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How do you think Axl should combat the eBayers?

ITW 2012

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Just stop complaining about it. Who gives a fuck what people do after you sign stuff? Seriously, it's not even a big deal. People sell stuff all the time, it happens. That's what happens when you're famous. If it bothers him that much then stop signing everything altogether. There are a million other pressing issues I wish he would care this much about that are way more important than eBayers selling his signature.

I'm glad he's complaining about it, and I hope he does something about it. I think it's great that he still gives out free autographs at a time when many celebrities and athletes won't sign a thing without charging a huge fee. Can you blame him for being pissed? Here he is trying to give back to the fans by signing stuff FOR FREE, and the motherfucking ebayers are turning around and making the profit that Axl is graciously declining to make? Fuck that.

And it would fucking piss me off if I had an opportunity to take a picture with him, say a few words to him or get something signed but couldn't get near him because he's fucking surrounded by fucking moneyhungry profitseeking motherfucker ebayers.

Axl is supporting his fans by taking a stance against ebayers, therefore fans should be supporting Axl on this subject.

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people are coming round to understanding that Axl is the real deal, the Lennon of his generation. that's how it's played out. even after the perceived lay off. I think he really needs to up security but maybe it's hard n theatre tour. there's no issue if he doesn't sign anything. it's the getting hunted part, not the stuff on ebay?

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How do you think Axl should combat the eBayers? From what I've read, it seems to me as if they are really pissing him off on this tour. I'm thinking that he should just sign a few thousand pics and sell them on eBay himself. Or maybe they could sell them on their official site.

All he has to say is "whose name shoud I make it out to" when asked for an autograph.

I know when I got him to sign a couple of things for me a few years ago I asked him specifically to put my name on it.

Exactly. Most of the things I've gotten signed by artists or actors at horror conventions ask you your name and they sign it to you and their name.

I think those people who get stuff signed by Axl or any other famous person and then sell it on ebay are dicks! I've met so many of my favorite bands and tv and movie actors that it's an honor to get some thing signed by them and have a picture taken. I think it's very cool that they want to do conventions or signings at hot topic or whatever and meet their fans, so I treasure everything I have. I made a scrapebook of all the people I"ve met.

They are not real fans who get stuff signed and then sell it. It's like those sons of bitches who buy up all the good concert seats and then try to sell them on ebay for much much more money. They shouldn't allow them to do that.

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How do you think Axl should combat the eBayers? From what I've read, it seems to me as if they are really pissing him off on this tour. I'm thinking that he should just sign a few thousand pics and sell them on eBay himself. Or maybe they could sell them on their official site.

Not something really we as fans need to worry about.

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