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What hell is wrong with his voice ?


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He's 50 years old......give it a rest. It's not 1991. He's doing fine. It doesn't have to be perfect....and if you want perfect, just listen to the album.

Give what a rest? It's a forum, someone posted What the hell Is wrong with his voice, people are responding.

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Well,there are lot of dickheads here.I watched Bon Jovi last year in Zagreb and Acdc 2008 in Belgrade,for example.Jon didn't have a voice even he didn't sing but Bon Jovi fans were happy with him and didn't bitchin.With acdc is the same situation.We have Axl Rose who has much much better voice than Jon,Brian,Bono and still bichin him.We have Axl Rose who have gave 3 hours shows and still bitchin.What the fuck you stupid dickheads want?

You're the dickhead then. That's why fans are all idiots, paying for shitty performances just because "he was good one day". That doesn't exist. Either you put a good performance or you retire. Axl Rose is irrelevant to the music scene nowadays, he's putting a nostalgia act (a good one with amazing musicians) but he himself is not up to the task.

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Well,there are lot of dickheads here.I watched Bon Jovi last year in Zagreb and Acdc 2008 in Belgrade,for example.Jon didn't have a voice even he didn't sing but Bon Jovi fans were happy with him and didn't bitchin.With acdc is the same situation.We have Axl Rose who has much much better voice than Jon,Brian,Bono and still bichin him.We have Axl Rose who have gave 3 hours shows and still bitchin.What the fuck you stupid dickheads want?

You're the dickhead then. That's why fans are all idiots, paying for shitty performances just because "he was good one day". That doesn't exist. Either you put a good performance or you retire. Axl Rose is irrelevant to the music scene nowadays, he's putting a nostalgia act (a good one with amazing musicians) but he himself is not up to the task.

What's your point? He's not gonna retire cause you think he should.

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Fuck off you stupid twats who can't deal with people discussing the singer's voice. It's not bashing or bitching. To the idiotic spunk buckets who keep saying 'he's 50 give him a break': he was 48 a year and a half ago when he sounded almost as good as ever so don't tell us there's nothing to discuss! Fucking shit for brains turdmouths.

It seems pretty obvious by this point that it's deliberate i.e. he chooses how he's gonna sing each tour.

2002: Deliberately very clean.

2006: Seemingly taking the massive criticsim of 2002 to heart, came straight out of the gate with a lot more power, ripping Twat at Hammerstein; amazing vocals at the Forum, very old skool Axl.

2007: getting stronger all the time until he was just shredding and screeching and wailing all over Japan like a demon.

2009: Really screwed the pooch on the warm-up shows, back to 2002 form.

2010: Felt compelled to bring his vocals up to literally early-90s level, except with arguably more control and range than ever. Staggering performances at Toronto, Lille and London with barely a weak moment all night. Made the studio vocal of This I Love sound like a crap demo. Best performances of every song, particularly Jungle and YCBM of the new era. Amazing.

2011: Obviously very inclined not to repeat his vocal acrobatics from 2010.

2012: Well....

One of the most frustrating things to me is that almost every single time there's been a high profile televised, streamed, pro-shot etc show or even anything we've blagged the soundboard of, he nearly always screws the pooch. Rock Am Ring was a really rare exception: why couldn't he have killed it like that at all the Rios, MTV 2002 etc.

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Simply put.............It fucking sucks right now.

Lack of preparation, when he was doing so well in 2010 has completely fucked him over.

Saw him twice in 2010

Once in 2006

His voice right now is a joke, on the odd song per show he busts out the rasp and gives it his all (Jungle mainly). After that it's just naff. Admittedly I will see him again when he comes round, but let's the honest, the band right now are completely saving his ass. They are on absolute fire.

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Well,there are lot of dickheads here.I watched Bon Jovi last year in Zagreb and Acdc 2008 in Belgrade,for example.Jon didn't have a voice even he didn't sing but Bon Jovi fans were happy with him and didn't bitchin.With acdc is the same situation.We have Axl Rose who has much much better voice than Jon,Brian,Bono and still bichin him.We have Axl Rose who have gave 3 hours shows and still bitchin.What the fuck you stupid dickheads want?

You're the dickhead then. That's why fans are all idiots, paying for shitty performances just because "he was good one day". That doesn't exist. Either you put a good performance or you retire. Axl Rose is irrelevant to the music scene nowadays, he's putting a nostalgia act (a good one with amazing musicians) but he himself is not up to the task.

What's your point? He's not gonna retire cause you think he should.

That's exactly what I was thinking. When I read posts like these I wonder; is that what we really want as fans? For the band to just end and for Axl to throw in the towel so that we can remain comfortable with what was once good?

As far as Axl's voice is concerned, I haven't seen last nights stream yet but from what I've heard via vids from the past few shows, it sounds like some sort of chest infection. It seems like at "scream-o" songs he can push his voice out enough to achieve that "rasp" but at mid range pitches the air doesn't move out as crisply resulting in a hollow/muted sound. I spoke to a chick that I know a few days ago that sings professionally and she says that his lungs don't sound clear (she also says that she doesn't think it sounds like a node has developed which was my initial enquiry).

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I think it because he is

  • Getting older
  • Goes long periods of time (months, years) without singing
  • Doesn't edit the setlist to ensure that he can perform the songs played
  • Has a lousy soundman who naps and eats bananas during the show

Much better reasons then the million and one other excuses that we have all heard on this board, although I'm not sure the soundman has much to do with It. What you hear on the soundboard Is what you get, and even If It was the soundman, Axl has been In the music buisness going on what, 26 years, you would think he could find a competent soundman.

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As far as Axl's voice is concerned, I haven't seen last nights stream yet but from what I've heard via vids from the past few shows, it sounds like some sort of chest infection. It seems like at "scream-o" songs he can push his voice out enough to achieve that "rasp" but at mid range pitches the air doesn't move out as crisply resulting in a hollow/muted sound. I spoke to a chick that I know a few days ago that sings professionally and she says that his lungs don't sound clear (she also says that she doesn't think it sounds like a node has developed which was my initial enquiry).

What is good to hear though is he doesn't seem to have that frog in throat thing he had going on during at least the 1st half of the 2011 tour, when he goes for the high notes they sound quite clean (I don't mean rasp/clean debate, just it sounds like a full boided note, not a strangled sound) take some of the high raspy notes during Rock in Rio as a great example, especially in the 2nd half of the show.

Still he doesn't sound quite there, I'm pretty sure 3hrs shows can't help the process, though I think he has made leaps and strides compred to the last tour and I'm sure on the Europe tour he'll at least get more consistant...at the moment he is still a little up and down vocally. I think he sounded great at the Ritz for example.

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I just threw that soundman one in because of my experience in Cincinatti a couple months ago. The soundman ate bananas while Axl went unheard in half the songs then he propped his feet up on the soundboard and took a nap with headphones on while the solos for "November Rain" and other tunes later in the set were almost inaudible.

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Bunch of friggin' drama queens. He was really off in a few songs. Mainly RQ, YCBM, DC and most of NR. About the rest, nothing to complain about other than "OMG he got no rasp". Of course, it would help it if he rehearsed and dedicated himself to preparing for the tour... But you just can't expect him to sound however he likes whenever he likes. Some people age better than others. I'm content with live at the forum Axl. You want something to complain about? concentrate on the fact they don't really seem to have a new album in plans for now. That's something to complain about.

Edited by It Don't Really Matter
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Bunch of friggin' drama queens. He was really off in a few songs. Mainly RQ, YCBM, DC and most of NR. About the rest, nothing to complain about other than "OMG he got no rasp". Of course, it would help it if he rehearsed and dedicated himself to preparing for the tour... But you just can't expect him to sound however he likes whenever he likes. Some people age better than others.

it would help it if he rehearsed and dedicated himself to preparing for the tour.............. I think that's all anybody Is asking of him. But rehearse and dedication are bad words to Axl.

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Also, as long as he can sing "Jungle" "Nov. Rain", and "Sweet Child" that will keep the average concert goer happy. Apart from those songs he REALLY needs to go over that setlist with a fine tooth comb and realize that, unless he wants to put the work into his voice on a daily basis, he has to drop some of those songs for good. IF he can throw out TWAT and "Prostitute" because they are too hard to sing or too high range wise then some others can stand to go too. I don't have to list the songs that he can't perform above the 60% mark anymore (we all know which ones) but I don't think I am the only one who would understand if Axl had to readjust his singing on a lot of these songs to his "Don't Cry"/"Patience" (soft) voice so that he could preserve what he has left.

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I just threw that soundman one in because of my experience in Cincinatti a couple months ago. The soundman ate bananas while Axl went unheard in half the songs then he propped his feet up on the soundboard and took a nap with headphones on while the solos for "November Rain" and other tunes later in the set were almost inaudible.

That Is unreal.

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Bunch of friggin' drama queens. He was really off in a few songs. Mainly RQ, YCBM, DC and most of NR. About the rest, nothing to complain about other than "OMG he got no rasp". Of course, it would help it if he rehearsed and dedicated himself to preparing for the tour... But you just can't expect him to sound however he likes whenever he likes. Some people age better than others.

it would help it if he rehearsed and dedicated himself to preparing for the tour.............. I think that's all anybody Is asking of him. But rehearse and dedication are bad words to Axl.

Do you know what he's doing in his spare time? I really can't take you people talking about his need for "dedication" seriously.

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Bunch of friggin' drama queens. He was really off in a few songs. Mainly RQ, YCBM, DC and most of NR. About the rest, nothing to complain about other than "OMG he got no rasp". Of course, it would help it if he rehearsed and dedicated himself to preparing for the tour... But you just can't expect him to sound however he likes whenever he likes. Some people age better than others.

it would help it if he rehearsed and dedicated himself to preparing for the tour.............. I think that's all anybody Is asking of him. But rehearse and dedication are bad words to Axl.

Do you know what he's doing in his spare time? I really can't take you people talking about his need for "dedication" seriously.

No I don't and neither do you. I can tell you It's not singing or he wouldn't sound like he does. He would sound more like he did In 2010, and what do you mean you can't take It?

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I'm willing to put all my money on this:

Axl will sound like he did in 2010 once he gets back to Europe.

Other than that I agree on the OP, Axl sounds bad on most of the songs lately.

Only songs that stand out most of the time are Jungle, Nightrain and Madagascar.

Edited by UcudBmineCD
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I'm willing to put all my money on this:

Axl will sound like he did in 2010 once he gets back to Europe.

Other than that I agree on the OP, Axl sounds bad on most of the songs lately.

Only songs that stand out most of the time are Jungle, Nightrain and Madagascar.

I think Civil War sounds good most of the time as well.

Anyway as for the 2010 voice, thats a tough one. I mean he clearly CAN still whack out those powerful raspy notes, take KOHD scream as a cracking example and he still has that 2010 tone in the locker, but I think Axl just can't hold it for very long anymore. Whether thats from wear and tear or illness or even just through choice, who knows!

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Bunch of friggin' drama queens. He was really off in a few songs. Mainly RQ, YCBM, DC and most of NR. About the rest, nothing to complain about other than "OMG he got no rasp". Of course, it would help it if he rehearsed and dedicated himself to preparing for the tour... But you just can't expect him to sound however he likes whenever he likes. Some people age better than others.

it would help it if he rehearsed and dedicated himself to preparing for the tour.............. I think that's all anybody Is asking of him. But rehearse and dedication are bad words to Axl.

Do you know what he's doing in his spare time? I really can't take you people talking about his need for "dedication" seriously.

No I don't and neither do you. I can tell you It's not singing or he wouldn't sound like he does. He would sound more like he did In 2010, and what do you mean you can't take It?

^ Didn't miss anything.

No, he doesn't sound like 2010. In the end though, so what?

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