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GN'R confusing tweet..


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Stupid fuckin shit..

Yeah you tell those GNR people how to English!

Well did any1 of them graduate high school?

<_< now that's cold

No shit, fuck Axl himself never did. I fail to see a point hear on that. If you have ever met any of the people some are bashing you would know different, but no just keep on assuming things you have no idea about.

This ^^^ :thumbsup:

A high school diploma is no guarantee of success or intelligence. Technically Americans do not speak English,we speak American and that dialect varies within America.

Takes no guts to insult someone you don't know facelessly and anonymously on the internet,it's not clever it's cowardly.

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Vanessa seems shy, saw her once in person up close but didn't want to bother her after the show... she walked off when her bf came to get her anyway.

Yeah she is shy unless she knows you. It was nice to see her again in Hamilton last time around cause she knew us and gave out some big hugs :)

She is VERY friendly and very pretty (shh don't tell Fernando I said that LOL)

Edited by gunsguy
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Stupid fuckin shit..

Yeah you tell those GNR people how to English!

Well did any1 of them graduate high school?

<_< now that's cold

No shit, fuck Axl himself never did. I fail to see a point hear on that. If you have ever met any of the people some are bashing you would know different, but no just keep on assuming things you have no idea about.

oh I agree, oh wait you weren't really talking to me though lol and the first part you said is why I said what I said cause that's what came to mind initially

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Stupid fuckin shit..

Yeah you tell those GNR people how to English!

Well did any1 of them graduate high school?

<_< now that's cold

No shit, fuck Axl himself never did. I fail to see a point hear on that. If you have ever met any of the people some are bashing you would know different, but no just keep on assuming things you have no idea about.

oh I agree, oh wait you weren't really talking to me though lol and the first part you said is why I said what I said cause that's what came to mind initially

Sorry that was more meant for AxlRose14 :)

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Vanessa seems shy, saw her once in person up close but didn't want to bother her after the show... she walked off when her bf came to get her anyway.

Yeah she is shy unless she knows you. It was nice to see her again in Hamilton last time around cause she knew us and gave out some big hugs :)

She is VERY friendly and very pretty (shh don't tell Fernando I said that LOL)

Gasp! A Secwet :xmassrudolph:

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Vanessa seems shy, saw her once in person up close but didn't want to bother her after the show... she walked off when her bf came to get her anyway.

Yeah she is shy unless she knows you. It was nice to see her again in Hamilton last time around cause she knew us and gave out some big hugs :)

She is VERY friendly and very pretty (shh don't tell Fernando I said that LOL)

Gasp! A Secwet :xmassrudolph:

Venessa is a lot of fun. We had a good ol time in 2007 in Adelaide. She is such a champion. I didn't pick her to be shy whatsoever.

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So all this time I have been thinking it is either Axl, Del, Fernando and it isn't either ANY of them, how about the facebook page same guy? :rofl-lol:.

It is likely many people, not one. Just sayin.

No I'm pretty sure it's just Nik handling the Twitter...


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ObviouslY it shows who has and has not met Vanessa and Fernando and the rest of the crew.

Vanessa is one of the sweetest, most down to earth persons on this crew. Plus, she also has a great Memory. Fernando is super laid back unless you're forcing shit in Axl's face. Tony is a prett cool dude too with a mean look (Head Security). The rest of the clan are all super cool, not gonna sit and name each one off.

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Why doesn't Vanessa ever talk? I am more interested in what she says.

She does, but not too often. I too would love to hear much more from her, but she's like that so no biggie. She's a goddamn sweetie :) I've never seen anybody badmouthing her anywhere, which is great.

She is VERY friendly and very pretty

Haha, she's actually very very preeeeeeetty pretty & frieeeeeeeeeendly indeed :heart:

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Why doesn't Vanessa ever talk? I am more interested in what she says.

She does, but not too often. I too would love to hear much more from her, but she's like that so no biggie. She's a goddamn sweetie :) I've never seen anybody badmouthing her anywhere, which is great.

She is VERY friendly and very pretty

Haha, she's actually very very preeeeeeetty pretty & frieeeeeeeeeendly indeed :heart:

I am sure users on here would rather talk to her than Fernando. She makes a damn good body guard for Axl. :rofl-lol:

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I think about a week before the media will start coming out with stories like GNR 2012 not a patch on og line up and Axl is nixing the Hof. Axl is evil etc.

Yes,undoubtedly wasted.

Some journalists,along with most Lawyers are professional liars.


That's some cute little bunny but worst meme ever.

Cruise the internet,I've seen worse ;)

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ObviouslY it shows who has and has not met Vanessa and Fernando and the rest of the crew.

Vanessa is one of the sweetest, most down to earth persons on this crew. Plus, she also has a great Memory. Fernando is super laid back unless you're forcing shit in Axl's face. Tony is a prett cool dude too with a mean look (Head Security). The rest of the clan are all super cool, not gonna sit and name each one off.


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