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No Slash shirts, no top hats

GnR Chris

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So let me see if I understand this. Some people believe that either directly or indirectly, Axl has issued level-12-top-secret-classified orders to security personnel instructing them to prevent certain potential troublemakers from wearing Slash gear?

Riddle me this: Why is it not okay to have Slash gear at a GnR show, but it's okay to have a large top-of-page video thumbnail of Slash on GnR's official website official videos page?


The answer: Axl doesn't give a shit if you wear Slash gear!

Popcorn, you have turned out to be a reasonable guy. This isn't an attack on you, but I'll just copy and paste what I said to Ali:

Ali thinks that all these different individuals that work in security all over the country who are not connected in anyway crowd around before the show and say "Hey hey, we better not let anyone wearing Slash attire in. We all know how Axl called Slash a cancer when he did that interview with Del James when Chinese Democracy was the most streamed album on Myspace. I wonder how Dijon is doing? Yeh, let's take it into our own hands and create more work for ourselves and not let anyone wearing anything resembling Slash in." And Ali probably thinks this happens at all the different shows, through all the tours, throughout all the different states and countries that it has occurred at, emanating from different individuals work in security, working for different security firms, who have communicated with all of GnR's different management. Right, got ya. CHAMP.

To me, it doesn't make sense for it to be the venues choice.

And it makes me sense more sense that if it were a GN'R policy, it would be enforced so infrequently? Right, that makes sense, "champ". :rolleyes:


Axl is an erratic guy, so it makes perfect sense.Champ

So some days he's just sitting backstage thinking "hmmm, I guess today I'll tell security to tell people to not wear Slash or Appetite T-shirts." Then the next concert he doesn't give a shit? I know Axl can be erratic sometimes, but I can't see him changing his mind at every show.

Ask yourself what is more plausible. Is it Axl making the decision? Or is it multiple security workers working for various, unconnected security firms who have no vested interest in the band. A band which has seen many line up changes and many different managers. Incidents such as this one that have occurred many times over many years throughout different states and countries. Really, you really think it's just a venue rule?

Considering the relative percentage of times this has happened, along with your hand-waving argument there about his erraticness, your argument is no more plausible. Actually, considerably less.


Good for you. I'm sure you'll be up in the ranks with Jarmo very soon xx

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I don't need a comeback bro. I don't need to be Mr. defense attorney for W.Axl Rose like you do.

I'm not trying to play defense attorney "bro". I'm just pointing out the absurdity and absence of logic in your argument. Actually, you did that yourself, so thanks :thumbsup:

Axl is an erratic guy, so it makes perfect sense.Champ

So some days he's just sitting backstage thinking "hmmm, I guess today I'll tell security to tell people to not wear Slash or Appetite T-shirts." Then the next concert he doesn't give a shit? I know Axl can be erratic sometimes, but I can't see him changing his mind at every show.

EXACTLY. That's how fucking illogical that argument is.


TRUE STORY ALI!! Your previous post history shows you are totally biased and cannot be critical of the band. Hence why alot of people here consider you a joke. Oh, all the security in different parts of the world make a decision to not let people wearing Slash attire in. Yeh ok. Plausible. Have fun defending you deity.

Like I care what you or anyone else who doesn't know me thinks about me. Your argument completely fell apart when you tried to explain the inconsistency of this happening as being due to Axl's erratic nature.

When someone lacks any logical basis for their perspective, they resort to personal attacks. That about says it all.


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I don't need a comeback bro. I don't need to be Mr. defense attorney for W.Axl Rose like you do.

I'm not trying to play defense attorney "bro". I'm just pointing out the absurdity and absence of logic in your argument. Actually, you did that yourself, so thanks :thumbsup:

Axl is an erratic guy, so it makes perfect sense.Champ

So some days he's just sitting backstage thinking "hmmm, I guess today I'll tell security to tell people to not wear Slash or Appetite T-shirts." Then the next concert he doesn't give a shit? I know Axl can be erratic sometimes, but I can't see him changing his mind at every show.

EXACTLY. That's how fucking illogical that argument is.


TRUE STORY ALI!! Your previous post history shows you are totally biased and cannot be critical of the band. Hence why alot of people here consider you a joke. Oh, all the security in different parts of the world make a decision to not let people wearing Slash attire in. Yeh ok. Plausible. Have fun defending you deity.

Like I care what you or anyone else who doesn't know me thinks about me. Your argument completely fell apart when you tried to explain the inconsistency of this happening as being due to Axl's erratic nature.

When someone lacks any logical basis for their perspective, they resort to personal attacks. That about says it all.



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So let me see if I understand this. Some people believe that either directly or indirectly, Axl has issued level-12-top-secret-classified orders to security personnel instructing them to prevent certain potential troublemakers from wearing Slash gear?

Riddle me this: Why is it not okay to have Slash gear at a GnR show, but it's okay to have a large top-of-page video thumbnail of Slash on GnR's official website official videos page?


The answer: Axl doesn't give a shit if you wear Slash gear!

Popcorn, you have turned out to be a reasonable guy. This isn't an attack on you, but I'll just copy and paste what I said to Ali:

Ali thinks that all these different individuals that work in security all over the country who are not connected in anyway crowd around before the show and say "Hey hey, we better not let anyone wearing Slash attire in. We all know how Axl called Slash a cancer when he did that interview with Del James when Chinese Democracy was the most streamed album on Myspace. I wonder how Dijon is doing? Yeh, let's take it into our own hands and create more work for ourselves and not let anyone wearing anything resembling Slash in." And Ali probably thinks this happens at all the different shows, through all the tours, throughout all the different states and countries that it has occurred at, emanating from different individuals work in security, working for different security firms, who have communicated with all of GnR's different management. Right, got ya. CHAMP.

To me, it doesn't make sense for it to be the venues choice.

And it makes me sense more sense that if it were a GN'R policy, it would be enforced so infrequently? Right, that makes sense, "champ". :rolleyes:


Axl is an erratic guy, so it makes perfect sense.Champ

So some days he's just sitting backstage thinking "hmmm, I guess today I'll tell security to tell people to not wear Slash or Appetite T-shirts." Then the next concert he doesn't give a shit? I know Axl can be erratic sometimes, but I can't see him changing his mind at every show.

Ask yourself what is more plausible. Is it Axl making the decision? Or is it multiple security workers working for various, unconnected security firms who have no vested interest in the band. A band which has seen many line up changes and many different managers. Incidents such as this one that have occurred many times over many years throughout different states and countries. Really, you really think it's just a venue rule?

Considering the relative percentage of times this has happened, along with your hand-waving argument there about his erraticness, your argument is no more plausible. Actually, considerably less.


Good for you. I'm sure you'll be up in the ranks with Jarmo very soon xx

See the previous post on personal attacks. You have no leg to stand on in your argument :thumbsup:


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So let me see if I understand this. Some people believe that either directly or indirectly, Axl has issued level-12-top-secret-classified orders to security personnel instructing them to prevent certain potential troublemakers from wearing Slash gear?

Riddle me this: Why is it not okay to have Slash gear at a GnR show, but it's okay to have a large top-of-page video thumbnail of Slash on GnR's official website official videos page?


The answer: Axl doesn't give a shit if you wear Slash gear!

Popcorn, you have turned out to be a reasonable guy. This isn't an attack on you, but I'll just copy and paste what I said to Ali:

Ali thinks that all these different individuals that work in security all over the country who are not connected in anyway crowd around before the show and say "Hey hey, we better not let anyone wearing Slash attire in. We all know how Axl called Slash a cancer when he did that interview with Del James when Chinese Democracy was the most streamed album on Myspace. I wonder how Dijon is doing? Yeh, let's take it into our own hands and create more work for ourselves and not let anyone wearing anything resembling Slash in." And Ali probably thinks this happens at all the different shows, through all the tours, throughout all the different states and countries that it has occurred at, emanating from different individuals work in security, working for different security firms, who have communicated with all of GnR's different management. Right, got ya. CHAMP.

To me, it doesn't make sense for it to be the venues choice.

And it makes me sense more sense that if it were a GN'R policy, it would be enforced so infrequently? Right, that makes sense, "champ". :rolleyes:


Axl is an erratic guy, so it makes perfect sense.Champ

So some days he's just sitting backstage thinking "hmmm, I guess today I'll tell security to tell people to not wear Slash or Appetite T-shirts." Then the next concert he doesn't give a shit? I know Axl can be erratic sometimes, but I can't see him changing his mind at every show.

Ask yourself what is more plausible. Is it Axl making the decision? Or is it multiple security workers working for various, unconnected security firms who have no vested interest in the band. A band which has seen many line up changes and many different managers. Incidents such as this one that have occurred many times over many years throughout different states and countries. Really, you really think it's just a venue rule?

Considering the relative percentage of times this has happened, along with your hand-waving argument there about his erraticness, your argument is no more plausible. Actually, considerably less.


Good for you. I'm sure you'll be up in the ranks with Jarmo very soon xx

See the previous post on personal attacks. You have no leg to stand on in your argument :thumbsup:


xx oo

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I was there last night, got there at 10 am yesterday to wait in line. I heard no mention of anything to do with any 'Appetite' shirts, but the asshole security guards came down the stairs 10 min before doors opened, and said "no tophats, no Slash shirts", said it was "Axl's rules". Doubt it. Another thing that pissed me off severely was the camera policy. Called ahead of time and all day everyone told us cameras were allowed, just not professional or detachable lens. Yet, again, 10 minutes before opening, they say absolutely ZERO cameras, none. So everyone flipped out. Thankfully the venue manager put ours up for us. And then after the show started, this super asshole guard right in front of Axl, if he even seen you with your phone out, he'd reach over and smack your hands down. He was being a real fucker about it. At one point, he was getting really rough and Axl called him out on it, and we all cracked up laughing, and everyone pulled out their phones at the same time. Venue says these are band rules, band says these are venue rules, I have no idea. They need to come to some consensus well before showtime, though...

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The band could clear it by stipulating to the venue/security before hand that tophats etc doesn't matter, just to clear it once and for all

You should read Powerage's post on the blatant disconnect he witnessed first-hand between venue security and the band and its management. Mr Young Gun should too for that matter.


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And it makes me sense more sense that if it were a GN'R policy, it would be enforced so infrequently? Right, that makes sense, "champ". :rolleyes:


It makes no sense for random clubs to have the same policy only at GN'R shows. Therefore you ARE WRONG. Go back to HTGTH suckup.

Edited by 31illusion
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And it makes me sense more sense that if it were a GN'R policy, it would be enforced so infrequently? Right, that makes sense, "champ". :rolleyes:


It makes no sense for random clubs to have the same policy only at GN'R shows. Therefore you ARE WRONG. Go back to HTGTH suckup.

Witty retort. I assume you know for a fact that this type of thing has never happened with any other band at all of these venues?


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And it makes me sense more sense that if it were a GN'R policy, it would be enforced so infrequently? Right, that makes sense, "champ". :rolleyes:


It makes no sense for random clubs to have the same policy only at GN'R shows. Therefore you ARE WRONG. Go back to HTGTH suckup.

So how do you explain what I outlined in my post back on page 4 or 5? Venue security telling Fernando that people can't take pictures even when he requested they could on behalf of the band/management. Venues telling me it was a band policy that banners aren't allowed, and then Axl motions for me to throw mine onstage so he can show it to the whole crowd. There's no logic in either of those scenarios if these are indeed band policies.

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And it makes me sense more sense that if it were a GN'R policy, it would be enforced so infrequently? Right, that makes sense, "champ". :rolleyes:


It makes no sense for random clubs to have the same policy only at GN'R shows. Therefore you ARE WRONG. Go back to HTGTH suckup.

So how do you explain what I outlined in my post back on page 4 or 5? Venue security telling Fernando that people can't take pictures even when he requested they could on behalf of the band/management. Venues telling me it was a band policy that banners aren't allowed, and then Axl motions for me to throw mine onstage so he can show it to the whole crowd. There's no logic in either of those scenarios if these are indeed band policies.

If there ever was proof of a disconnect existing between the band and venue/security, there it is.


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Was that the moment when Axl said "They're fine guy"?

Yes, he was referring to the guard hitting peoples hands. If you watch the stream, he was the bald guard right in front of Axl. Richard called him out, it was shortly after someone threw a shirt and it barely grazed Richard, he bent down to one of the other security guards and said "don't do anything them" and made like a "cut it out" hand motion. It was pretty obvious the venue security had a different agenda...

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These are smaller venues. It's much different to wear a tophat at the Forum then at a 3,000 seat standing room only venue.

Guaranteed it's Axl's rules. He has always done this stuff. He did it at House of Blues in 2000. They confiscated cameras. Security told me personally Axl said he would stop the show with a camera.

In 2001 they had Slash removed.

Axl is a complete control freak and I would be highly surprised if the venue security gave a rat's ass about an Appetite for Destruction T-Shirt....Axl controls everything.

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Knowing how much Slash has tried to ruin Axl's life, I don't see how any fan of Axl's could wear a Slash shirt period, let alone to a concert. Live by the sword, die by it. Personally, I think it's cool that Axl refuses to play by anybody's rules. He doesn't take shit from anybody. Not record executives, not leakers, not even concert cupcakes.

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These are smaller venues. It's much different to wear a tophat at the Forum then at a 3,000 seat standing room only venue.

Guaranteed it's Axl's rules. He has always done this stuff. He did it at House of Blues in 2000. They confiscated cameras. Security told me personally Axl said he would stop the show with a camera.

In 2001 they had Slash removed.

Axl is a complete control freak and I would be highly surprised if the venue security gave a rat's ass about an Appetite for Destruction T-Shirt....Axl controls everything.

Cameras are different, though. Axl has admitted to and explained the policy on cameras. Not letting Slash in is also not the same thing. I saw someone at the Joint wearing a Slash tophat. It isn't just large venues.


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TRUE STORY ALI!! Your previous post history shows you are totally biased and cannot be critical of the band. Hence why alot of people here consider you a joke

post history shows you are totally biased and cannot be critical of the band.

couldn't agree more , Ali your arguments are well relayed and spoken , but imo this is so true .

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