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A comparison to Metallica


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Do you know that since the new admins took over,we've had more complaints about you than anyone else?

You've also had more users step forward to praise my posts than any other poster here. I'm sure plenty of people complain about me. I'm exposing the cupcakes left and right.

But there are PLENTY of people that appreciate it and many of them have spoken up.

And whether you guys realize it or not, the very vocal minority that dislikes me is completely outnumbered by the casual users who are being turned off by the cupcakes.

They're posting less and less. They're checking out the site less and less. This site will slowly die off if something isn't done.

I am not the problem. Someone like me has been needed for a long time, because most fans do not have the time, energy or determination to fight all of these cupcakes, especially when 20 of them gang up on you.

They will not take the time to do what I do, they'll simply lose interest in the site.

And I hope those who run this place realize there are many more people here being turned off by all the cupcakes than there are people being turned off by me. The same people ruining this place are the people who complain about me, because I make their agenda less convenient.

Oh look,another thread has turned into the MSL show..imagine that.

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Guest Gunns

I enjoy reading msls posts as he sheds light and supports what he says with facts and corrects the cupcakes that are just here to spew shit at the current band.

Sure sometimes Msl comes across as a bit obnoxious, but I think when you compare his posts which are often based on facts, against the cupcake threads like who hates Axl and what is Axls shoe size, then I welcome Msls contributions any day of the week.

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How arrogant must one be to make a comment stating that this board Is going to slowly die off If something isn't done and the board has needed someone like him for a long time. I'm not sure I have ever heard anyone feel so self Important.

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I enjoy reading msls posts as he sheds light and supports what he says with facts and corrects the cupcakes that are just here to spew shit at the current band.

Sure sometimes Msl comes across as a bit obnoxious, but I think when you compare his posts which are often based on facts, against the cupcake threads like who hates Axl and what is Axls shoe size, then I welcome Msls contributions any day of the week.


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Here's a comparison:

Dave Mustaine is to Metallica as Slash is to Guns n Roses.

The best lead guitarist either band have ever had and never should have let go of?

A Hetfield/Mustaine/Burton/Ulrich lineup, if it worked, would have easily beat Sabbath as the all-time benchmark metal band. No question IMO.

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Here's a comparison:

Dave Mustaine is to Metallica as Slash is to Guns n Roses.

The best lead guitarist either band have ever had and never should have let go of?

A Hetfield/Mustaine/Burton/Ulrich lineup, if it worked, would have easily beat Sabbath as the all-time benchmark metal band. No question IMO.

i dont know about passing sabbath but a hetfield/mustaine/burton/ulrich lineup would have been amazing. then again maybe it is better they went their seperate ways metallica did great made 4 killer and classic albums and megadeth went on to make classic albums as well win/win situation lol

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but see, this is a classic example of why the "cashgrab" shit you guys throw at axl is so laughable.

metallica is one of the KINGS of the cashgrab. so while some of you are praising all their DVDs, EPs, etc, you're overlooking that metallica releases so many of these things because it's an easy way to squeeze some extra money out of the hardcore fans.

which is FINE. nobody is being forced to buy them. i have no problem with it.

i just think it's hilarious when some of these terms are thrown around so inaccurately.

if GNR was going for the easy cashgrab, you would have LESS complaints and MORE satisfied fans.


You talk about how GNR treats their fans, but after almost every show I see posts here from people who met the band after the show and were thrilled with how well they were treated.

So maybe your choice of words isn't quite correct.

So what are you exactly saying.

That a band that produces a lot of music for their fans is a bad thing.....because they are just trying to make money by producing music they know THEIR FANS....I mean, the masses, will purchase?

I can't quite wrap my head around why anybody thinks that is a bad thing. So if Axl releases 6 albums and 4 EPs in the next 15 years that is bad for Axl and GnR fans. And we as fans should be happy that our favorite singer rarely releases music, because that means he cares more about the integrity of a song, rather than his fans. Hhmm.

Only in the world of GnR do fans praise artists who don't release music, and bash bands that give their fans music.

And you complain about fans on here.

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Here's a comparison:

Dave Mustaine is to Metallica as Slash is to Guns n Roses.

The best lead guitarist either band have ever had and never should have let go of?

A Hetfield/Mustaine/Burton/Ulrich lineup, if it worked, would have easily beat Sabbath as the all-time benchmark metal band. No question IMO.

i dont know about passing sabbath but a hetfield/mustaine/burton/ulrich lineup would have been amazing. then again maybe it is better they went their seperate ways metallica did great made 4 killer and classic albums and megadeth went on to make classic albums as well win/win situation lol

Like I get that and yeah sure two of the greatest metal bands ever came out of it nevertheless and say what you want about Metallica but the only bands more revered than them are Sabbath and Maiden, if not equally. But those four together would have been like an untouchable entity IMO, like the Beatles of metal. The possibilities would have been endless. But I am talking retrospectively, duh.

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Here's a comparison:

Dave Mustaine is to Metallica as Slash is to Guns n Roses.

The best lead guitarist either band have ever had and never should have let go of?

A Hetfield/Mustaine/Burton/Ulrich lineup, if it worked, would have easily beat Sabbath as the all-time benchmark metal band. No question IMO.

i dont know about passing sabbath but a hetfield/mustaine/burton/ulrich lineup would have been amazing. then again maybe it is better they went their seperate ways metallica did great made 4 killer and classic albums and megadeth went on to make classic albums as well win/win situation lol

Like I get that and yeah sure two of the greatest metal bands ever came out of it nevertheless and say what you want about Metallica but the only bands more revered than them are Sabbath and Maiden, if not equally. But those four together would have been like an untouchable entity IMO, like the Beatles of metal. The possibilities would have been endless. But I am talking retrospectively, duh.

it wouild have been cool no doubt i just would wonder what it would have sounded like :lol:

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Well obviously Kill Em All and RTL, title track are just the start. Nothing you call crap by any means. Not to mention RTL is one of the best on that album.

RTL is my favorite song off the album. the sound im more talking about into the late 80s and into the 90s. megadeth changed their sound as did metallica would have been intersting to see what would have happend as time went on

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How arrogant must one be to make a comment stating that this board Is going to slowly die off If something isn't done and the board has needed someone like him for a long time. I'm not sure I have ever heard anyone feel so self Important.

Exactly. Great post. Posters like him are sucking the fun out of the forum.

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How arrogant must one be to make a comment stating that this board Is going to slowly die off If something isn't done and the board has needed someone like him for a long time. I'm not sure I have ever heard anyone feel so self Important.

Exactly. Great post. Posters like him are sucking the fun out of the forum.

He has a point though, he's one of the very few New GNR fans who are as dedicated as those Old GNR fans who attempt to run forums. Without him, I think the discussions would be imbalanced.

As obnoxiously as he posts, he's rarely wrong and is the only one who cares enough to check the facts and call out people when they post incorrect things. It's not often when someone with as much passion for defending Axl as some of you have for attacking Axl comes around and when one does, everyone freaks out.

Edited by ItsSuchACrimeUKnowItsJAKE
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I am not the problem. Someone like me has been needed for a long time, because most fans do not have the time, energy or determination to fight all of these cupcakes, especially when 20 of them gang up on you.

Are you serious? :rofl-lol:


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but see, this is a classic example of why the "cashgrab" shit you guys throw at axl is so laughable.

metallica is one of the KINGS of the cashgrab. so while some of you are praising all their DVDs, EPs, etc, you're overlooking that metallica releases so many of these things because it's an easy way to squeeze some extra money out of the hardcore fans.

which is FINE. nobody is being forced to buy them. i have no problem with it.

i just think it's hilarious when some of these terms are thrown around so inaccurately.

if GNR was going for the easy cashgrab, you would have LESS complaints and MORE satisfied fans.


You talk about how GNR treats their fans, but after almost every show I see posts here from people who met the band after the show and were thrilled with how well they were treated.

So maybe your choice of words isn't quite correct.

But again, that's not even where the whole nostalgic cashgrabbing jab even stems from. The reason most people use nostalgic cash grab as a negative term towards the nu band is because; they're touring with a set list of 75% or so of songs they had fuck all to do with, and that's what people are paying to see.They're specifically cashing in on songs of yesteryear they didn't contribute jack shit to, case in point; nostalgia. And they've been a "band" for much longer. Even with the CD songs, Fortus, Bumble, and Frank came in later, the latter at the very end where these songs were already pretty established (based on the demos that were leaked) and their contributions seemed to be pretty minimal. Ashba hasn't contributed to dick yet. Again, I have no problem with Axl playing the hits he helped create, but the set list should be a little more balanced by now between classic songs and nu songs. Give the nu band an identity of their own, and show us they can put asses in the seats based on their own material, rather than just continuing to live in the old band's shadow. At least if the old band were back together playing these songs, it will be the actual inventors behind the music. The ones that did contribute to songs people actually pay to see. Not an essentially glorified cover band. Not necessarily because they're bad playing the songs, but because a cover's still a cover. (Just because I didn't feel like typing it again, no offense). You could consider that a nostalgic cash grab, but at least it would be with the people who actually earned that right. Who helped made it nostalgic in the first place. If you don't agree with that, fine, but for the majority of people that do, at least try to understand where they're coming from in terms of this. This goes beyond the Axl VS Slash pissing contest, at least for me.

I mean, again, the plan was to move "GNR" forward, wasn't it? Not to just stand in the old band's shadow for 11 years and counting. It's an undeniable fact that Axl's still relying on way too many old school songs to fill up the set list. I understand that some of the staples (Jungle, SCOM, PC, NR) are necessary. But isn't it a fair assumption that they've at least had enough time to make things pretty equal? 50% nu songs, and 50% of the classic stuff. Give or take a few. I mean if you really think about it; with the exception of when they occasionally play Shacklers, Bumble and DJ spend entire shows playing lead guitar for GNR songs they contributed nothing to.

And as for the point of how GNR treats their fans, I think it's safe to say that the poll results especially show that the "band" could be doing a lot more to treat their fans better. Obviously there's a lot more unsatisfied both among the casual fans, and the hardcores. So I'd say those who are praising how great they are treated by Axl and a co overall in the minority.

Edited by Bobbo
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Haha, really, you're gonna give Dizzy 66 percent based on piddling contributions? haha.

he played several different instruments and sang on illusions. he co-wrote chinese. how the fuck could you claim dizzy is "covering" anything from illusions or chinese?

Because he didn't contribute anything of significance to Illusions. The fact he got into the HoF was a joke too. He is a peripheral character in the Guns N' Roses world. Just because he threw down some piano in a couple songs ... I don't consider that his material. Sorry. He had not little but NOTHING to do with the success of Guns N' Roses.

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Fast forward to 2012 and (...) the songs are all back to basics

Wrong. I don't know which songs you've heard in 2012, but you're clearly wrong.

I'd love if GNR had became kinda like NIN and it looked like so around RIR and 2002 tour.

I'm glad Axl doesn't think that way. They sounded awesome but they looked like a freak show and that is not good, I'd say.

Now that 80's Rock is cool in a "cult" way Axl got his bandana and leather jackets back and instead of playing his experimental music

What experimental music are you talking about?

You've also had more users step forward to praise my posts than any other poster here. I'm sure plenty of people complain about me. I'm exposing the cupcakes left and right.

But there are PLENTY of people that appreciate it and many of them have spoken up.

Yes. You are right.

And whether you guys realize it or not, the very vocal minority that dislikes me is completely outnumbered by the casual users who are being turned off by the cupcakes.

They're posting less and less. They're checking out the site less and less. This site will slowly die off if something isn't done.

Yes, you are right again.

I am not the problem. Someone like me has been needed for a long time, because most fans do not have the time, energy or determination to fight all of these cupcakes, especially when 20 of them gang up on you.

This is exactly the problem. A few cupcakes, bitter ex fans with too loud voices over here were never banned I don't know why. There's no explanation. They're here clearly to insult fans of the current band, bash them ang gang up on them - not to mention how they take cheap shots at band members just because they're "some other guys" up there and not their "heroes".

They will not take the time to do what I do, they'll simply lose interest in the site.

I know for a fact that many intelligent and real fans and supporters don't come here because of the cupcakes and assholes (They're given free access to the main area even though some of them admitely hate the band nowadays. I'm not going to argue why, but they're clearly biased, they always start fights and act like pussies when people call them out). And I mean many, many great fans and awesome people. Band members never came back here. People are allowed to spread lies about them and when they defend themselves, they are censored. Why? If they were like Metallica they'd sue fans on these forums, lol... but they simply let it go. Some of these cupcakes should be banned for the constant lies and attacking fans/band members - they're not fans, they act like tough guys to make fun of everyone supporting the band and the same people (haters, cupcakes, whatever you call them) constantly gang on the real fans with smileys, laughs and "funny" pics. Man, some of them even register on band members message boards to attack them. I mean... how sad and pathetic is that? A few days ago we had a cupcake attacking a fan and calling her a groupie and whatnot, some moronic and retarded insults but he's still here doing the same thing. Why? Because she thought Axl was right. That's the worst thing that I've ever seen on a fan message board, people getting attacked because they like/support the lead singer of the band.

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Here's a comparison:

Dave Mustaine is to Metallica as Slash is to Guns n Roses.

I completely disagree. Dave Mustaine and Metallica were both way better off without each other, but Slash and GN'R are better off with each other.

Agree with this. Following the successes (or failures) of each band makes this statement true.

I enjoy reading msls posts as he sheds light and supports what he says with facts and corrects the cupcakes that are just here to spew shit at the current band.

Sure sometimes Msl comes across as a bit obnoxious, but I think when you compare his posts which are often based on facts, against the cupcake threads like who hates Axl and what is Axls shoe size, then I welcome Msls contributions any day of the week.

Disagree with this. MSL does not support his statements with facts. He has been asked repeatedly to provide citations and proof to back up his claims, and fails to do so over and over again. His way of "correcting the cupcakes" as you put it, is to resort to word definitions and name calling. It doesn't take a genius to figure him out. It's a shame some people can't see past his farce.

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Here's a comparison:

Dave Mustaine is to Metallica as Slash is to Guns n Roses.

The best lead guitarist either band have ever had and never should have let go of?

A Hetfield/Mustaine/Burton/Ulrich lineup, if it worked, would have easily beat Sabbath as the all-time benchmark metal band. No question IMO.

i dont know about passing sabbath but a hetfield/mustaine/burton/ulrich lineup would have been amazing. then again maybe it is better they went their seperate ways metallica did great made 4 killer and classic albums and megadeth went on to make classic albums as well win/win situation lol

I wouldn't mind seeing a one off where Lars wasn't involved, and you had Newsted, Mustaine, Hetfield, Hammett, and Menza.

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Haha, really, you're gonna give Dizzy 66 percent based on piddling contributions? haha.

he played several different instruments and sang on illusions. he co-wrote chinese. how the fuck could you claim dizzy is "covering" anything from illusions or chinese?

Because he didn't contribute anything of significance to Illusions. The fact he got into the HoF was a joke too. He is a peripheral character in the Guns N' Roses world. Just because he threw down some piano in a couple songs ... I don't consider that his material. Sorry. He had not little but NOTHING to do with the success of Guns N' Roses.

I really think they out Dizzy in so they would have a better chance at getting Axl to show

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Imo, the true keyboardist/pianist of GN'R, is, and always will be, Axl Rose.

Here's a comparison:

Dave Mustaine is to Metallica as Slash is to Guns n Roses.

The best lead guitarist either band have ever had and never should have let go of?

A Hetfield/Mustaine/Burton/Ulrich lineup, if it worked, would have easily beat Sabbath as the all-time benchmark metal band. No question IMO.

i dont know about passing sabbath but a hetfield/mustaine/burton/ulrich lineup would have been amazing. then again maybe it is better they went their seperate ways metallica did great made 4 killer and classic albums and megadeth went on to make classic albums as well win/win situation lol

I wouldn't mind seeing a one off where Lars wasn't involved, and you had Newsted, Mustaine, Hetfield, Hammett, and Menza.

Say what you want about Lars, but he's the main writer other than James, hes needed.

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Haha, really, you're gonna give Dizzy 66 percent based on piddling contributions? haha.

he played several different instruments and sang on illusions. he co-wrote chinese. how the fuck could you claim dizzy is "covering" anything from illusions or chinese?

Because he didn't contribute anything of significance to Illusions. The fact he got into the HoF was a joke too. He is a peripheral character in the Guns N' Roses world. Just because he threw down some piano in a couple songs ... I don't consider that his material. Sorry. He had not little but NOTHING to do with the success of Guns N' Roses.

The Rock Hall's induction process is ridiculous as it is, the rules over which band member gets a trophy is one of the worst aspects about it. It would be like winning the Super Bowl and told you couldn't meet the president because you were the kicker.

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