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That Metal Show with guest Axl Rose [Sneak Peek]

Nosaj Thing

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There's actually a lot of info given through out the years by various people, including members of the band, and Axl himself.

This interview by Axl is like more pieces of the puzzle. And the puzzle is becoming clearer.

The interview has just come out and peeps are already drawing conclusions based on a few vague sentences... This is just as bad as the forum member who analyzed Axl's body langauge and thought it proved he was lying....


I think you are reaching here. Axl did not have a crystal ball back in 1991 and thought "OH SHIT!! I HAVE TO TOUR OR ELSE SLASH WILL DIE!!". Hell even if he did, it is not known Slash WOULD die, not everyone on drugs dies you know? Without knowing whether or not Slash would have died for certain, you cannot say he saved his life.

Umm ... you didn't need a crystal ball to see how bad of a shape Slash (and Duff) were because of the drugs. Everybody knew! Slash and Duff even admitted to this in their books and interview.

In fact, Slash and Duff did almost die because of their drug and alcohol abuse.

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This thread sucks. You're overanalyzing way too much. Can't believe you spend so much time on this. :rofl-lol:

Yeah, you should tell that Slash!

It wasn't until he finally released his bio book that he finally admitted he allowed his anger and resentment to get the best of him in regards to how he dealt with Axl about the old band breaking up.

It wasn't until Slash released his bio book that Slash finally said he was completely moving on from GnR.

And then a few weeks later he speculated about when CD would be released! :rofl-lol:

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We take for granted we know the whole story

We judge a book by its cover and read what we want

Between selected lines

The book had been written by others other than Axl. Most notably, by Slash.

So its good to finally get more clarity with Axl's side of the story.

If anything, what you should now see is a guy in Axl who cared and did so much for a guy like Slash, to only have Slash betray him.

And this is further collaborated by what we see in how Axl treats and cares for the current members of his band and crew.

So we see that a lot of the negative crap and lies spread about Axl were just that ... lies.

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We take for granted we know the whole story

We judge a book by its cover and read what we want

Between selected lines

The book had been written by others other than Axl. Most notably, by Slash.

So its good to finally get more clarity with Axl's side of the story.

If anything, what you should now see is a guy in Axl who cared and did so much for a guy like Slash, to only have Slash betray him.

And this is further collaborated by what we see in how Axl treats and cares for the current members of his band and crew.

So we see that a lot of the negative crap and lies spread about Axl were just that ... lies.

You're talking in circles. WHAT story? Nobody has ever said, not even Axl, that Axl went on tour to save Slash and that Slash ended up betraying him. NOBODY said that. The story is not corroborated.

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Any band can release any music by anyone. There's licensing paid. That's between the song publishers that each writer worked with. Nothing to do with Old Partnership. Not a big deal. It's a standard thing. No huge check, it's just money. No conspiracy theory.

It's not clear that Axl 'can't release AFD99. He said that they weren't more than rehearsals, just some DATs. Weren't looking to put them out.

You completely made up the 'fact' that he "can't" release it because of Slash and Duff.

Actually Slash and Duff sued somewhat over this very thing.

I think they lost... who owns the videos, who owns the concert footage, who owns the logos, who owns.... well, if Axl WAS out of the old partnership, it would seem Duff and Slash still own those things. But Axl apparently has all the physical assets in his possession.

It's not that they would have to "ask permission" to use the name. The thing is... the Guns N' Roses recording contract - where ALLLLLLL of this material was done as work for hire - has Axl as the only person still signed to it, as far as I know. It's the record companies property and that's tied up in a relationship between Axl and the record company. The record company can use the name Guns N' Roses on whatever it wants, as per the terms of the recording contract. If the record company wanted to put out the demos and demos and raw tape, it could.

Basically we're into shit we can't answer.

The biggest problem with Slash dying in 1991 would be the end of the band. NO touring. NO record. NO nothing. Not paying Slash's estate money on T-shirts produced in 2001 because of some fantasy setup you have where their estate would get a chunk in the assets even after his death. Not "oh my God, we have to keep paying this guy!". There wouldn't be any Guns N' Roses in 1991 if Slash died, from the POV of the record company.

Duff and Slash couldn't release any old material. It's the record company's material.

And if you're talking about concerts, it MIGHT be Axl's material. Or the old partnership. But then the record company would still have a peace of that, too, under the recording contract. GNR at no time had free reign to put out whatever it wanted once it was signed to Geffen.

Owning the GnR name is the most important piece!

If Slash and Duff still had rights to the name of GnR, then Axl would have to seek permission from Slash and Duff every time he wants to release something under the name GnR.

And what would Slash and Duff want in return for permission? Oh ... perhaps $$$$$$$$$$?

Vice versa as well.

Every time Slash and Duff would want to release old materials from the band, they would have to seek permission from Axl for using the name "GnR". That is why if TODAY Slash/Duff wanted to release old songs, they can't use the GnR name without seeking Axl's permission.

Slash/Duff could release the old materials if they didn't use the GnR name, but what good that be?

Which is why Axl can't release the re-recorded AFD songs by the new band members because Slash/Duff wouldn't approve it. But Axl can release NEW materials and call it GnR.

Edited by Gagarin
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We take for granted we know the whole story

We judge a book by its cover and read what we want

Between selected lines

The book had been written by others other than Axl. Most notably, by Slash.

So its good to finally get more clarity with Axl's side of the story.

If anything, what you should now see is a guy in Axl who cared and did so much for a guy like Slash, to only have Slash betray him.

And this is further collaborated by what we see in how Axl treats and cares for the current members of his band and crew.

So we see that a lot of the negative crap and lies spread about Axl were just that ... lies.

You're talking in circles. WHAT story? Nobody has ever said, not even Axl, that Axl went on tour to save Slash and that Slash ended up betraying him. NOBODY said that. The story is not corroborated.

Silly fool!

I was just using your silly book metaphor! :rofl-lol:

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We take for granted we know the whole story

We judge a book by its cover and read what we want

Between selected lines

The book had been written by others other than Axl. Most notably, by Slash.

So its good to finally get more clarity with Axl's side of the story.

If anything, what you should now see is a guy in Axl who cared and did so much for a guy like Slash, to only have Slash betray him.

And this is further collaborated by what we see in how Axl treats and cares for the current members of his band and crew.

So we see that a lot of the negative crap and lies spread about Axl were just that ... lies.

You're talking in circles. WHAT story? Nobody has ever said, not even Axl, that Axl went on tour to save Slash and that Slash ended up betraying him. NOBODY said that. The story is not corroborated.


How old are you gnrfan2007 and what country are you from?

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We take for granted we know the whole story

We judge a book by its cover and read what we want

Between selected lines

The book had been written by others other than Axl. Most notably, by Slash.

So its good to finally get more clarity with Axl's side of the story.

If anything, what you should now see is a guy in Axl who cared and did so much for a guy like Slash, to only have Slash betray him.

And this is further collaborated by what we see in how Axl treats and cares for the current members of his band and crew.

So we see that a lot of the negative crap and lies spread about Axl were just that ... lies.

You're talking in circles. WHAT story? Nobody has ever said, not even Axl, that Axl went on tour to save Slash and that Slash ended up betraying him. NOBODY said that. The story is not corroborated.

Silly fool!

I was just using your silly book metaphor! :rofl-lol:

And I'm continuing the metaphor...

Did you read Slash's book?

Some parts from the used section of a book store! I stopped donating my money to Slash's products a long time ago. The guy would sell anything just to make a quick buck!

Why would you read a book by someone you clearly can't stand?

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Did you read Slash's book?

Some parts from the used section of a book store! I stopped donating my money to Slash's products a long time ago. The guy would sell anything just to make a quick buck!

Beats the hell out of hating a guitar player they never met on an online forum...

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'As a result, the artistic beauty of the UYI suffered. The UYI records could have been much better!'

Maybe. maybe not. From what's been reported, the band put more effort inti UYI than Axl (who rarely showed up at the studio).

In Axl's hands UYI could have taken another 10 years to complete, and become another over worked, produced, bloated (which some tracks already became) album, by which time the band would have fallen apart, and there would have been no UYI tour, which as it turned out, was a great tour (i was at one of the shows).

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It's cool that Axl may be open to accepting HOH with the old band mates.

Sorry, dumb ass here, but what is HOH? (stand for)

He/she means 'HOF' (Hall of Fame).

I really think the HOF might open up the possibility of a reunion of sorts. I kind of picture Metallica up there, with a couple of the old guys coming up to play with the 'new' guy up there too, all taking turns on certain songs or licks. I think the entire current lineup of GNR should be onstage to accept the award (they are the current and official version of GNR, after all), as well as the classic members (including Matt & Gilby. Allow Slash, Duff, Izzy, Dizzy, Tommy and of course Axl get their mic time in thanking everyone (Axl getting the most time, obviously), then just jam to some classics. All of them, on stage either at the same time or taking turns, then allow the classic lineup close it out with Paradise City. I think that would be very fitting. It might seem like a circus, but wouldn't that also be fitting? Everything GNR from its inception has been a circus.

Then, hopefully, that'll open up the door to a reunion tour of sorts with say Velvet Revolver OPENING for GNR, with some of the classic guys coming out to jam with the current GNR from time to time during GNR's set. And why not a few of the new guys jamming with VR from time to time? Then close everything out with Paradise City with EVERYONE from both bands jamming it out.

Somebody slap me, please.

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Axl owns the GnR name. Nobody accept Axl can release materials - OLD or NEW - for sale under the name GnR.

Well, except the record company was able to pull it off with "The Greatest Hits" album because Axl owed them alot of money and a new record.

Axl tried to stop the Greatest Hits album on the basis of branding misrepresentation. With Axl trying to establish a new band, releasing older materials hurts the NEW *BRAND* called GnR.

Slash/Duff also rejected to the release of the Greatest Hits album too. So clearly, Slash/Duff still have [some] rights to the old songs.

So, it appears from "The Greatest Hits" debacle, if anybody wanted to release the old songs, in original form or some new re-recorded form, they would have to seek permission from Slash/Duff to use the songs, and then they would have to seek permission from Axl to use the GnR name - if they wanted to use the GnR name.

Any band can release any music by anyone. There's licensing paid. That's between the song publishers that each writer worked with. Nothing to do with Old Partnership. Not a big deal. It's a standard thing. No huge check, it's just money. No conspiracy theory.

It's not clear that Axl 'can't release AFD99. He said that they weren't more than rehearsals, just some DATs. Weren't looking to put them out.

You completely made up the 'fact' that he "can't" release it because of Slash and Duff.

Actually Slash and Duff sued somewhat over this very thing.

I think they lost... who owns the videos, who owns the concert footage, who owns the logos, who owns.... well, if Axl WAS out of the old partnership, it would seem Duff and Slash still own those things. But Axl apparently has all the physical assets in his possession.

It's not that they would have to "ask permission" to use the name. The thing is... the Guns N' Roses recording contract - where ALLLLLLL of this material was done as work for hire - has Axl as the only person still signed to it, as far as I know. It's the record companies property and that's tied up in a relationship between Axl and the record company. The record company can use the name Guns N' Roses on whatever it wants, as per the terms of the recording contract. If the record company wanted to put out the demos and demos and raw tape, it could.

Basically we're into shit we can't answer.

The biggest problem with Slash dying in 1991 would be the end of the band. NO touring. NO record. NO nothing. Not paying Slash's estate money on T-shirts produced in 2001 because of some fantasy setup you have where their estate would get a chunk in the assets even after his death. Not "oh my God, we have to keep paying this guy!". There wouldn't be any Guns N' Roses in 1991 if Slash died, from the POV of the record company.

Owning the GnR name is the most important piece!

If Slash and Duff still had rights to the name of GnR, then Axl would have to seek permission from Slash and Duff every time he wants to release something under the name GnR.

And what would Slash and Duff want in return for permission? Oh ... perhaps $$$$$$$$$$?

Vice versa as well.

Every time Slash and Duff would want to release old materials from the band, they would have to seek permission from Axl for using the name "GnR". That is why if TODAY Slash/Duff wanted to release old songs, they can't use the GnR name without seeking Axl's permission.

Slash/Duff could release the old materials if they didn't use the GnR name, but what good that be?

Which is why Axl can't release the re-recorded AFD songs by the new band members because Slash/Duff wouldn't approve it. But Axl can release NEW materials and call it GnR.

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Did you read Slash's book?

Some parts from the used section of a book store! I stopped donating my money to Slash's products a long time ago. The guy would sell anything just to make a quick buck!

Why would you read a book by someone you clearly can't stand?

So I can argue with Slasholes on a GnR forum! :rofl-lol:

I don't hate Slash. I just hate how people think Slash is the good guy and Axl's the bad guy.

If only they knew the truth ...

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Did you read Slash's book?

Some parts from the used section of a book store! I stopped donating my money to Slash's products a long time ago. The guy would sell anything just to make a quick buck!

Why would you read a book by someone you clearly can't stand?

So I can argue with Slasholes on a GnR forum! :rofl-lol:

I don't hate Slash. I just hate how people think Slash is the good guy and Axl's the bad guy.

If only they knew the truth ...

But, you see, you don't know the truth either.

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