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Which will happen first?


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What do you all think will happen first?

GnR releasing a new album.....or another band member quiting and being replaced?

This is such a talented group of musicians, I can't imagine all of them wanting to spend 5-10-15 years covering other people's music.

Some fans on here think that spending 5-10 years between albums is a good thing and not a problem. But most bands want to create their own music, so the more years this current group spends touring, the more likely yet another member is going to move on. And that would ne a shame.

All the leftover CD "big guns"......the dynamics and chemistry this current band has, I would love to hear what music they could create......imagine if we - the fans - at the end of this year had three albums worth of GnR music.

Instead, we are talking about another year of touring and maybe an album of remixed songs. Wow.

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What do you all think will happen first?

GnR releasing a new album.....or another band member quiting and being replaced?

This is such a talented group of musicians, I can't imagine all of them wanting to spend 5-10-15 years covering other people's music.

Some fans on here think that spending 5-10 years between albums is a good thing and not a problem. But most bands want to create their own music, so the more years this current group spends touring, the more likely yet another member is going to move on. And that would ne a shame.

All the leftover CD "big guns"......the dynamics and chemistry this current band has, I would love to hear what music they could create......imagine if we - the fans - at the end of this year had three albums worth of GnR music.

Instead, we are talking about another year of touring and maybe an album of remixed songs. Wow.

In the GnR death pool (not meaning someone actually dies, but leaves) - i'd say Bumblefoot is the next to go and it happens before the next album comes out

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This is a forum, moron.

Maybe you should start a Nutter's Forum, where you have to praise everything that Axl does.

Or, maybe you can be an adult and contribute to topics.....go to HTGTH where it is all positive, all the time, and u aren't allowed to have an opinion....put people on ignore that you don't like,.....or stay out of topics that don't interest you.

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This is a forum, moron.

Maybe you should start a Nutter's Forum, where you have to praise everything that Axl does.

Or, maybe you can be an adult and contribute to topics.....go to HTGTH where it is all positive, all the time, and u aren't allowed to have an opinion....put people on ignore that you don't like,.....or stay out of topics that don't interest you.


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Does Robin replacing DJ mean new member? hahaha, Just kidding.

I hope new album. Everyone seems pretty happy in the band at the moment, so I can't see that changing the current structure.

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Like I've said a thousand times. I saw this band in Dec and it was one of the best shows I've ever been to

They are a tremendous live band. And I've got no issue with them touring.

I just think they need to release new music, created by the current band.

Sorry flayer.

I'm one of the biggest Axl fans on here. Now, because I think another tour over an album is ridiculous, people are branding me a hater!!! So I'm a little over sensitive. I apologize for my harsh post.

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Sorry to be mr doom and gloom. Someone will leave either Bumble or Richard, i don't see Axl doing any new albulm for years !!! Sorry

That makes you the happiest person when they release a new album :-)

That is very true, i will lick my own bollocks if it happens

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I think a new member. Eventually someone is gonna get tired of this. Then again, they're all "old" men and none of them are gonna individually light up the pop charts or anything like that. I suppose as long as they can keep doing side projects between makin' bank covering Guns N' Roses material ...

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