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What hell is wrong with his voice ?


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obviously he's not 28 any more, but at the end of the day if he's not up to scratch singing live he should just call it a day or do somthing about it. The sychophants who keep defending him are just blocking out the uncomfortable facts here. Peopel arnt paying good money to see someone with bronchitis or a lung infection or whatever your next lame ass excuse is.

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obviously he's not 28 any more, but at the end of the day if he's not up to scratch singing live he should just call it a day or do somthing about it. The sychophants who keep defending him are just blocking out the uncomfortable facts here. Peopel arnt paying good money to see someone with bronchitis or a lung infection or whatever your next lame ass excuse is.

:violin: What a whiney, dramatic response. Yes, based off one show that some people didn't like - and it's worth pointing out that it doesn't seem to be anyone actually AT the show - he should hang it up. That's a brilliant perspective on things :rolleyes:


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obviously he's not 28 any more, but at the end of the day if he's not up to scratch singing live he should just call it a day or do somthing about it. The sychophants who keep defending him are just blocking out the uncomfortable facts here. Peopel arnt paying good money to see someone with bronchitis or a lung infection or whatever your next lame ass excuse is.

:violin: What a whiney, dramatic response. Yes, based off one show that some people didn't like - and it's worth pointing out that it doesn't seem to be anyone actually AT the show - he should hang it up. That's a brilliant perspective on things :rolleyes:



Care to explain how his musicians manage to be on fire, night after night after night ?

Some of them don't even like Guns n' Roses, one of them is borderline handicapped and has to drink to deal with the pain, another one has quit a band he loved just to remain loyal to this band : yet they sound amazing most of the time.

Why can't Axl do just that ? Why can't he show up on time ? Why can't he write lyrics and record them when he has a ton of songs waiting for him ? Why can't he do his band justice ?

I have my idea but I don't think you will like it : because he is a lazy ass.

Edited by The Glow Inc.
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"Fuck off you stupid twats who can't deal with people discussing the singer's voice. It's not bashing or bitching. To the idiotic spunk buckets who keep saying 'he's 50 give him a break': he was 48 a year and a half ago when he sounded almost as good as ever so don't tell us there's nothing to discuss! Fucking shit for brains turdmouths. "

I couldn't agree with you anymore.

Why couldn't you agree anymore? What happened?

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Why should Axl care about the quality of his performance anyway - since beta etc took over management nobody in his team would say a bad word to him anyway - he would need somebody telling him to try harder or to care for his voice - I guess thats also a reason why we will never see any new music soon and no reunion as these guys wont keep there mouths shut.

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obviously he's not 28 any more, but at the end of the day if he's not up to scratch singing live he should just call it a day or do somthing about it. The sychophants who keep defending him are just blocking out the uncomfortable facts here. Peopel arnt paying good money to see someone with bronchitis or a lung infection or whatever your next lame ass excuse is.

:violin: What a whiney, dramatic response. Yes, based off one show that some people didn't like - and it's worth pointing out that it doesn't seem to be anyone actually AT the show - he should hang it up. That's a brilliant perspective on things :rolleyes:



Care to explain how his musicians manage to be on fire, night after night after night ?

Some of them don't even like Guns n' Roses, one of them is borderline handicapped and has to drink to deal with the pain, another one has quit a band he loved just to remain loyal to this band : yet they sound amazing most of the time.

Why can't Axl do just that ? Why can't he show up on time ? Why can't he write lyrics and record them when he has a ton of songs waiting for him ? Why can't he do his band justice ?

I have my idea but I don't think you will like it : because he is a lazy ass.

The issues of showing up on time, releasing new material, etc. have nothing to do with the topic of this thread and in my opinion, have been beaten to death.


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The falsetto or "mickey mouse" isn't the issue at hand. The issue is the weakness, the tuning, and the inconsistency during any one song. That is what is troubling.

Bullshit that isn't the issue. If that wasn't the issue that is always complained about, you wouldn't have a term like "Mickey Mouse" coined.


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So he doesn't sound weak, out of tune, and inconstent during any one song ? Have you watched the stream ?

Is his pitch perfect? No. It's not nearly as bad as posters like you make it out to be. Many singers who actually sing are not flawless. As far as as the weakness, he's usin his falsetto, so of course it isn't going to sound the same as when he's using his chest voice. Does he get as much breath support as he should during every part of every song? No. He never did, though.

So, in short, get a grip and some perspective.


Edited by Ali
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OMG, you people annoy me so fucking much. >.<

I just finished watching last nights stream and yes his voice is all over the place. Yet again it seems like he nails the "scream-o" parts but looses it in the mid-range (like I stated in my earlier post). He certainly looked like he gave it his fucking all though.

So I postulate this to all those bashing and defending Axl alike:

- Its not because of the mix

- He is not "saving his voice" or any other bullshit like that.

- He is not doing it on purpose for whatever reason.

- He is not "lazy" and not giving it his all (because its evident that he is)!

Its hit and miss because his voice simply can't hold up. Something seems to have gone amiss between 2010 and 2011 and he'll have to figure out how to get around it (hopefully before HOF).

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A lot of this does come down to the "mickey mouse" voice, IMO. Axl is someone who sings in many different voices and styles, always has, always will. One voice he decided to use on this tour is the one we're talking about, which he uses clean to get into the higher vocal range on certain parts. I know it's coming, you know it's coming, so when it comes, it's a bit silly for certain posters to keep bitching about it at every show. That doesn't mean the rest of us like that particular voice, or think he's doing a perfect show, it's just that we don't feel the need to constantly make the same fucking post 10 times during every show. As has been discussed ad nauseum, it's not all bad, sometimes it sounds good, and works with the way he phrases certain words. Especially when you consider that the vocals are not as loud and up-front at the actual concert, which is the primary focus of a band performing live - what the audience hears.

It's fair to say he was uneven last night, at times within the same song, but when he was on he was brilliant. I dig the way he sang November Rain and Don't Cry, for example, although some people may not have liked it. I also thought people were too critical regarding Sorry.

I do wish he would re-think the second half of Estranged, I don't like the mickey voice there. Also agree that Rocket Queen and You Could Be Mine suffer from too much mickey, but that is the way he has been singing these songs for the entire tour. People were posting last night as if he suddenly started to suck or got sick during RQ, whereas in reality he's been singing these songs in that range for some time. If given the choice between hearing these two songs with the mickey voice, or having them dropped from the set, I would choose to keep them, because they are two of my favourite GNR songs.

I thought last night's show was the best of the live streams. Highlights were You're Crazy, Nightrain, November Rain, Patience, Civil War, Shackler's.

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Some perspective ?


I've seen him live in 2010 and he sounds like SHIT nowadays in comparison while everyone else in the band sounds 100% better than they did back then.

How's that for a perspective ?

Piss poor, to be honest. I think you're way off base. Frankly, the complaining about irrelevant issues to the topic being discussed says a lot about that to me.

OMG, you people annoy me so fucking much. >.<

I just finished watching last nights stream and yes his voice is all over the place. Yet again it seems like he nails the "scream-o" parts but looses it in the mid-range (like I stated in my earlier post). He certainly looked like he gave it his fucking all though.

So I postulate this to all those bashing and defending Axl alike:

- Its not because of the mix

- He is not "saving his voice" or any other bullshit like that.

- He is not doing it on purpose for whatever reason.

- He is not "lazy" and not giving it his all (because its evident that he is)!

Its hit and miss because his voice simply can't hold up. Something seems to have gone amiss between 2010 and 2011 and he'll have to figure out how to get around it (hopefully before HOF).

Yet another overly dramatic post. THAT'S annoying.

Nothing went amiss between 2010 and 2011. The main difference I see his increased use of his falsetto, as opposed to straining his chest voice.


Edited by Ali
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The main difference I see his increased use of his falsetto, as opposed to straining his chest voice.


That was 2002.

I mean...did you hear Chinese democracy or Rocket Queen from the HOB concert ? It was painful to hear...

There's way more wrong with his performance than just falsetto and honsetly I wouldn't care if it was just that.

Besides, he uses that voice on quite a few songs on Chinese Democracy and it fits the songs so it's clearly not just that...

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Nothing is wrong with his voice. He sounds fantastic. Better than 1988 and 2010 combined. Better than ever. Axl is immaculate, perfect. There is nothing to criticise. Everyone who complains about paying 250,- dollars to hear Micky Mouse making the ever same setlist sounding a bit worse with every show just HATES the band and must be ignored or banned immediately. Real fans don't citicise their favourite band, they swallow everything. If Axl ever decides to PISS on the people in the first row, that could only be considered ART and it's your own fucking problem if you don't get it. Get it? Now bend over bitches, Mickey Mouse is gonna fuck you in the jungle baby! For 250,- dollars you can get the real thing up close and personal: The one and only Mr. Chubby McSloppy & The Guys Who Aren't Buckethead, performing your favourite AC/DC tunes for ya.

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Some perspective ?


I've seen him live in 2010 and he sounds like SHIT nowadays in comparison while everyone else in the band sounds 100% better than they did back then.

How's that for a perspective ?

Piss poor, to be honest. I think you're way off base. Frankly, the complaining about irrelevant issues to the topic being discussed says a lot about that to me.

OMG, you people annoy me so fucking much. >.<

I just finished watching last nights stream and yes his voice is all over the place. Yet again it seems like he nails the "scream-o" parts but looses it in the mid-range (like I stated in my earlier post). He certainly looked like he gave it his fucking all though.

So I postulate this to all those bashing and defending Axl alike:

- Its not because of the mix

- He is not "saving his voice" or any other bullshit like that.

- He is not doing it on purpose for whatever reason.

- He is not "lazy" and not giving it his all (because its evident that he is)!

Its hit and miss because his voice simply can't hold up. Something seems to have gone amiss between 2010 and 2011 and he'll have to figure out how to get around it (hopefully before HOF).

Yet another overly dramatic post. THAT'S annoying.

Nothing went amiss between 2010 and 2011. The main difference I see his increased use of his falsetto, as opposed to straining his chest voice.


Yet another post from you massively understating the vast difference between 2010 and 2011/2012: i.e. going from consistently career-best to consistently career-worst: THAT'S annoying. If that's not something to get excited/worried about I don't know what is. The possibility that he might sound like shit if he sings at the RRHOF makes it even more concerning, as does the possibility that he may never consistently perform at a 2010 level again. You bury your head in the sand, enjoy your streams and keep posting the same tosh over and over. The rest of us will continue having a discussion about the whys, wherefores and future of our favourite singer's voice. Preferably whilst listening to Lille 2010.

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Some perspective ?


I've seen him live in 2010 and he sounds like SHIT nowadays in comparison while everyone else in the band sounds 100% better than they did back then.

How's that for a perspective ?

Piss poor, to be honest. I think you're way off base. Frankly, the complaining about irrelevant issues to the topic being discussed says a lot about that to me.

OMG, you people annoy me so fucking much. >.<

I just finished watching last nights stream and yes his voice is all over the place. Yet again it seems like he nails the "scream-o" parts but looses it in the mid-range (like I stated in my earlier post). He certainly looked like he gave it his fucking all though.

So I postulate this to all those bashing and defending Axl alike:

- Its not because of the mix

- He is not "saving his voice" or any other bullshit like that.

- He is not doing it on purpose for whatever reason.

- He is not "lazy" and not giving it his all (because its evident that he is)!

Its hit and miss because his voice simply can't hold up. Something seems to have gone amiss between 2010 and 2011 and he'll have to figure out how to get around it (hopefully before HOF).

Yet another overly dramatic post. THAT'S annoying.

Nothing went amiss between 2010 and 2011. The main difference I see his increased use of his falsetto, as opposed to straining his chest voice.


Yet another post from you massively understating the vast difference between 2010 and 2011/2012: i.e. going from consistently career-best to consistently career-worst: THAT'S annoying. If that's not something to get excited/worried about I don't know what is. The possibility that he might sound like shit if he sings at the RRHOF makes it even more concerning, as does the possibility that he may never consistently perform at a 2010 level again. You bury your head in the sand, enjoy your streams and keep posting the same tosh over and over. The rest of us will continue having a discussion about the whys, wherefores and future of our favourite singer's voice. Preferably whilst listening to Lille 2010.

2010 was overrated. Nice try, and keep posting your "tosh" again, while not understanding the concept of subjectivity.


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Nothing went amiss between 2010 and 2011. The main difference I see his increased use of his falsetto, as opposed to straining his chest voice.


*sigh* its not the falsetto. Read my post again, I'm talking about his mid range where he sometimes (sadly) sounds like a dude going through puberty not his high pitch voice where it is clean and could be said to be a falsetto. Axl's voice has always been reliant blending his chest voice with his head voice but if you listen to his mid-range (which requires a chest voice) from last night's show it goes all over the place. He obviously tries to push out his chest voice (thus you can sometimes hear unexpected modulations in his voice) but it doesn't seem to be coming out right. Obviously something is up.

If you want to object this, fine.


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