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Seerock Festival Graz/Austria


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I find it hilarious that people bitch about no new songs, but they're playing a ton of festivals right now.

And that's the only opportunity for them to play in front of an audience of +12000 people.

And the crowds are comprise primarily of casual fans. So one can argue that in order for them to have a successful show they should play the hits. Right?

Complaining about setlists on the internet is silly.

Cool pics and vids people, thanks for sharing. :)

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The problem isnt JUST the setlist; it's that Axl doesnt sound awesome like he did generally throughout '10. In '10 the set was the same but I was watching every show and really excited about things. He changed his appearance from the cornrows and weird shit and appeared to be coming full circle with everything including his voice. I was thinking at least pleasantries could be exchanged b/w him and the old band; or that maybe BH and Brain would be around; or that new material, or the material we never got to hear, would finally fucking be out. No way someone with a flair for drama like Axl would let all this momentum and potential opportunities be squandered. lol But no, just sending me back into '04 or '98! Except with a band that's not as interesting (but apparently generic and commercial thanks to DJ Ashba TM, woo hoo!), no excitement about something new except vague twitter bird shit, and Axl appearing to have lost it and having no fire or apparent interest in anything.

Are we talking about the same tour? 2012? The chemistry and the shows are better than ever, Axl and the members are having more fun than they ever had!

But I still don't see the need to complain in every single topic about the setlist.

Saw them yesterday and Axl sounded like shit - Mickey Mouse Axl. No comparison to 2006 when I saw them the last time. Very dissapointing as I thought Axls voice will be much better as Graz was right in the middle of the tour.

Now this IS the real problem: Axl vocals are much weaker now than in 2006 or 2010 tours.

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Why all the complaining about the setlist in every single show thread?

I think we all know by now that there'll be no new music this tour, so I don't get why you're all acting like parrots.

fans act like parrots because there should be new guns n roses music played on this tour. you have 2 start somewhere. why not this tour? if not this tour.....when?

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I find it hilarious that people bitch about no new songs, but they're playing a ton of festivals right now.

And that's the only opportunity for them to play in front of an audience of +12000 people.


Did you think USA = world?

My fault, sorry. I forgot about that. In that case it must be +8000.

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Date: 2012/06/05

Venue: Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy, Paris, France

Attendance: +16.000

Date: 2012/06/08

Venue: Warsteiner Hockeypark, Mönchengladbach, Germany

Attendance: 15.000

Date: 2012/05/29

Venue: MEN Arena, Manchester, UK

Attendance: +16.000

8000 sure

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Date: 2012/06/05

Venue: Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy, Paris, France

Attendance: +16.000

Date: 2012/06/08

Venue: Warsteiner Hockeypark, Mönchengladbach, Germany

Attendance: 15.000

Date: 2012/05/29

Venue: MEN Arena, Manchester, UK

Attendance: +16.000

8000 sure

Some people only follow shows to complain about the setlist. No need to explain bbc. They're infants.

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All the bitching and moaning about the set list is getting old.

You have a couple of options.

1. Don't go to the show, that's pretty simple

2. Don't look at the threads about concerts, That seems pretty simple too....

We most likely will NOT get something new and unreleased and any of these concerts, The band has been there and done that with CD songs being played from 2001 Rio.

CD songs where already dated by the time it was released and streamed like hell on GNR's myspace or whatever website. There will be no leaks until the album is just about to be released and even then there may not be any.

They will be a-lot more guarded with the new stuff and the same mistakes will not be made again.

When we get a firm release date then you might here a few new songs if they are touring, but who knows they may have no plans to release another album and just tour, doubtful but possible.

the problem is we have no clue when new stuff live or for purchase is even coming our way

I didn't say not read the forum just don't go to the show threads and bitch and moan about the set list.

If you miss it in the show thread it will still be there tomorrow or whatever so there is no need to camp out just to see if it happens, the forum will be all a buzz about it weeks later so what have we really missed besides hearing it first?

If something new or anything out of the ordinary happens there will be a few threads just just for that.

Nothing against you or anything just the people that whine when things don't happen as fast or the way they think they should. I am just happy there active and if we get new music that would be great.

when you want change with the setlist and you see axl played 15 slash songs. only 6 robin/bucket songs from the chinese democracy record. you call it out. make it known. especially since others say we should be happy with this setlist. i'm not happy. this setlist doesn't make me happy. it makes me feel sad. makes me feel sadder with the fact dj ashba and ron thal play the guns n roses concerts. not slash and duff. it's not cool 2 dj ashba and ron thal they have to play other people's music property that's not their own

about something new or anything out of the ordinary. you're asking me 2 wait for thread announcements. shouldn't the news come publicly from axl rose or team brazil first? either 2 the press or at guns n roses concerts? shouldn't guns n roses management step in and answer the call?

looks to me they played 21 guns n roses songs

Id like to discuss selling you some oceanfront property in Nevada that can triple your investment overnight......

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Axl either needs to postpone the tour until he gets his voice back, or hang it up.

Compared to 2002, he at least has vibrato, but without putting power into the songs he's not doing them justice at all.

so axl's voice is shot? my suspicions right. undisclosed medical prob with voice and throat

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