debt to Azoff to keep his head above water, I doubt he's seeing any money.

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You need to read Chinese Whispers:


Yes, record companies are the ones who fund recording albums. Guns N' Roses is under contract. Axl used record company money to record Chinese Democracy. Funding was cut sometime in 2004.

The record company owns the recordings - they aren't just a 'publisher' or 'distributor' of music. And that money must be paid back before really the band/Axl can come ahead and 'make money' off of it. Supposedly Best Buy wiped the slate clean with their exclusivity deal.

But we know that the 2006 tour was to help make sure there was money to finish the album.

So the lastest tour should allow for some profit to make after all these years.

Well, no, the 2009/2010 tours also. But I read that they may have lost money (or had to dip into what they were being paid) to make the tour work because of $hitty routing and not having a manager. So whether they LOST money or didn't make as much...

...is open for interpretation.

But yeah, proceeds from this tour go to the GNR organization....and Azoff.

..and Azoff. I didn't know he was still in the mix ?

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You need to read Chinese Whispers:


Yes, record companies are the ones who fund recording albums. Guns N' Roses is under contract. Axl used record company money to record Chinese Democracy. Funding was cut sometime in 2004.

The record company owns the recordings - they aren't just a 'publisher' or 'distributor' of music. And that money must be paid back before really the band/Axl can come ahead and 'make money' off of it. Supposedly Best Buy wiped the slate clean with their exclusivity deal.

But we know that the 2006 tour was to help make sure there was money to finish the album.

So the lastest tour should allow for some profit to make after all these years.

Well, no, the 2009/2010 tours also. But I read that they may have lost money (or had to dip into what they were being paid) to make the tour work because of $hitty routing and not having a manager. So whether they LOST money or didn't make as much...

...is open for interpretation.

But yeah, proceeds from this tour go to the GNR organization....and Azoff.

..and Azoff. I didn't know he was still in the mix ?

Part of the lawsuit settlement. They agreed to pay Azoff money based on the tour.

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You need to read Chinese Whispers:


Yes, record companies are the ones who fund recording albums. Guns N' Roses is under contract. Axl used record company money to record Chinese Democracy. Funding was cut sometime in 2004.

The record company owns the recordings - they aren't just a 'publisher' or 'distributor' of music. And that money must be paid back before really the band/Axl can come ahead and 'make money' off of it. Supposedly Best Buy wiped the slate clean with their exclusivity deal.

But we know that the 2006 tour was to help make sure there was money to finish the album.

So the lastest tour should allow for some profit to make after all these years.

Well, no, the 2009/2010 tours also. But I read that they may have lost money (or had to dip into what they were being paid) to make the tour work because of $hitty routing and not having a manager. So whether they LOST money or didn't make as much...

...is open for interpretation.

But yeah, proceeds from this tour go to the GNR organization....and Azoff.

..and Azoff. I didn't know he was still in the mix ?

Part of the lawsuit settlement. They agreed to pay Azoff money based on the tour.

I read some place, without Azoff's thumbs up, for Axl to play the US would have been all but impossible.

With such a fallout between Axl and Azoff I can't imagine Axl being happy, knowning that for every show played Azoff gets a pay cheque.

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You need to read Chinese Whispers:


Yes, record companies are the ones who fund recording albums. Guns N' Roses is under contract. Axl used record company money to record Chinese Democracy. Funding was cut sometime in 2004.

The record company owns the recordings - they aren't just a 'publisher' or 'distributor' of music. And that money must be paid back before really the band/Axl can come ahead and 'make money' off of it. Supposedly Best Buy wiped the slate clean with their exclusivity deal.

But we know that the 2006 tour was to help make sure there was money to finish the album.

So the lastest tour should allow for some profit to make after all these years.

Well, no, the 2009/2010 tours also. But I read that they may have lost money (or had to dip into what they were being paid) to make the tour work because of $hitty routing and not having a manager. So whether they LOST money or didn't make as much...

...is open for interpretation.

But yeah, proceeds from this tour go to the GNR organization....and Azoff.

..and Azoff. I didn't know he was still in the mix ?

Part of the lawsuit settlement. They agreed to pay Azoff money based on the tour.

I read some place, without Azoff's thumbs up, for Axl to play the US would have been all but impossible.

With such a fallout between Axl and Azoff I can't imagine Axl being happy, knowning that for every show played Azoff gets a pay cheque.

Yes, that's why they play 3+ hours shows and not 2/2.5 hours like they normally do.

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