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GNR facebook rant


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Easy answer to the Ebay Scum problem - Ebay Scumbag "Axl can i get you to sign this guitar ?". Axl " What's your favourite song off Chinese Democracy and which song do we end our live gigs with?". Ebay Scumbag " :( ??? ".

Ive fixed your post for you

Ebay Scumbag "Axl can i get you to sign this guitar ?".

Axl " What's your favourite song off Chinese Democracy and which song do we end our live gigs with?".

Ebay Scumbag "Sorry I dont have a favorite of Chinese Democracy. I prefer the old stuff. And I havent been to a

gig cos its not really the same without Slash and the rest of the guys. Whoa hold up, keep back keep back, put the guitar down man OUCH. Fuck he's biting me, HE FUCKING BIT ME!!!

Ha ! I will continue this with Ebay Scumbag sawing off his bitten body part to sell on Ebay. :)

Ebay listing : Axl Rose bite mark and DNA embedded in my forearm - hmm, but how would Ebay Scumbag replicate this to sell fake ones ?

I know questioning people is a bit ridiculous - i guess if people buy this autographed crap then ultimately its their decision.

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There was really no good that could've come from posting this. Every celebrity, band, athlete, etc. has to deal with this stuff, not just Guns N' Roses. It comes with the territory of being a popular public figure and it's a part of the world we live in. Who gives a fuck what people do with stuff they get signed? Once it's out of your hands, it's out of your hands. It just seems stupid to even talk about this.

And there's no doubt that this post directly relates to Axl. I'm not saying he wrote it, but these are definitely his sentiments. First there was the video of him cursing people off who were asking for autographs and then he Tweeted a few weeks ago how he hates eBayers who sell shit that he signs. I really don't understand why he cares so much about this issue considering there are like 400 other things that should be garnering his attention.

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There was really no good that could've come from posting this. Every celebrity, band, athlete, etc. has to deal with this stuff, not just Guns N' Roses. It comes with the territory of being a popular public figure and it's a part of the world we live in. Who gives a fuck what people do with stuff they get signed? Once it's out of your hands, it's out of your hands. It just seems stupid to even talk about this.

And there's no doubt that this post directly relates to Axl. I'm not saying he wrote it, but these are definitely his sentiments. First there was the video of him cursing people off who were asking for autographs and then he Tweeted a few weeks ago how he hates eBayers who sell shit that he signs. I really don't understand why he cares so much about this issue considering there are like 400 other things that should be garnering his attention.

We have a winner. Rather than talking about a future album or what the fuck is going on with the band, they decide to shed light on this trivial topic.

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There was really no good that could've come from posting this. Every celebrity, band, athlete, etc. has to deal with this stuff, not just Guns N' Roses. It comes with the territory of being a popular public figure and it's a part of the world we live in. Who gives a fuck what people do with stuff they get signed? Once it's out of your hands, it's out of your hands. It just seems stupid to even talk about this.

And there's no doubt that this post directly relates to Axl. I'm not saying he wrote it, but these are definitely his sentiments. First there was the video of him cursing people off who were asking for autographs and then he Tweeted a few weeks ago how he hates eBayers who sell shit that he signs. I really don't understand why he cares so much about this issue considering there are like 400 other things that should be garnering his attention.

Yes, yes and yes.

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A simple solution would be to put some signed items on the GNR official store at normal price

cut out the opportunity for the Autograph hunters to make a dollar

Or just do the Ted Nugent thing

Dick Dale actually does that too; if you buy something at the merch table and get it signed it's no charge, but if you bring something from home to have signed it's $10...even if you're still buying something at the merch table. It kind of pissed me off at first, but I got thinking he might be doing it to cover his medical bills since he's been really sick again lately...he's certainly not particularly well off money-wise.

He's also played shows at local community events all over SoCal, but some bands charge extra for signed stuff, sometimes it's pre-signed.

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A simple solution would be to put some signed items on the GNR official store at normal price

cut out the opportunity for the Autograph hunters to make a dollar

Or just do the Ted Nugent thing

Dick Dale actually does that too; if you buy something at the merch table and get it signed it's no charge, but if you bring something from home to have signed it's $10...even if you're still buying something at the merch table. It kind of pissed me off at first, but I got thinking he might be doing it to cover his medical bills since he's been really sick again lately...he's certainly not particularly well off money-wise.

He's also played shows at local community events all over SoCal, but some bands charge extra for signed stuff, sometimes it's pre-signed.

Disgusting ethics from Ted Nugent.... Seriously, just don't bother signing. It's better than CHARGING. Just say "I don't sign" or "I don't do Ebays" and walk off like Scott Weiland.

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dude, I used to dislike fernando too. Until I saw him in Rock in Rio. That dude worked his ass off that night whipping the water out of the stage during the concert, he covered most of the monitors himself, the dude really knows his place. He just put his head down and helped out a lot, even if he could just tell the stage production to do it all.

Of course, otherwise Daddy Axl would've removed his entire family from the Rose Mansion. Still a weakling hanger-on. :shrugs:

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dude, I used to dislike fernando too. Until I saw him in Rock in Rio. That dude worked his ass off that night whipping the water out of the stage during the concert, he covered most of the monitors himself, the dude really knows his place. He just put his head down and helped out a lot, even if he could just tell the stage production to do it all.

Of course, otherwise Daddy Axl would've removed his entire family from the Rose Mansion. Still a weakling hanger-on. :shrugs:

Lol you do have a good point. I'm not saying Fernando doesn't do his job or whatever, but he is VERY VERY well compensated...

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Lol you do have a good point. I'm not saying Fernando doesn't do his job or whatever, but he is VERY VERY well compensated...

Out of curiosity, how is he compensated?

Lives in a mansion, gets paid a managers salary(although that may be split 3 ways), tours the world, gets his friends into VIP, all the rock n' roll perks, drives nice cars, etc etc. I'm not sure how old he is, maybe late 20's but I say he is living a fairly fruitful life wouldn't you?

Edited by Young_Gun
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Lol you do have a good point. I'm not saying Fernando doesn't do his job or whatever, but he is VERY VERY well compensated...

Out of curiosity, how is he compensated?

Lives in a mansion, gets paid a managers salary(although that may be split 3 ways), tours the world, gets his friends into VIP, all the rock n' roll perks, drives nice cars, etc etc. I'm not sure how old he is, maybe late 20's but I say he is living a fairly fruitful life wouldn't you?

I have no idea about the life he is leading. And without a full disclosure of the compensation he is having, including wages, and his responsibilities, I am reluctant to conclude.

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Lol you do have a good point. I'm not saying Fernando doesn't do his job or whatever, but he is VERY VERY well compensated...

Out of curiosity, how is he compensated?

Lives in a mansion, gets paid a managers salary(although that may be split 3 ways), tours the world, gets his friends into VIP, all the rock n' roll perks, drives nice cars, etc etc. I'm not sure how old he is, maybe late 20's but I say he is living a fairly fruitful life wouldn't you?

I have no idea about the life he is leading. And without a full disclosure of the compensation he is having, including wages, and his responsibilities, I am reluctant to conclude.

That's why I was conservative with my answer. I could have said he is making millions a year and has everything paid for but I just told you what is evident. He lives very comfortably from what I have seen. It's safe to say he is getting at least the standard managers salary(again probably split 3 ways) which is about 20% of the gross income of the band. He does live with Axl. He does have nice cars as seen on his photos. His friends have been seen in the VIP sections. He does tour with Guns etc.

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Lol you do have a good point. I'm not saying Fernando doesn't do his job or whatever, but he is VERY VERY well compensated...

Out of curiosity, how is he compensated?

Lives in a mansion, gets paid a managers salary(although that may be split 3 ways), tours the world, gets his friends into VIP, all the rock n' roll perks, drives nice cars, etc etc. I'm not sure how old he is, maybe late 20's but I say he is living a fairly fruitful life wouldn't you?

I have no idea about the life he is leading. And without a full disclosure of the compensation he is having, including wages, and his responsibilities, I am reluctant to conclude.

That's why I was conservative with my answer. I could have said he is making millions a year and has everything paid for but I just told you what is evident. He lives very comfortably from what I have seen. It's safe to say he is getting at least the standard managers salary(again probably split 3 ways) which is about 20% of the gross income of the band. He does live with Axl. He does have nice cars as seen on his photos. His friends have been seen in the VIP sections. He does tour with Guns etc.

I guess that is high life for most people :). I think I would demand a pretty stiff monetary compensation for having to deal with Axl on a daily basis and having to be on continuous tours.

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There was really no good that could've come from posting this. Every celebrity, band, athlete, etc. has to deal with this stuff, not just Guns N' Roses. It comes with the territory of being a popular public figure and it's a part of the world we live in. Who gives a fuck what people do with stuff they get signed? Once it's out of your hands, it's out of your hands. It just seems stupid to even talk about this.

And there's no doubt that this post directly relates to Axl. I'm not saying he wrote it, but these are definitely his sentiments. First there was the video of him cursing people off who were asking for autographs and then he Tweeted a few weeks ago how he hates eBayers who sell shit that he signs. I really don't understand why he cares so much about this issue considering there are like 400 other things that should be garnering his attention.

Basically. If he put his energy into writing and recording tracks instead of trivial stuff like this he could be so much more productive. Sometimes I think it's a way to distract from havin to talk about a new album or take subject away from fact they've no new album but that may be overanalysing haha but this band will have you doing that!!

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Has no other artist in history ever complained about hateful reviews or about e-bay loving hounds inflicting themselves upon them? I would imagine GN'R wouldn't be the first or the last to complain about this. They deal with this stuff often enough but its not as if they rant about it every day.

This argument of "oh you signed up for this, so shut up about it" is entirely unconvincing. People use the same argument when celebrities complain about paparazzi harassment as if everybody "signed up" for weirdos going through their trash or crashing their private events. By that logic, you can take things as far as you want and keep telling the celebrity in question to shut up because "culture" has re-defined the "responsibilities" of celebrities to include whatever it is you want it to include and that's just the way it is.

I doubt that any artist quite "signs up" for reviewers that act as if acknowledging anything positive about a show would destroy their soul or for unnecessary jostling by people who are not fans but standing in the fans' way or for blood-sucking record company officials/lawyers/managers etc. Its prevalent in the business so artists try to deal with it but that in no way takes away their right to be annoyed and to say so.

Has nobody on this forum ever complained about a bad boss or colleague or a lab partner or group member in college who doesn't carry his weight but you still have to work with? When you sign up for work or enter school, you know these conditions can happen so does that mean you cant say anything if you face them? That sounds ridiculous to me.

No one signs up to lose their privacy.


Also, on another note, how many times has Axl or GN'R complained about this E-bay thing? Twice or thrice? Doesnt seem like its such an overwhelmingly pervasive concern for him that it should stand in the way of his getting anything done, as some posters here seem to be saying.

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There was really no good that could've come from posting this. Every celebrity, band, athlete, etc. has to deal with this stuff, not just Guns N' Roses. It comes with the territory of being a popular public figure and it's a part of the world we live in. Who gives a fuck what people do with stuff they get signed? Once it's out of your hands, it's out of your hands. It just seems stupid to even talk about this.

And there's no doubt that this post directly relates to Axl. I'm not saying he wrote it, but these are definitely his sentiments. First there was the video of him cursing people off who were asking for autographs and then he Tweeted a few weeks ago how he hates eBayers who sell shit that he signs. I really don't understand why he cares so much about this issue considering there are like 400 other things that should be garnering his attention.

Great great post

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